Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • Number 2

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  • According to Rossi it's not cold fusion or LENR, it's energy from the vacuum. As I understand Rossi, when an electron gets very close, it gives up energy to the proximate nucleus and the vacuum reimburses it with energy.

    E=CAT USES SPECIAL NUCLEAR REACTION based on the compression of bond, but it is not clear how to trigger cold fusion based on their mechanism.My mechanism it is difficult to trigger without mechanical stresss to compress bond.

  • Huh? You speak as if Mats writes about the Ecat without reservation. Whether the Ecat pans out or not, it's a story that deserves to be told and I'm glad Mats had the balls to pursue it.

    Mechanism of E-CAT is bond compression of hydride bond

    but it has no trigger mechanism.

  • According to Rossi it's not cold fusion or LENR, it's energy from the vacuum. As I understand Rossi, when an electron gets very close, it gives up energy to the proximate nucleus and the vacuum reimburses it with energy.

    NO Rossi E-CAT is nuclear reaction.

    BUT NO MECHANISM of compression of bond.

    Like below schematics, the hydride bond can be compressed by the mechanical stress.

    The belwo is the direct evidence of compression of Bond(V-H-V)

  • interested observer

    March 2021

    Update on Cosmological Model for the Anomalous Heat Effect (AHE) #Graham K. Hubler The Medical School, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO USA E-mail: [email protected] 6635 Prestwick Drive, Highland, MD 20777 At ICCF19 in Padua, I gave a talk entitled “On a Possible Cosmological Explanation for the Anomalous Heat Effect” that proposed the AHE was the solid-state conversion of Axion dark matter particles into photons. I submitted a patent in 2017 on this topic that was rejected by the USPTO in part because there was no proof that Axions composed dark matter. In the intervening years Axions have garnered the most interest as a dark matter candidate after sensitive searches for WIMPS failed to detect them and searches for particles predicted by Super Symmetry (SUSY) have not been detected by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in CERN and so SUSY is not an explanation of physics beyond the standard model (SM). In fact, the Axion is the only particle prediction motivated by the SM that has not been detected, and so is theoretically well motivated. Most Axion researchers point to cosmological models that predict the Axion mass is <30x10-6 eV, and therefore most searches for the axion are for this mass range. A prediction of this model is that the Axion mass is between 0.01 eV and 1 eV. Recent theories suggest more massive Axions stating that; a) dark matter with a mass of 0.5 eV undergoes Bose-Einstein condensation (Axion is spin 0 Boson scaler particle) and explains the behavior of all galaxies, b) Axion oscillations in the early universe can explain the missing anti-matter paradox if the mass is ~0.06 eV. Given renewed and major interest Axions as a dark matter candidate it is reasonable to revisit the dark matter model as an explanation for AHE and update several points that were problematic in the first iteration. The model can be summarized as follows: a phonon resonance (~1013 Hz) in PdDx causes a metal-to-insulator electronic phase transition each half cycle; in the insulating half cycle, a Pd 5s electrons is localized and unpaired on each Pd atom, causing a magnetic field inside the outer electron shell of up to 16,000 Tesla (Ni 4s electron, 6100 Tesla) causing a very large PdDx (NiHx) bulk effective medium magnetic field. Axions passing through the PdDx are converted to photons via the Inverse Primakoff Effect with momentum conservation provided by photons from the E&M emission of the phonons in resonance that match the mass frequency of the Axions. The converted photons are absorbed in the PdDx and the electrolyte causing heat and self-sustainment of the resonance and therefore the entire process. The conversion probability is enhanced due to; 1) its dependence on the magnetic field squared, 2) the coupling constant of conversion is proportional to the Axion mass so is large for larger masses, 3) the dark matter density in the solar system is greater than the galaxy halo density due to the capture of dark matter and, 4) a resonant enhancement due to the E&M photons in the crystal resonating with the same frequency as the mass frequency of the Axions. Why there is no huge and dangerous external macroscopic magnetic field was ignored in the original patent. Here is an explanation. It is experimentally verified that the Primakoff effect that converts photons to Pions occurs in 10-22 seconds. Due to scaler particle symmetry, we expect that the inverse Primakoff effect, converting particle mass to a photon, would also be very fast. Also, electron relaxation times are fast, on the order of 10-15 seconds. Therefore, the electronic phase transition that produces the large magnetic field is present for a short time each cycle so that the average macroscopic field is small. It was also stated in the original patent that the D/Pd ratio needed to be large, on the-order-of 0.9. Recent advances in the understanding of AHE now dictates that this ratio can be as low as 0.4. Ed Storms has been telling us this for years. The AHE is difficult to induce experimentally as it requires an active phonon resonance of the exact narrow frequency of the mass of the Axion when converted to a photon. The phonon resonant frequency in PdDx is a complicated function of the D concentration (cannot get right frequency with H), defect concentration, interstitial site occupancy (fraction of octahedral vs tetrahedral), temperature, polycrystalline texture, surface micro-topology and probably more factors.

