In any case, people have now been in the facility, as Weaver said, and they found nothing. This is all an empty fantasy. There was never any equipment. It was all a lie. Anyone reading what Rossi said can easily see it was a lie.
In general facilities engineers, can specialise in electrical or mechanical or sometimes both. Your HVAC engineer will very likely have experience in both disciplines perhaps having served a apprenticeship and extensive experience in various engineering roles. So yes, I would expect him/her to have a very broad understanding of both mechanical engineering and electrical equipment.
Therefore I see your reasoning as myopic and therefore very likely biased at best and wrong at worst.
But this I will give you, if the facility was empty at the time of the test then there are serious questions. But that appears to be information coming from IH side, and IH and Rossi are in a legal war. Not only that there is a PR war going on, perhaps in this forum, and in any war the first casualty is the truth.
So I just don't believe you., I am not calling you a liar, I don't think you are, but I am not confident you have a handle on the truth. I feel the same way about Rossi by the way.
Best regards