Rossi vs. Darden developments [CASE CLOSED]

  • @Dewey,

    It wasn't a typo in the customer name. It was an obvious typo in the description of the kind of products (i.e., advanced derivatives of sponges). I have no idea if JMP was really making such advanced derivative products, but that is most likely what was trying to be conveyed, albeit clumsily.

  • Eric,

    Remember Darden said they cut back from a dozen to a half dozen supported researchers (I take "dozen" as a general term not numerical).

    I can't find it now, but Dewey mentioned something encouraging along the lines of seeing interesting results from IH's other supported work, although years away from commercialization.

    I cannot but hope that when the Rossi mess is cleaned up that they will tap their "benefactors" for greater support. I would think they would not want to hold much cash until this is all over. Woodford is known for their long term outlook on investments.


    I just checked one of the articles and Darden refers to "a dozen avenues Industrial Heat was exploring. Of those 12, Industrial Heat has halted or slowed funding on about half, he says, adding that the management team feels “increasingly good” about the remaining avenues."

    Whether each "avenue" is one researcher or a team we do not know.

    I would hope that they also have additional researchers and specialists either as part of the in-house team, or available as needed for evaluation, advice etc.

  • But yet you won't afford such a lapse to JMP when there is an obvious typo in the "Advanced Derivatives of Johnson Mathew Sponges"? It must be fraud in that case. And boy did that one get blown up!

    OK, so let us look at this. I always hope you can develop a sense of proportion.

    The issue here is that a business card for a large UK company that has a limited window of opportunity to engage in the test and provides independent validation - as Rossi misdirected everyone including IH into believing was the customer - would not have a typo. But that is not the point. We have that JMP is a little shell run by Rossi's accountant + family. So anomalies in the business card (photo from Japan, name similar to but not same as well-known large company, etc are a strong pointer to this being a shell cobbled together by Rossi. But we have better evidence pointing the same direction, like Bass's e-mails, the ownership and officer info, etc.

  • Zeno - thank you for finding that.

    Many here think that Rossi is the only game in town for IH but that is not so. Rossi has many incorrectly convinced that he was the only reason people invested in IH and the visits by Woodford group were to see only his work. I have confidence that there is an LENR effect and that slow steady progress is being made behind the scenes. Rossi's wild claim of a blistering 1MW of heat has taken the lime light for a few years but just attend one of the ICCF meetings (or visit Jed's ) and you will see there is a lot of serious scientific work being done. When IH is free from the court attacks by Rossi I am expect we may see glimpses of real progress although tempered by business restrains on PR.

    Even if Rossi wins I would expect that IH will just declare bankruptcy leaving Rossi with virtually nothing. He seems to be playing a silly loosing game. I wouldn't even doubt that any arrangements with IH "researchers" would have clauses that would end up reverting research back to the researcher if IH was to fold. That could likely be done by giving IH a non transferable option on their work. Even if Rossi wins (which I seriously doubt) he will get nothing.

  • @THH

    That was quite the shift and has little to do with "developing a sense of proportion."

    But okay, I'll bite. I think the whole JMP situation is probably a Rossi ruse. But you know what? I even doubt myself on this. All we have seen amounts to a tip of an iceberg, as Mats puts it. We really have not seen any good evidence either way. The best evidence we have so far are the few emails offered up by IH that make Bass look like he is clueless as to what is going on with JMP. That points to a ruse, possibly one in which even Bass was left out of the loop. But the evidence for this is still sparse. So, we wait.

  • @Nigel

    You would have to ask Rossi that. As I've pointed out before, I believe it is because Rossi doesn't think small. He likes grandeur. He a showman, not unlike Edison. Having been doubted at every step of the way, he was intent on building a 1MW plant that would dash all doubts in the veracity of his technology. He used to say things like: the 1 MW plant is all that matters.

    He also firmly believes that the marketplace is the final arbiter of truth of cold fusion. After 25 years in the wilderness, a "customer" was finally to purchase heat from a first-of-its-kind cold fusion reactor. He felt this would assist IH in drumming up more interest, as evidenced by his email to IH persuading them of his plan. If you take a step back, and try to understand Rossi's personality, it makes sense.

  • interesting ruse that went so far as Bass making fake business cards to show IH with pictures of industrial glass making manufacturing plant in Japan. It comes across to me a big fat lie - Same with claims of a "customer" that Rossi pays the bills for. From my perspective is seems nothing more than fraud with IH its target.

    • Official Post


    Thanks for posting that Popsci article. I read it back then, and amazing how it reads now after switching sides! Back then I had blinders on, now with them off...I just have to shake my head and laugh.

    The excerpt above had little meaning back then, as the story was still unfolding, but now it is more clear in retrospect. The 28 Oct 2011 "military customer acceptance test" showcased the mysterious "Nato Colonel" -whom the military sent in civilian dress, to take possession of the 1MW if the test were a success. And what a was! All very choreographed and staged, but we bought it nonetheless.

    From your excerpt we see Rossi back then mentioning his friend: "a retired colonel" had directed the first "successful" Hotcat test, in August 2012 I think it was. Later on we came to know that tester, or director, as Penon, so it appears, putting 1 and 1 together, that the fake colonel at the 28 Oct 2011 test was in fact Penon. After all, there are just so many Colonel's in Rossi's cast of characters. Also, the person who leaked the report at the time was known as "Cures"...who was a known Rossi insider, and supporter, who often posted on Cobraf, who here Rossi describes as his "enthusiastic Colonel" who could not help himself and leaked the report. So it appears that Cures was Penon's avatar.

