Nar Member
  • Member since Mar 18th 2021
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Posts by Nar

    Frank Acland will probably be traveling again to Miami to visit AR in his condo to assist him?☺️ I think he had high hopes to meet all the big business guys in Sweden, together with the Nobel price award winners in Chemistry, Physics, etc.

    "Unrealistic hopes" possibly. ;)

    There is no pre-payment and nothing (legally) stopping anyone from backing out after why doesn't somebody just place an order for 1 million?

    Does anyone really believe that Leonardo Corp is able to handle the logistics to manage taking payments and making worldwide deliveries for 1 million of these by the end of next year?

    I doubt that Rossi has even bothered noting any orders, apart from possibly harvesting the email addresses.

    Still the presentation might be entertaining. I wonder which of the usual suspects will be rolled out and whether there will be any new gullibles or opportunists on show.

    Just to add: Last week UK: 3800 double vaxx deaths and 700 unvaxx deaths.

    Most of those deaths were of people >70, so that's hardly surprising nor something to be concerned about given the way the numbers are counted/defined.

    Tell that to parents in the UK! Our (unvaccinated) kids have a COVID infcetion rate of 10% - and going up! Eventually it will have got through them all.

    He didn't say *what* they test negative to (nor what "extensive exposure" is). So far my child hasn't tested positive; we know plenty that have and have been quite sick.

    Had my 3rd booster jab today - the first 2 were AZ 6 months ago, the 3rd was Pfizer. Guy who jabbed me was a very nice and affable retired GP, warned me of the very slight risk of myocarditis and told me to watch out for chest pains etc, though said that I was too old to be in the highest risk category for that problem

    3 hours ago, and I'm still alive.

    Great! Are you now magnetic too?

    >The UK regulators are doing a best effort personal risk comparison, and they go down to age 12 quite happily, but say the (health) personal benefits are not clear at age 12.

    >One more thing: the UK decision here was based on medicine and did not consider indirect benefits: less time isolating off school, less chance of infecting carers who might be worse affected, and this in turn could affect the life chances of the child, those ar valid extra considerations.

    IIRC the UK government assessment said that the medical benefits (personal risk/benefit assessment) for 12-16 year olds was marginal (agree that this assessment may change as more data comes in). The decision to facilitate/offer vaccination of this group was therefore primarily justified by those other indirect considerations. I don't see the Government/media pushing hard for vaccination of this group at the moment. I think this may end up being driven more by travel (holiday) rules - though various country travel rules vary and would be good to have global agreement on them.

    Such homogeneity of an outlying opinion in one family grouping is maybe of interest, perhaps we should look at some sociological studies of why anti-vax sentiment tends to run in families.

    I blame social media :)

    I blame the parents :)

    The Customer is aware of the fact that the ECAT technology has been patented.

    It is quite interesting, that Rossi states that the E-Cat SKLED is based on his patent on a so called "Fluid Heater" (US9115913B1), filed back in 2012....

    Zorud, he hasn't said (of course!) which patent and it's possible that he has recently filed a patent application that is not yet public - though I can't see anything yet. In any case, this warning is of little concern to users and the SKLed will also undoubtedly infringe other people's patents....although if he is just rebadging existing end-products they might already have appropriate licenses.

    More importantly, if they got the first two shots, but refuse the 3rd, does that make them anti-vaxxers according to THH? Or suppose they get the 3rd jab, but still want Ivermectin, does that make them Republicans?

    I'll predict that in the UK virtually nobody who had the first 2 shots will refuse the third. Also virtually nobody will request Ivermectin....and there is a good chance that they *would* be Republicans living here. ;)

    Industrial Heat crawled over the 1MW for almost a day (23 1/2 hrs) , and signed off for $10M dollars on the basis of a test they controlled. They made no substantial objection to the results in the depositions to the court case.

    Well, apart from the allegation of wholesale fraud by Rossi and all of his associates.

    For the manufacturing to be outsourced, Rossi will have had to given the manufacturer sufficient information to mass produce the revolutionary product....does that sound like Rossi (or remotely likely if the product isn't something like a regular battery + LED)?

    Long-term - think of it like Flu. You don't need to get vaccinated each year, but if you don't you are much more likely to die of it. Even if you have had Flu before, immunity wanes. Like COVID, the risk goes up with age but is never zero which is why the US vaccinates children. The UK, always more stingy with medical treatment, does not do this on the NHS till you are 50.

    The UK has been giving flu vaccinations to primary school children for several years, starting from the youngest and expanding the program up in age over the years (like it has expanded the program down to over 50s). My spawn has had 4 IIRC, but is now about to start Secondary where currently they don't....have to see if they expand again to cover. Never had an adverse reaction but that's just anecdotal.

    Thanks Mark U,

    These royalty payments appear to be the same kind of payments that (UK) Universities dish out to inventors (to share the proceeds of their innovation). The beef appears to the lack of declaring these to patients in trials rather than anything else. I suppose its obvious that, say, a trial of a Pfizer mafia drug is a financial interest for Pfizer but not necessarily so for an NIH trial. Personally I doubt that having such information would make any difference on my willingness or not to take part but I agree that transparency is a good thing.

    You get free banc card that allows you to draw money from a telling machine. I have witness for this....

    Pretty much all the banks in the UK will give you an ATM cards for free that you can use to draw money. Definitely a tell for a C/R/A/P state. ;)


    >I agree there might be some standard incentive to patent things clause in a contract.

    Typically the incentive scheme is not in the contract (the waiving of any rights to compensation granted by employment law in Countries such as in Germany, might be). However it should be open and accessible to all within said Company/Organisation. I.e. documented in a Company policy, intranet page, etc.

    Typically incentive payments would be made upon one or more of

    a) invention disclosure (writing up and submitting)

    b) Company agreement to file a patent (or some other action)

    c) first patent filing

    d) first patent grant

    e) "in use" annually (such as required by German Inventor law, not applicable to Fauci as far as I'm aware).

    Typically a few hundred to a few thousand per trigger.