The Playground

  • It has been pointed out to me on ECW that the 55W rating of the bulb is LIGHT power (tungsten equivalent?), not ELECTRICAL power, so the COP is unknown.

    Just a thought, nos specifically directed at current events, more of a general observation. If someone claims that has a device that produces light with a COP of let’s say 10, I immediately think that the device can be tested putting it in front of a relatively good quality solar panel (efficiency of conversion around 20%) and make it self sustaining.

    If the claimant doesn’t make this kind of obvious test, then the claim seems weak, at best.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • It has been pointed out to me on ECW that the 55W rating of the bulb is LIGHT power (tungsten equivalent?), not ELECTRICAL power, so the COP is unknown.

    Of course the halogen H4 car illumination bulbs are specified by electrical power… 60/55 Watt means ca. 5 amperes at 12V. The „light power“ is ca. 1000 lumen for such H4 bulbs… Google or the specs from manufacturer like Bosch and others help… the shown H4 bulb seems incredibly dark for a car H4 lamp compared to standard use btw…

  • Please let me understand. The usual Dog & Pony show (Power supply from grid & automotive lamps) which the doctore has as accustomed us to for at least 12 years?

    Plan B? (I guess will be C, D ...)


    KUBI SERTOGLU OCTOBER 27TH 2021 - 6:31PM 0 0

    Dahlgren at the forefront

    The NSWCDD is well-suited to leading the US’ hypersonic technology advancement efforts as it already has an extensive history of supporting similar projects. After WWII, Dahlgren oversaw a feasibility study concerning hypervelocity guns to defend against supersonic aircraft and missiles, which were futuristic at the time. Over the decades since then, the NSWCDD has also developed software to launch the Navy’s submarine-based high-speed ballistic missiles, as well as engineered a ramjet capable of flying at Mach 4.

    “NSWCDD has over six decades of expertise in developing, testing, and evaluating advanced materials for systems that operate in extreme thermal and ablative environments, as is the case with hypersonic and reentry vehicles—it is in our DNA,” added

    Dr. Pearl Rayms-Keller, chief scientist of the NSWCDD strategic and computing systems department.

    Recently, the division received over $4M in internal investments to fund 22 Naval Innovative Science Engineering (NISE) hypersonic projects, which include the development of new hypersonic materials and advanced hypersonics simulations. Partnering with the University of Miami’s 3D Printing Center, the division’s research teams will now have additive manufacturing systems at their disposal, meaning they’ll be able to leverage improved cycle times, design flexibility, and tool-free production to expedite their hypersonic development efforts.

  • Cobo Halogen bulb H4 55W

    NEW Code: 1029800

    PS is known (purchased by Frank in US and taken to Italy)

    1) Buy the bulb

    2) Buy the PS

    3) Test bulb at 0.006 W (See Alan F.'s measurement)

    4) Test bulb at 10 W

    5) Compare to live stream

    6) Wait long enough to confirm that any internal/hidden battery can be ruled out

    Alan F, I'm looking at you :|

  • AR's Livestream

    The usual stuff :(

    Is it soooo hard to put a wattmeter to the wall plug?
    Ca. 30 EUR at Amazon.

    And a cheap multimeter for voltage and for amps a clamp device on the wiring of the Ecat.
    Ca. 50 EUR at Amazon.

    An 80 EUR investement to make it somehow not so fakery...

    I don't get it...

    With the current setup, IMHO there could be another lightsource in the room, focused on the Ecat/headbulb reflector set,

    giving the impression, that the bulb is emitting light.

    Edit: I know, Frank showed the setup. At that time the bulb may have been powered by a hidden battery inside the "Ecat".
    Frank can not know that, he does not know what's inside the taped "thing" at the back of the bulb.
    After Frank left the room, AR could do whatever he wants to do with the setup.

    And I know from the past "evidence videos", that AR is a trickster.
    E.g. see the S. Krivitt video, some years ago.

    Edited 5 times, last by bang99 ().

  • Shades of Mills/hydrino.

    And the same criticism.

    If NAS formation is highly exothermic then we end up with lots of NASes floating around. Why do we not see them?


  • In fact THHuxleynew is really a bashing company, with several people who " are working" one after one under this pseudo.

    If we consider the hourly amplitude of their interventions, we can clearly see that they are commissioned to kill Lenr that they are paid for that.

    This is not just a little joke that is behind that because these people interventions become systematic on all topics with time.

    However if they have so much latitude this is because they take advantage of the LenrForum staff who see nothing in their treacherous and intentionally treacherous game.

    Probably @Ascoli is another way of disturbance from this company.

    Recently really recently a same kind of company was removed from Facebook because, this time drived by Moscou, considering the current war. HOwever i don't say that THHuxleynew is a russian company, i don't know but mandated by

    lobbies who have an interest in killing Lenr.

    I hope that other wise members will help me wake up the staff.

  • In fact THHuxleynew is really a bashing company, with several people who " are working" one after one under this pseudo.

    Differential linguistic analysis did show that at least 3 different person contribute to THH posts... This is enough to delete the account.

  • if they have so much latitude this is because they take advantage of the LenrForum staff who see nothing in their treacherous and intentionally treacherous game.

