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    Covid-1984 vaccines

    The moment they try to force it on us, THAT'S when we have a problem.

    Which absolutely no one, anywhere, is doing. The moment they try to force you to eat babies would also be dire, but that is not happening either. Why are you so concerned about imaginary problems and things which will never happen?

    Huh? Replace "try to force it on" with "coerce".

    "Coercion is the practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by use of threats or force."

    Coercion is rampant across the globe. It's often done in the name of some supposed greater good.

    If a state says your kid must be vaccinated to attend public school, that is a form of coercion to be vaccinated.

    This is one reason why people are fleeing certain democrat run states, to flee this kind of coercion.

    The LA school board has said that when a Covid vaccine is available to students, students must be vaccinated to attend.

    More coercion.

    In the summer of 2020, the Department of Public Health in Massachusetts decided that all students in school, including college, must be vaccinated against the flu by December of 2020 in order to continue to attend school. More coercion. Thankfully the group ICAN brought a lawsuit against the DPH and they have postponed the requirement.

    Given the current growing authoritarianism across the globe, in the name of public safety, who knows what's next?

    How about the woman in Finland who was in her cottage when authorities came in, handcuffed her in front of her child, took her to a hospital, and while still outside the hospital forcibly held her head and pinned her body against the police car while they swabbed her nose for a PCR test before they took her inside the hospital where she is now forcibly detained.

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    Wake up, or go back to sleep, your choice.

  • After vaccination: number of deaths in old people's homes explodes

    Nach Impfung: Zahl der Sterbefälle in Altenheimen explodiert

    Und wieder bestätigt sich eine „Verschwörungstheorie“ von „Corona-Leugnern“: Die Impfungen gegen das Virus sind brandgefährlich bzw. Das behaupten nicht irgendwelche „Covidioten“ sondern wird durch statistisches Zahlenmaterial belegt. In Altenheime hat sich die Sterberaten in den Wochen nach Impfbeginn dramatisch vervielfacht wie untenstehende Statistik zeigt.

    Alles nur „Zufall“

    Das scheint jedoch die dafür verantwortlichen Politiker und „Experten“ wenig zu beeindrucken. Diese Leute behaupten, dass das mit den Impfungen nichts zu tun habe – das sei eben alles nur Zufall. Gut möglich, dass demnächst behauptet wird, die seien allesamt an Corona verstorben, da zu wenig geimpft wurde. Das Sprichwort „Wer’s glaubt wird selig“ erfährt hier seine praktische Bestätigung. Nicht immer, aber immer öfter.

    And again a "conspiracy theory" of "Corona deniers" is confirmed: The vaccinations against the virus are extremely dangerous or that is not claimed by any "Covidiotes" but is proven by statistical figures. In nursing homes, the death rate has in the weeks after Impfbeginn dramatically verviel-kindled as statistics below shows.

    All just "coincidence"

    However, this does not seem to impress the responsible politicians and “experts”. These people claim that it has nothing to do with the vaccinations - it is just a coincidence. It is quite possible that it will soon be claimed that they all died of Corona because too little was vaccinated. The proverb “He who believes will be blessed” finds its practical confirmation here. Not always, but more often.…-in-seniorenheim-starben/

    Edited once, last by Toffoli ().

  • I am now working undercover with the US F.B.I and the RUSSIAN FEDS against the CIA bastards who are backing this NAZI COVID conspiracy. Meanwhile keep taking the ANTI-Bat. Much safer and better than any vaccine. BUT take the vaccine to keep the GESTAPO (TORIES and DEMOCRATS) off your backs. DOMINIS CUMMINGS is behind all this in the UK and is still operational behind the scenes. He is on my primary Hit List.....but BORIS is innocenti!

