woodworker Member
  • Member since May 26th 2017
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Posts by woodworker

    I think we all can agree that Rossi has "testicoli" (or "cajones", for english speakers here) ;)

    I disagree. If he had cojones and the personal sense of honor and integrity that he so likes to brag about, he would admit that most of what he proposes is a scam and a con. IMO, he is just a clever conman who has to continue conning people because that is all he knows.

    I think it is clear that I hold no affection for Rossi. But, if Alan says Rossi had surgery and Alan is backing that up with independent confirmation, I trust Alan. And refusing to disclose personal medical information about an individual without that individual's permission is not a cop out or a sham or any such other rot -- an individual's health is a personal matter and publicly disclosing details thereof without a damned good reason is morally wrong. For example, if I knew a poster on this forum had surgery in connection with a sexually transmitted disease (this is obviously a hypothetical so no one get their panties in a wad), unless that knowledge was directly relevant to the subject being discussed, it would be morally abhorrent to disclose that information. Kudos to Alan for not disclosing it.

    And AA: I know when you read this you will immediately be tempted to write something snarky, e.g., to the effect that as I am a mere babbler what would I know of morals. So AA, to save the time of reading your attacks, let me respond now: See "Arkell v. Pressdram.

    I think we all can agree that Rossi has "testicoli" (or "cajones", for english speakers here) ;)

    I disagree. If he had cojones and the personal sense of honor and integrity that he so likes to brag about, he would admit that most of what he proposes is a scam and a con. IMO, he is just a clever conman who has to continue conning people because that is all he knows.


    How will you react when Rossi has passed and the Ecat and all of its variants has not been released as an Over unity device?

    That's a simple one -- AA will blame all of us babblers and Rossi haters because if we (pardon me while I dry my eyes) hadn't been so mean to Rossi he would surely, out of his great, noble and magnificent heart, given the world, as a gift, all of his works and knowledge. But, alas, that is not to be, and I admit that the prospect of Rossi passing and not gifting all his knowledge to humanity bothers me, and it bothers me even more that I may have contributed. I am so distraught over this that I shall immediately go to church and say three "Hail Diet Dr. Peppers," along with one "Crispy Onion Rings." I hope thereby to atone for my sins against the "Great One."

    I suspect that in RossiLexicon, industrialized means a heavy duty extension cord.

    Adrian, Paul Agabi wants to send you 50% of $15.5 Million Dollars from Nigeria!

    If you don't respond, you may live to regret walking away from $$$millions, just like Dewey.

    Hmmm, I think we should do a grammatical and word usage analysis -- after all, we know that Rossi is a man of many hidden talents, and he does need money to survive.

    If a team got serious I suspect we could have a working example of a QX in a month or two at the most.

    My guess is that if you don't mind the electrode burning out rather quickly, the QX is a fairly forgiving design.

    Well, if you believe that it is a "fairly forgiving design," you should easily be able to provide a copy so said design to the whole forum. Can't wait to see it.

    I suspect that Rossi has moved up/down/sideways from Home Depot to Lowes, or maybe he is getting his precision parts from OSH at a discount because of they closing up business. Maybe AA, Axil or Sam has some insider information re: that.

    The Director explained why it was necessary on a thread that aimed at discussing the possibility that the QS and SK reactors worked.

    You are not being censored and can comment about his thread here if you want to. To have that thread interrupted by the babble found on this thread would spoil it. You may enjoy babble but others don't.

    So he is not being censored but he is not allowed to post critical posts there -- but he is not being censored. So if AS and the other moderators deleted all of your posts and didn't allow you to post here, that would not be censorship because you can post elsewhere. Is that correct?

    And please note that I am not making any First Amendment arguments because the First Amendment doesn't apply to any of this.

    The fact is that there are individuals on this forum who find it fun and exciting to interrupt all conversations that are in the least, smallest way positive about Andrea Rossi's E-Cat technology. That's why I requested that such individuals stay out of the thread I created. Repeatedly, they would have simply interjected, "Why are you supporting such a criminal fraud? I can't believe there are such gullible people on this forum!" Apparently, they don't care one bit about allowing threads to remain on topic, common courtesy, or allowing others to express their opinions. I don't care if others on this forum have opinions different than mine. However, I have the same right to express my opinions as they do.

    IMHO, you are conflating the right to express your opinion with your perceived right to be immune from criticism. I completely support your, Sam, AA's, etc. right to express your respective opinions. But that doesn't mean I have to refrain from mocking those opinions based on the facts as I see them. After all, you choose to draw your own conclusions but that doesn't mean you have a monopoly on the conversation.