    Rossi also admitted within the past year, that Penon helped him with his first SGS certification, and as we all know, he was the ERV for the VT, and the "GPT", so Penon has played a very pivotal role in helping Rossi get this far. IMO, without him, Rossi would probably still be trying to attract customers from his Bologna garage. It is no wonder Penon would only let himself be deposed the other day in the D.R.

  • Ascoli65 - you ask a darn good remaining question - I am working on how far back the USA "co-travelers" go. Who is doing the same in Italy?

    Perhaps some of the Bologna Profs are into this more deeply that we have thought.

    You personally know all the US people who, at the time of the January 2011 demo, were in touch with the Bologna Profs, and knew in advance all the experimental data. So, you actually are in the most favorable position for knowing how deep, and wide, was their involvement in that demo and in the whole Ecat affair.

  • It doesn't immediately come across, to me, as fake data.

    Then I say categorically you do not know a damn thing about data, experiments, thermometers or factory equipment. Not one damn thing.

    We need more information. 1 atmosphere? With DN80 piping and a slight vacuum created by the heat exchanger, you all of the sudden plausibly have the pressure instrument showing 0.0 bar. Are you sticking with DN40 as your final answer?

    Good grief! Have you ever seen the pipe for a 1 MW steam generator? A slight vacuum?!? Is that supposed to be a joke? 1 MW of steam is enough to move an 150 ton, 250 HP steam ship at a rapid pace. Such as a tugboat or ferry boat in 1910. If a 1 MW steam pipe breaks when you are standing next to it, you will be killed in seconds. The pipe for the steam is not DN40 (1.5") or DN80 (3"), it is a foot wide and made of heavy duty steel, like this:…turbine-generator-574.jpg

    It is heavy enough to withstand the pressure it takes to MOVE A 150 TON SHIP.

    If it was a gentle flow of steam at close to 1 atm (like hot air in an HVAC system) it would cool and condense instantly. An HVAC distribution duct capable of distributing 1 MW of hot air would be used for something like a shopping mall or a skyscraper. The cross section is as big as person. You can walk inside of one. It is not 3" in diameter, for crying out loud.

    That is enough warm air, water or steam to heat 200 houses. Put that in one small factory area and you will have a large oven.

    You simply have no idea what the scale of a 1 MW energy release is, or what kind of equipment it takes to deal with it.

    The flow rate was exactly the same for days probably because the granularity of measurement apparently was 1000 kg/h for this flow meter, and once you dial in the pumps, the variance is quite small,

    The flow rate was 3 to 4 times less than the flow meter indicated, according to people who measured it with real instruments and proper techniques.

    But there was ventilation. And there was a chimney!

    No, there was not. Just an ordinary building vent, which could not begin to remove that much heat. To remove 1 MW of heat, you need 4 vents, each the size of a person, or a 1-MW capacity cooling tower, roughly the size of two pickup trucks. See the OCT01 model shown in this brochure, where it says "ready to use in an instant:"

    A 1 MW capacity absorption cooler costs ~$300,000. It is the size of Rossi's shipping container:

    (The 1 MW unit listed here is for an entire shopping mall, as I said.)

    You cannot hide something like that! There wasn't one at this site.

  • @Jed

    DN80 can move 1 MW of steam. The difference between DN40 and DN80, in terms of its ability to move steam, is not linear. DN100 would be better, but DN80 is sufficient. All your talk of steam engines, explosions, and what-not, are high-pressure systems.

  • My best guess is you were one of those guys. Lest you call me deceptive for (oh my) crossing out your words and adding bold words, just to be clear to you and everyone, it was my doing to convey a point, not that of THH.

    Well your record guessing here is as poor as it is on Rossi vs IH!

    • Official Post

    That is quite the story you have woven together.


    It only sounds woven together because I was a bit long winded. Should of had my coffee first. ;) Pretty simple actually. There was a colonel who accepted the 1MW for the military on 28 Oct 2011, and then there was a Colonel that directed the first successful Hotcat test 8 months later. Penon was definitely the Colonel who signed off on the first Hotcat, so likely he was the same one who played the Nato Colonel who took possession of the 1MW.

    Note to newbies: The 1MW accepted by the Nato Colonel after the acceptance test, never went anywhere. Stayed in Rossi's Bologna garage until IH bought it. Put simply, Rossi lied, and lied big.

    Is Penon also Cures?...well Alan is certain he is not. If so...well, you can't weave them all!

  • Shane, there are pictures of the Nato Colonel Domenico Fioravanti. I assume IH personel must have met Penon. I think they would have recognised him if it was the same person. And I think it would be an unnecessary risk for Rossi to use the same person for two different roles.…o-cliente-di-andrea-rossi

  • Very unlike Edison, whose stuff worked.

    Actually, it often failed. He was notorious for making outrageous claims and putting on what we would now consider fake demonstrations. He was also a "sharp dealer" meaning dishonest. When he died they found stacks of unpaid bills. He also spent his investor's money like water, buying up instruments and hiring people galore, and then demanding two or three times more than originally agreed to. Still, he was a genius, and he managed to make most things work eventually. See the biography "A Streak of Luck" for details.

    On the other hand, he was not as bad as supporters of Tesla sometimes claim, and he was ahead of his time in his concerns about pollution and conservation.

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