  • The NTP dreams of creating liquid terminators, and a bunch of other nonsense, for which it is ready to pour in funds, by all means received from consumers of goods and services. And apparently the NTP rulers turned off their brains long ago and do not want to think, or the rulers are money-changers, people with no brains - and I would not like to keep up with them, let alone live by their bidding - certainly not. Why money-launderers? Because they are not even businessmen like they say they are, to have anything to do with the production of hi-tech goods and products you need to understand a lot about them. In order to understand a lot, you need to understand where it all comes from and how and at what price it all came and by whom. The money-launderers do not understand a thing, they just keep beating their chests that they are the ones to decide everything. Moneygrubbers - without understanding in physics write-'does not happen', 'can not' be', and it is clear why - because they cannot count - they can take and all, but take, someone who knows how to count anything correctly in the physical reality will say - 'does not exhibit properties' against the above expressions. But that is not what we are talking about here. Why are the money-grubbers? Because I do not plunge into business forums with their ideas to apply them to the very essence of business, its restructuring, I do not like to mix flies with cutlets - there is a business, it has its own nuances, there is NTP - there are nuances. NTP is very voracious, and specialists want to live not worse than businessmen, and they have the right to do so, while the founders of anything in the NTP also want to have their own business, and they are smart enough to do it, unlike the statements of money-launderers. Moneygrubbers, they go to portals with statements, I will not point fingers that they will decide here, as they decide everywhere else, but the key word in that expression is 'not trying to understand anything and for no reason'. I was just voicing a fact. That's not the point.

    In recent posts about physical phenomena, or purely mathematical phenomena, people have been noted with 'no way' expressions - these people don't have the necessary attributes to judge the quality of the material. Yes, maybe it's the wrong portal, but on those portals - the same bamboos, only there are much more of them, and 'graze' there in herds, and on occasion from them can not throw sticks - there their domain and there are many. That's why I kind of have an easier life here, because it's their fiefdom and they're willing to troll with the words 'no such thing' all day long, when they don't have as much time here. Maybe I'm bamboozled about something too, but when I'm bamboozled about something, I don't go there to solve everything and claim greatness. Knowing how many herd bamboos there are, I felt it necessary to clarify a bit the material about the piston-jet system which I found over a year ago (I don't even look when I started the search, but it has been a year for sure).

  • Mizuno isn't a scam ? Glad to hear it, Mister clean.

    Cela ne fait que renforcer mon article précédent selon lequel l'arnaque des énergies renouvelables ne fait rien de plus que de cannibaliser l'infrastructure énergétique existante. C'est le nouveau scandale Enron / Sub-prime pour le 21e siècle qui les fait ressembler à un jeu d'enfant. Cacher la cannibalisation dans de fausses hypothèses dans les calculs du LCOE est le truc sympa qu'ils jouent pour faire tourner les chances en faveur de la maison.

  • Huh? Replace "try to force it on" with "coerce".

    "Coercion is the practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by use of threats or force."

    Coercion is rampant across the globe. It's often done in the name of some supposed greater good.

    Well, in the U.S. there is not a single instance of anyone being coerced into taking the COVID-19 vaccine. There has not been any, and there won't be any. There is no need. If you don't get vaccinated, you will probably be part of the group that is infected. Between the two groups we will reach herd immunity, and the epidemic will end, as it did in 1918. It is contagious enough to ensure that. So, if you don't want to get vaccinated, you are welcome to get sick or die. It will be your own damn fault.

    It is in the greater good if your health and your life are of any importance to the community. If your death means nothing, then it is not to the greater good. Herd immunity is definitely to the greater good, but we will get that either way, whichever role you choose to play -- as a sane person who gets vaccinated, or an idiot who gets sick or dies for no reason.

    Wearing a mask is definitely for the greater good. If you want to kill yourself, that's your business, but you need to wear a mask to keep from killing others.

  • Well, in the U.S. there is not a single instance of anyone being coerced into taking the COVID-19 vaccine. There has not been any, and there won't be any. There is no need. If you don't get vaccinated, you will probably be part of the group that is infected. Between the two groups we will reach herd immunity, and the epidemic will end, as it did in 1918. It is contagious enough to ensure that. So, if you don't want to get vaccinated, you are welcome to get sick or die. It will be your own damn fault.