    Oh, go on then I'll be a Rossi supporter to keep the discussion going, I'm half-Italian so can understand where the guy is coming from. I really think he is sincere in what he is trying to achieve but doesn't have the scientific training or discipline to follow one line of thinking through to any logical conclusion, consequently flitting around like a butterfly from one idea to the next. Obviously landing in trouble with his first project in Italy, ending up on a fraud charge while trying to extract fuel from rubbish. Was that such a crime against a background of the Naples Comorra dumping dioxin waste all over the countryside poisoning buffalo milk to make the cheese for pizzas? Maybe he had to take a fall at the time, nobody knows. Then he moves to the US and screws up on some thermoelectric project, and now after years and years of working on cold fusion has come up with the e-cat QX. Well all I can say is good luck to the guy, hope it all works out, he's clearly sandwiched between the FBI on one side and the Italian mob on the other-not an enviable tightrope to walk if he makes a slip. Hence the lack of transparency in his demonstrations etc he never has been free in my opinion to just get on with the job at hand without being pressurized all the time. Or maybe I'm wrong, but I feel sorry for the guy he 'aint had it easy' as they say.

    Gee, the guy gets caught breaking the law, committing fraud, lying and cheating, and we should all feel sorry for the guy. Nope, don't think so. As for bringing in the Italian mob, I fail to understand how that justifies the rest of the BS that he has pulled. Please enlighten us, or at least me, how the actions of a murderous group of thugs explains Rossi's actions.

    That, IMHO, is a load of codswallop. I won't pretend to understand the science, so I cannot and will not comment on that. But when I look at and compare Rossi to Alan Smith, I see a conman, a liar and a cheat in Rossi who constantly brags about what he has accomplished but refuses to show any evidence thereof. I look at Alan's behavior and, although I don't know if he will be successful, I have no doubt that when (if) he is, he will not suffer from "inventor's disease." I hope that Alan, or someone else, is successful. I know it won't be Rossi. I suspect that in most of the instances of so called "inventor's disease," it is used as an excuse for why that particular person never produced the anticipated and promised wonderful new widget, what ever it might be.

    You claim that a certain percentage of inventors who are successful are swallowed up by larger concerns seeking profits. I don't see how you get profits if you don't develop and exploit the technology. I am 100% confident that once someone cracks the problem, they will be deluged with offers of money, assistance and publicity.

    I also question your repeated analyses of how Rossi's widgets work. IIRC, you have never been directly involved in their design, manufacture, etc., you have never had access to the widgets themselves and you have not been made privy to any secret or confidential information. So you have watched a bunch of videos and read Rossi's public statements and then invested that with how you want the widgets to work. Regardless, I believe you are wrong because Rossi's widgets are a con.

    That brings me to the little rebellion brewing about this thread, and how moderated: There are looser standards applied on this thread, than others as has been mentioned by Alan and I before. It is a special thread in that regard. Why?...well, we need this discussion to go on, and the only way it will, is if we allow greater leeway. Rossi is either a crook, a great inventor, or a blend of the two, so the stage is set for some spirited debate, so we let it happen.

    Of course, for a debate there has to be two opposing sides represented. At one time, we had quite a few Rossi fans here, and they put up a good, relatively clean fight with what they had to work with. Unfortunately, most of them were purged, and some just disappeared over time. No one else left, or willing, or able to defend the hard to defend Rossi, so we make do with who we have.

    Shane D:

    Perhaps a major reason that there are fewer Rossi acolytes on this thread now is what you expressed in your first paragraph -- "You are just not going to get them to talk much about it though, as understandably it is a hard viewpoint to justify with facts, . . (emphasis added)." Yes, it is more difficult to make a convincing argument when you have few, if any, actual, real life facts to argue and when almost all, if not all, of the facts are against you argument. If the only basis for an argument is the word of a self-admitted liar and cheat, it is not hard to understand the decline in the number of acolytes.

    And the SOLE basis for your conclusions is RossiSays.

    What evidence is there that the "power" is going up, other than, of course, RossiSays?

    Maybe the Court had no way of knowing (or maybe they did via the counter case which of course was not presented) but Rossi ripped off IH to the tune of $11.5 Million. In my world, that's a bit out of the piddly ass range. Certainly not Judge Judy range of claims.

    Considering the level of Medicare, Medicaid, etc. fraud (remember Governor Scott's company, while he headed it, paid a fine for health care billing fraud of over a billion dollars), boiler room securities fraud ripping off widows and orphans, the illegal drug trade in Florida, the real estate scams, etc. 11.5 million is piddly ass. No one was killed or injured, the defrauded party was an out of state corporation and nobody important in Florida, other than the parties, gave a damn about this case. No reasonable and sane prosecutor with too many cases and not enough resources is going to get involved here (unless someone involved in IH is politically connected in Florida).

    ". . . and they absolutely do not want to discourage law suits. Those are their bread and butter, after all.

    Just out curiosity though, while there was no trial testimony, there were sworn depositions. Lying in those doesn't count for anything? If so, why do them?"

