LENR vs Solar/Wind, and emerging Green Technologies.

  • Just shocked to see that it takes an averge of 142 MWh to mine 1 BTC. Bonkers.

    That is awful.

    The average retail cost of electricity in the U.S. is $0.16 /kWh. 1 MWh is $160. 142 MWh = $22,720. 1 bitcoin = $26,010. So if bitcoins fall below $22,000 they will not be worth mining. Let us hope that happens. They were below that for most of 2022. Click here on the 5 year tab:

    1 bitcoin in usd - Google Suche

  • That is awful.

    The average retail cost of electricity in the U.S. is $0.16 /kWh. 1 MWh is $160. 142 MWh = $22,720. 1 bitcoin = $26,010. So if bitcoins fall below $22,000 they will not be worth mining. Let us hope that happens. They were below that for most of 2022. Click here on the 5 year tab:


    I was even more shocked to know that some smallish electricity generation companies in the USA are mining BTC on low demand times, the article I read mentioned one that had purchased a coal fired thermoelectric plant and refurbished to burn natural gas, they said they were raking in USD 500 K extra doing that.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • Not sure if Mark P Mills analysis, "The Energy Transition Delusion" have been posted here before, or if the analysis is fully correct, but it sure seems a bit more money should be invested into LENR R&D.

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  • This Mark Mills?

    Pure nonsense: Debunking the latest attack on renewable energy
    What a terrible anti-renewable-power video reveals about the US energy market.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • Mark Mills is wrong. Always wrong. Whatever he said this time, he is wrong. See, for example, my paper "Mark Mills Could Not Have Got it More Wrong," Infinite Energy #42, or "Rebuttal to Testimony on ‘Kyoto and the Internet: The Energy Implications of the Digital Economy," Jonathan G. Koomey, Energy Analysis Department, University of California.

  • Gyrotron drilling down to 20 km ... demo energy plant 2026?

    Tapping into the million-year energy source below our feet
    MIT spinout Quaise Energy is working to create geothermal wells made from the world’s deepest holes in order to repurpose coal and gas plants.

    External Content www.youtube.com
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  • LONDON –

    Some coal producers are having to set aside tens of millions of dollars to cover their own risks as they are cut adrift by insurers, making it more difficult and costly to do business amid a surge in demand for the fossil fuel.

    Dozens of insurers have announced restrictions on their cover for the coal industry, particularly for new projects, in response to pressure from shareholders, governments and environmental groups who want to limit coal's contribution to global warming. This follows similar moves by banks to restrict their coal financing activities.

  • Although Climate Change / GW is definitely off topic here, I am posting this because the presenter is both a forum member and a visitor to my lab.

    Special Event September 13th, 4 pm PT/ 7 pm ET!

    The Foundation for Climate Restoration (F4CR) proudly presents the Founders Series of meetings with climate restoration pioneers each month. I'm honored to be this Wednesday's speaker. Please bring all your burning questions about climate restoration. Bust out all your "Yeah, but's" and those you've heard from your colleagues. Share all your queries about the feasibility of achieving a pre-industrial climate by 2050—and we'll answer them together.

    Please comment here or contact @CaroleDouglis for the link. See you there!

  • Hope the members of this LENR Forum agree that certain Nuclear Fission reactor designs are green, clean, and must be deployed prolifically to solve global Energy Impoverishment that is oppressing the lower 3 billion in abject poverty and causing over 40 million to die each year.

    Furthermore, if the climate truly is warming, solving energy impoverishment ASAP will accelerate progress to solving climate via developing countries obtaining health and wealth.

    Finally, the so-called "nuclear waste" of SNF/HLW/Pu is actually valuable fuel and one special FC-MSR(e) design can theoretically TRANSMUTE long-lived high-level radiation persistence to low-level ~ 100 years decay!
    (compared to other designs reaching ~ 300 years at best)

    Hello, you will find that we are probably split in that respect, I think you can take a look at this thread:

    I personally think of LFTRs as the nuclear technology we should already have.

    There’s also a proposal for hybrid Fission / Cold Fusion reactor proposed by a Brazilian team.

    We agree that the nuclear waste is a potential source of energy and transmutation for resources, and Cold Fusion can make it much more attractive, already the company Aureon Energy has this at the core of their business model to market their SAFIRE reactor, a technology for which there’s a general agreement it belongs to the LENR category.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • Hope the members of this LENR Forum agree that certain Nuclear Fission reactor designs are green, clean, and must be deployed prolifically to solve global Energy

    Nobody with a clear logically thinking mind thinks that fission reactors are::

    - clean: The nuclear waste lasts for million of years

    - green: The fuel must be mind what costs about 15% of the output power but so far consumes non green gasoline..

    - solve energy problem: The build up is to slow compared to other sources and needs total control.

    LENR will make people independent of the state/industry.

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