  • Quote

    July 20, 2021 at 2:19 AM


    Clearly Dr Rossi has an NDA with the customers that forbids him to give information about them.



    :D :D :D This believer "Ron" rises on podium of gullibility.

  • Isn’t that amazing, that after so many years (10?) of satisfied Ecat customers who all have NDA‘s with Leonardo Corp. in place, never ever any piece of information on this groundbreaking and world-changing technology made it to daylight or the news?

    Only one reason possible - it must be an amazing super-duper NDA, without expiry date… 😆😆

  • interested observer

    You're welcome. The field of condensed matter nuclear science is maturing along predictive lines. Fleischman, received the Palladium Medal re the birth of Plasmonics with Raman scattering, the MRI and all that. Harold Aspden realized thermal frequencies (see jittering), harmonics along specific gradients as key to efficient thermovoltaics between different metallic plates/films; considered the father of advanced thermovoltaic tech he was granted an early (the first?) cold fusion patent. Josephson and his Junctions, Nobel cold fusion considerations. Schwinger also lent insight, guiding clues to where advanced LENR pathways find us now. Thirty years of disparate research converges in Eureka moments with a big hearty round of applause for everyone (too many to mention here) who has contributed. Nano Physics, Plasmonics, Metamaterial science and the mature semiconductor field joining the art of CMNS was easy to predict. Yes, CMNS energy tech is emergent along many fronts. As Dennis Bushnell asserts, this is not a narrow bandset of physical phenomenon, many candidate materials and various excitation methods... Complex... Yes.

    So much to learn. I love following the art of this science, as it grows and unfolds, with eyes wide open. I guess I am an interested observer as well. My opinion... The most advanced emergent CMNS energy tech is US developed. It preceeds, matches and surpasses other claims.

    We shall see... No?

  • interested observer

    You're welcome. The field of condensed matter nuclear science is maturing along predictive lines. Fleischman, received the Palladium Medal re the birth of Plasmonics with Raman scattering, the MRI and all that. Harold Aspden realized thermal frequencies (see jittering), harmonics along specific gradients as key to efficient thermovoltaics between different metallic plates/films; considered the father of advanced thermovoltaic tech he was granted an early (the first?) cold fusion patent. Josephson and his Junctions, Nobel cold fusion considerations. Schwinger also lent insight, guiding clues to where advanced LENR pathways find us now. Thirty years of disparate research converges in Eureka moments with a big hearty round of applause for everyone (too many to mention here) who has contributed. Nano Physics, Plasmonics, Metamaterial science and the mature semiconductor field joining the art of CMNS was easy to predict. Yes, CMNS energy tech is emergent along many fronts. As Dennis Bushnell asserts, this is not a narrow bandset of physical phenomenon, many candidate materials and various excitation methods... Complex... Yes.

    So much to learn. I love following the art of this science, as it grows and unfolds, with eyes wide open. I guess I am an interested observer as well. My opinion... The most advanced emergent CMNS energy tech is US developed. It preceeds, matches and surpasses other claims.

    We shall see... No?

    I don't get it either Mr Goble. What does this have to do with Rossi?

    I'm sure Rossi wouldn't understand a single word of what you posted, so I probably must be as stupid as Rossi.

    But I never claimed to have a overunity device.

  • PhysicsForDummies


    Alpha Ring has been granted a Cold Fusion patent.. They have quietly been working on this since 2015.

    2035-06-17 Anticipated expiration

    "Submicron Fusion Devices, Methods and Systems"

    US10453575B1 - Submicron fusion devices, methods and systems - Google Patents

    2019-10-22 Application granted

    Inventor Alfred Y. Wong

    Worldwide application/priority 2015


    G21B3/00 Low temperature nuclear fusion reactors, e.g. alleged cold fusion reactors

    Y02E30/10 Nuclear fusion reactors


    Methods, apparatus, devices, and systems for creating, controlling, conducting, and optimizing fusion activities of nuclei. In particular, the present inventions relate to, among other things, fusion activities that are conducted individually or collectively on a very small scale, preferably on the nano-scale or smaller such as pico to femto scales, for the utilization of energy produced from these activities in smaller devices and for aggregation into larger devices.

    Thanks Ahlfors for this related paper...

    LENR Forum link

    Confidential – Proprietary Information of Alpha Ring International [but published in Arxiv from Alfred Yiu-Fai Wong [Alpha Ring president] Tue, 22 Jun 2021 21:37:02 UTC]

    Enhanced D-D Fusion Rates when the Coulomb Barrier Is Lowered by Electrons

    Alfred Y. Wong et al.

    May 20, 2021

  • Mechanism is simple to focus electron in order to get the dense electron to shiled coulomb repulsive force.

    But electron-electron repulsive coulomb force prevent to have such high density electron generally speaking, so I do not think this will work, but am interested in this because this is so simple and easy to use metal confinement for cold fusion. I am still looking for this kind of beam method for cold fusion.

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