    It is in the greater good if your health and your life are of any importance to the community. If your death means nothing, then it is not to the greater good. Herd immunity is definitely to the greater good, but we will get that either way, whichever role you choose to play -- as a sane person who gets vaccinated, or an idiot who gets sick or dies for no reason.

    Wearing a mask is definitely for the greater good. If you want to kill yourself, that's your business, but you need to wear a mask to keep from killing others.

    No coercion in the United States? Have you read or watched the news? Shaming is coercion and your opinion on herd immunity is not shared by the NIH as they have advised survivors of covid to still get vaccinated. Again shaming the preciously infected to take a jab. COERCION!!!

  • Could you show your numbers? Exactly what is your source for this? My research couldn't pull up anything.

    Thanks! So far >1000 directly killed by vaccine . Some more thousands by vaccine induced CoV-19.

    If you have Ivermectin, then using a vaccine is plain stupidity.

  • Could you show your numbers? Exactly what is your source for this? My research couldn't pull up anything.

    Go to the CDC vaccine damage page or the vaccine report sites.

    Of course Pfizer reports and anything you read in journals is just vaccination promotion news. CDC claims e.g. that the Pfizer vaccine is about 85..89% see post in covid-19 thread.

  • The problem is unfortunately that you cannot find reliable sources that somehow confirm the statement: "So far >1000 directly killed by vaccine".

    As with all vaccines there are for sure coincidences in time with severe side effects incl. deaths, that may suggest, there could be a direct link. But what is or could be the direct link? A weakened immune system? System is too busy with other internal processes ( to speak from a technical perspective) and cannot deal with a real infection anymore?...or...or..

  • The problem is unfortunately that you cannot find reliable sources that somehow confirm the statement: "So far >1000 directly killed by vaccine".

    As with all vaccines there are for sure coincidences in time with severe side effects incl. deaths, that may suggest, there could be a direct link. But what is or could be the direct link? A weakened immune system? System is too busy with other internal processes ( to speak from a technical perspective) and cannot deal with a real infection anymore?...or...or..

    This is a much more polite and respectful way of putting it than I would have used.

  • As with all vaccines there are for sure coincidences in time with severe side effects incl. deaths, that may suggest, there could be a direct link.

    It's always about business. If you do stay on a cliff the last kick is what you killed. So > 90% of CoV-19 deaths are last kick deaths according a UK report. The same for vaccines. But as said business reports (almost) no problems from vaccines but all deaths due to CoV-19.

    You have to learn how to interpret fake news especially today where 99.9% of the statements come from company (e.g. Pfizer) marketing.

    The 1000 death mark from CoV-19 vaccines has been passed a long time (> 3 weeks) ago. Not even counting the vaccine induced CoV-19 deaths - as a vaccination first weakens your immune response and make you more vulnerable to infections. Same with steroids.

  • No coercion in the United States? Have you read or watched the news?

    There is no coercion by public agencies. Families and some companies such as restaurants may be coercing, but that's their business.

    Shaming is coercion

    You have set a low bar. Anything is coercion in that case. People try to shame one another for all kinds of reasons. A child crying for an ice cream cone is coercion. Your wife acting snippy because you did not clear the table is coercion. Demanding your family member attend church services is coercion.

    your opinion on herd immunity is not shared by the NIH as they have advised survivors of covid to still get vaccinated.

    That is a precaution because immunity can fail for any disease. People occasionally get sick again from an infectious disease even though they had it before.

  • If a state says your kid must be vaccinated to attend public school, that is a form of coercion to be vaccinated.

    That is coercion. No federal or government agency in the U.S. is doing that for COVID-19. It may be that governments in other nations are. I wouldn't know. There is zero chance any government agency will do that in the U.S., given the hysterical, irrational opposition to vaccinations and science in general in the U.S. these days.

    Don't get me wrong. I am entirely in favor of coercion in this case. They darn well should mandate COVID-19 vaccinations, just as they mandate you stop at red lights, and you are not allowed to shit on the food in grocery stores. I am in favor of mandating vaccinations for children before allowing them into public schools.

    However, they are not going to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations. They did not mandate masks, so several tens of thousands of people died.

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