PhysicsForDummies Verified User
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  • from San Diego CA USA
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Posts by PhysicsForDummies

    To be clear : Are you predicting that there will be no working product that will be shown and tested at a Swedish customer premises on November 25 2021?

    Depends on the definition of "working". If working means a device which outputs 10x the photonic energy output of current high end LEDs at the same input energy, then hell no. If working means some cobled together Home Depot based farce like the last demo with switches in the box to trick out tests, or perhaps a new main wiring which supplies power through the ground, perhaps.

    I'll go even one further. There will be no demo at a "customer" site, if customer is defined as a real company, not a shell of Rossi, with say more than 50 employees and more than 500k yearly revenues.

    But what does this have to do with overunity energy generation? What you are talking about seems to be related to carrier frequencies like those used in AM, amplitude modulation. Nothing magical here, this doesn't increase energy in pulses.

    Pyramid schemes are so fascinating in their early formation.

    Why is it premature? It's quite normal that the counting starts from few pieces.

    Clearly the scammer has fear to be be unmasked and his bluff uncovered.

    Rossi is counting on people's inability to comprehend large numbers. If he posts numbers (probably fake anyways) that show orders, people might catch on that his goal is unreachable.

    For example, if his minion orders reach one thousand units, then they might realize they need to do this again a thousand more times.

    The large number conundrum is particularly daunting to those who do not understand "orders of magnitude".

    Truth, on April 4 someone asked already asked Rossi if he would put up a live online counter to show preorder numbers, and Rossi replied "maybe". Today someone asked Rossi if he expected to reach 1 million orders before the Demo, and he replied "no". So I suppose Rossi is expecting the demo to be the catalyzing event for the large orders.

    Rossi already has the million orders. He is just stalling for time so he can track down that hot Orbo model for a second gig.

    Minimum successful order of at least 1 million.

    There might be the rub. Even if he gets a million pre-orders, most people will renege on actually paying.

    The he can say there were not 1 million successful orders.

    Plus imagine the logistics of handling a million orders by himself, without apparent employees.

    This makes 10000 hand soldered connections in 10cm^3 seem like child's play.

    After the Navy patent plaigerism news, Ive been doing some soul searching. The Navy replicated Rossi's work, so I now believe Rossi really does have something. There must be a good reason the SKLed can't be surrounded by a section of photovoltaics to power itself. I was foolish to disbelieve Rossi. I just emailed him to get on the purchase list, today. April 1, 2021.

    :D :D :D

    The bullshits of the magician are day by day even more ridiculus.

    These latest statements by Rossi about UV and solar panels are demonstratively false, If his "skled" truly emits 10x the lumens of standard LED bulbs, there is unquestionably enough power that could be gathered by solar cells surrounding a portion of it to power it closed loop. Any idiot could hook that up, even me. There is no possible explanation why he would not do that except it doesn't work (or it doesn''t even exist really, see my ecat is a pass-through theory).

    My question is, among his acolytes, there are many, despite their various stages of denial, that surely know enough to see that this argument is a fraud. Why are they not challenging Rossi with the well understood facts? People like Bob Greenyer, Mats Lewan, Gerard McEk, even Axil for God sakes. Go on JONP, post a link or two like I gave, and say straight out to Rossi you are lying. Of course you will get banned but the truth will set you (and everyone) free. The most disappointing of these is Mats. He really should be ashamed of himself for letting this whole situation fester.