    We are each given the ability to individually block posts by particular accounts from being displayed. I blocked the THH account as soon as I joined, here, because it simply appeared to be operated by a troll-team, and contributed nothing to debates. Unfortunately, other people keep trying to engage - and are just feeding the trolls.

    We are always going to be subject to the Paradox of Tolerance but, relying on a heavy handed "benevolent dictator" to kick-out the trolls also has its problems.

    if Wyttenbach is correct, and analysis of the account has shown multiple contributors, then I guess that might contravene some forum rule (does it?). However, shutting down one account is likely to make the trolls reappear on multiple other accounts - like the Learnaean Hydra. It is easier for the rest of us to just block a single account.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • I agree that is a chronic disease of the web on all sites. However regular cleaning seems necessary in order to show that the community is not gullible. Now there is the Curbina case, which remains a good customer to be easily influenced by this pollution.

    Btw, concerning me, I will adopt a coherent behavior, if I become "LF REAL skeptical" and well I would look elsewhere, quite simply.

    We are each given the ability to individually block posts by particular accounts from being displayed. I blocked the THH account as soon as I joined, here, because it simply appeared to be operated by a troll-team, and contributed nothing to debates. Unfortunately, other people keep trying to engage - and are just feeding the trolls.

    We are always going to be subject to the Paradox of Tolerance but, relying on a heavy handed "benevolent dictator" to kick-out the trolls also has its problems.

    if Wyttenbach is correct, and analysis of the account has shown multiple contributors, then I guess that might contravene some forum rule (does it?). However, shutting down one account is likely to make the trolls reappear on multiple other accounts - like the Learnaean Hydra. It is easier for the rest of us to just block a single account.

  • Regarding the discussion about certain members and their intentions, I remind our community they are free to block anyone they dislike. The staff doesn’t encourage it, but is your right.

    The forum staff asks our members to maintain a polite communication, one can deeply disagree without needing to resort to insults, mockery or derision. Let the weight of the arguments decide which vision prevails.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • It has been pointed out to me on ECW that the 55W rating of the bulb is LIGHT power (tungsten equivalent?), not ELECTRICAL power, so the COP is unknown.

    12V 55W is a standard high beam incandescent headlamp rating in North America and probably half the world. It is electric consumption.

  • LOL

    Mods - do something to this person!

  • Cydonia, you have me here:

    ThHuxley Ltd - registered in Moldovia but controlled by Putin via FSB handler. We have a staff of 3 working round the clock to subvert this forum and ensure that Russian military have stranglehold on all LENR applications.

    Notice for example how we (now - which one of the three of us was it - I can't remember) trashed Parkomov - clearly a breakthrough LENR researcher far ahead of everyone else. And Rossi - he is actually a secret agent of the Kremlin engaged is a disinformation campaign to make no-one believe his stuff works. In the West the reputation of both is rubbish. That is part of Putin's plan - in Russia they are secretly funded and working for us. (Why do you think Rossi has all those condos).

    I am saying this because I know no-one will believe it. But you, secretly, will know it to be true even though you cannot prove it! It will perhaps gnaw away at your sanity. Personally, I regret this. I wish everyone well, except of course for enemies of the motherland, Western capitalist traitors, etc, etc. Now I come to think about it - it is quite a long list. But for the good of the Motherland any treachery online is fair game to ensure that the future of LENR is concentrated in the hands of Russia where it can benefit our brave military forces fighting against the evil Nazi Ukrainians and restoring a greater Russia as is our historical right.

    THH - self-confessed FSB-handled Russian deep cover multiperson (sic) agent.

  • I think perhaps my last post is a bit over the top. Or should that be - the last post AND #492 which I see has not been trashed as should be.

    I respectfully request that mods treat my post #500 the same way as # 492. I'd suggest permanent deletion for both.


  • Now the list of trolls is self completing. Just one more is missing! ^^ :D :saint: :saint:

    Trolls always write in correct and polite English. This is enough to get job in a Swiss bank but in science you cannot hide behind made up polite garbage.

  • Regarding the discussion about certain members and their intentions, I remind our community they are free to block anyone they dislike. The staff doesn’t encourage it, but is your right.

    The forum staff asks our members to maintain a polite communication, one can deeply disagree without needing to resort to insults, mockery or derision. Let the weight of the arguments decide which vision prevails.

    Yes indeed, and let us by all means allow mockery, derision, etc, as long it is directed against "troll teams" such as THH.

    I find myself (it is unusual) really quite angry about this (you can tell that when I write posts full of black humour like #500) because my posts are pretty consistently contributing to the discussion - certainly more so than most. It is just that my views are unpopular. I think what makes me cross is I think maybe frogfall and cydonia actually mean what they say - and it is so far from reality that I see no bridging the gap. I am not one who likes bad-tempered argument and would much rather leave. You will I am sure be glad to leave the foamgate stuff which has clearly made some people uncomfortable. After all ascoli alone can easily be ignored! ascoli + me and others less easily so.

    Anyway I'm happy to leave this forum if the mods would like that. I don't mind being alone and fighting my corner. I do not want to be the cause of this forum degenerating - and I personally will not stay on a forum where I am generally thought of as a troll. I am not so impolite.

    Rather than the continual tolerated - even encouraged - abuse (from frogfall, cydonia, jed) - it would however be more honest just to ban me as ecat-world did a long time ago?


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