Rossi and IH Conflict Over Production? (Hhiram)

    • Official Post

    [feedquote='E-Cat World','']The following post was submitted by Hhiram. An interesting exchange on JONP was posted yesterday between user Gene and Rossi: Gene April 24, 2016 at 1:10 AM Dr Andrea Rossi, In past you already had written in this blog that you were working to make a massive production factory. It was more than three years […][/feedquote]

  • This seems to be in line with my thoughts on another thread:

    Best regards

    • Official Post


    I think at this point we have as many possible scenarios as we have posters! Your's, along with Sifferkoll and
    Lewan's in Rossi's corner, is as good as any. Thx. And in the opposing corner, we have this Dewey Weaver, supposedly non-de-guerre...NCKHawk, and others on IH's side with their pet theories, that are also, at this point, as plausible.

    Throw in the lie factor, honest disagreements over terms of the contract, legal posturing, public posturing for an advantage, and probably a bunch of other things, and the real story could be a little of everything, or none of the above. Crazy I know, but interesting to the max.

    After the InfiniteEnergy article came out I thought the believers would cave, accept the hopelessness of defending Rossi further, and get on with championing the other LENR+ players in IHs portfolio. I know I did. But I have been pleasantly impressed, that instead the Rossi supporters have made some valid arguments in Rossi's defense. Picked him up off the canvas, breathed a little life back into him, and threw him back in the ring for another round.

    While holding his own in this court of public opinion -with the help of his JONP and blog fan base, probably won't help much in front of a jury (although it could), it may improve Rossi's chances of an out of court settlement, and up the amount Darden will be willing to settle...if he (Rossi) is angling for that as many, including myself, think.

    Getting beyond the almost endless theories, right now, without knowing hardly any of the relevant facts, i.e. the ERV report, IH's observer report, IH's legal reply, customer testimony, bills, etc., I think we have chosen sides based on the trust factor...or, who do we trust more? Some, like myself, don't trust Rossi in the least, as he already has a rich history of lying, while some distrust Darden because he is viewed as an industrialist, or Venture Capitalist more concerned with enriching himself than saving the planet.

    I hope it turns out that Rossi , and his defenders are right. The 1MW's COP was 50, the customer trustworthy, Penon qualified, there were widgets produced. Then we can get on to saving the planet...9 long years after Rossi first began shopping his Ecat by the way. Knowing Rossi though the way I have come to know him after following him 5 years now...well, we shall see soon if my instincts are good.

  • How about the possibility that both parties are hoping that their respective patents issue soon, giving them the upper hand.
    IH got their units working, but only after installing some of their own NEW proprietary technology (for which they have applied for a patent).
    Rossi withheld some of his technology because his NEW patent has not issued yet. Rossi's initial patent might not be valid (expert cannot reproduce from the info in the patent) so he feels he needs the NEW follow on patent.
    Actually Rossi feels he needs 202 new patents...or so he once stated.


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