    Firstly, judges do just about everything they can legally do to DISCOURAGE litigation. They get get paid by the suit (despite the claims of many) and just about every court has too many suits and not enough resources. That is why they try to push mediation, arbitration and settlements. As to the depositions, they are first and foremost used as a discovery tool and to lock down a witness'/party's testimony. If someone testifies one way in a depo, that testimony can be relied on or attacked at trial based on other evidence. Testimony at a depo may lead to the discovery of additional evidence. I am sure that you have heard the cliche to never ask a question at trial that you don't already know the answer -- you find out the answer during discovery, e.g., depos.

    Yes, lying in a depo could have repercussions -- but really, who is going to pursue a piddly ass case like this. Prosecutors, and courts, have real criminal cases to do with.

    I cannot speak to the claims against Bass made to licensing agents as I am completely unfamiliar with licensure for engineers in Florida. However, complaints made about the lawyers to the trial judge, at least as described above, will go nowhere. Firstly, no evidence was ever admitted and presented to the jury -- the parties settled before that. The lawyers' opening statements are not evidence. Secondly, judges receive these types of complaints all the time and, unless the complaint contains incredible allegations of corruptions, supported by real evidence, the complaint gets ignored. Here, the complaint apparently alleges that the lawyers' opening statements might have been misleading -- as noted above, opening statements are not evidence -- so the complaint gets round filed. A possible exception might be if there were credible allegations that a party's lawyers conspired to make witnesses unavailable, destroyed or hid evidence, etc. -- but IH's lawyers never made any such claims to the trial judge. And the parties settled -- judges hate wasting time on cases that the parties have already settled -- the court is not going to take any action, other than possibly sending a form letter saying "tell the state bar," which is really the correct agency for lawyer complaints. And I suspect the bar here would also blow them off.

    The courts generally don't have the time, the money or the desire to get involved in small potatoes disputes like this unless forced to.

    Oh, I almost forgot. How do we know that the Rossi lawyers knew that the claims were fraudulent on their face? I am sure that Rossi had a good story to explain everything away and painting IH and its representatives as evil, manipulative IP thieves, i.e., one plausible if you were only looking at the evidence in the light most favorable to your client (and his checks all cleared and he was current on his bills). Apparently, Rossi is a very charming guy, as well as, IMO, a conniving con man, and although I am confident that IH would have won had the case gone to a jury, I can easily see a jury giving IH the win on the primary case and Rossi the win on the cross-complaint (which I have said from the very beginning), which is essentially the result from the settlement.

    I do believe however that the case has significantly damaged Rossi's ability, to the extent that it otherwise existed, to obtain legitimate investors/major partners. I base this on, among other things, that there is no INDEPENDENT evidence that anyone wants to invest/partner with him (sorry (not really) AA, but RossiSays is not evidence -- take what RossiSays to any Starbucks and I am pretty confident that they will still ask for real money). RossiSays that he has a REAL client, but won't name it, RossiSays that the factory is being built, but won't say where it is or give any details about it, RossiSays his widget has gotten all necessary certifications (excepting those RossiSays the imaginary client is going to get), but Rossi won't show those certifications to anyone (question for the engineering community here -- are such certifications generally made publicly available nowadays online), RossiSays that he has real live people working with and for him, but nobody has publicly admitted to working with or for Rossi and, to the best of my knowledge, no one here has claimed to have actually met with any such persons and confirmed such a status, and OH, l almost forgot, no one has actually seen the insides of the widget, no one actually knows what is inside the widget (and AA, saying that RossiKnows doesn't count as evidence), no one actually knows how the widget is supposed to work (even his acolytes here disagree and post competing theories), no one independent has actually tested the widget (and given that the current widget is supposedly completely different than his widgets from the pre-Doral days, claiming that maybe possibly a really early widget might have worked doesn't cut it), Rossi won't even describe the non-super double secret components of the widget, THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THAT ROSSI HAS ANYTHING AT ALL.

    Now I know that someone will say, then why does Rossi have investors/partners/customers/employees/factory if the widget doesn't work? How do we know that Rossi has any of those things -- because RossiSays / RossiKnows.

    And yes AA, I know you will deride and disclaim all of this as just more uninformed and silly babbling from a babbler and you will insist that none of we babblers will acclaim and applaud Rossi (and you) when Rossi proves in January that we babblers are wrong. I look forward to January so that we can hear Rossi's (and yours) latest excuse for why the widget is not yet ready for prime time. I suspect his excuse will be one, or a combination, of (a) the consumer backed out or was unable to obtain the necessary certifications (obviously because of the machinations of the RossiHaters, the bureaucracy, the fossil fuel industry, the renewable energy industry, the nuclear industry, the financial industry, the lawyers, the insurance companies, the regulators and possibly the flat earthers (all of the above and the rest of the world being, the "Usual Suspects"), (b) the widget was sabotaged by one of the Usual Suspects and (c) the customer insisted on the delay because the customer now wants the new, improved and vastly superior "New Widget" which Rossi developed while feverishly working to bring the current widget to perfection.