QuoteFor MY: Your technique is to always discredit the longshot. Works time after time and when it doesn't, well, you were only wrong once. Not a very risky strategy.
I have called Steorn, Sniffex, Carl Tilley, Dennis Lee, Jeff Otto, Bedini, Howard Johnson, Defkalion and Andrea Rossi. When was I wrong JUST ONCE? Oh, and by the way, when were you RIGHT just once about some cold fusion, LENR or Mills type scheme that has actually come to fruition and has been tested by main line companies and labs or is on the market? Name JUST ONE?
Anyway, I never simply call someone or something a fraud. I always give the reasons and when it comes to Rossi, I've been giving them since mid 2011. I have fewer reasons for BLP because they don't interest me that much. Mills is only fooling wealthy investors who made a wrong choice a long time ago and won't correct it. Rossi, on the other hand, screwed up legitimate research in cold fusion and LENR and bamboozled dozens or even hundreds of well meaning people who may have acted on it, either by planning incorrectly for their future energy needs or by investing in Woodford and IH.
Everything else you say, Gomp, is equally wrong. Is Mills unintelligent? No, I never said that. (Straw man argument on your part) Did he run with the money? No. I never said that either. Con men often don't. For an astounding example of the lowest common denominator scumbag and scam artist, consider Sean McCarthy and Steorns. They have caused a few wealthy farmers to part with going on $25 million Euros and still counting and their attempts to demonstrate what they had were amazing by their comedy and nothing else. Yet they fooled people for now more than 10 years! Sean has yet to run with the money. Steorn is closing and it is doubtful that this scam has risen to the level that Irish regulators will investigate it. They have better and bigger scams to chase. How long did Madoff fool people? How much did he collect? Oh, you forgot about him, did you? Believers tend to do that.
Con men continue to expose themselves precisely because, with modern methods of tracking people and cash, there is no escape. You can hope that the authorities will have more pressing things to do when your time comes or that your scam was cagey enough (I think Mills' may be) that nobody can actually pin anything on you.