Display MoreI would now like to explain how the polariton is formed and apply that understanding to explain the polariton LENR reaction causality can function in explaining Ed Storms crack theory of the NAE (nuclear active environments).
The type of polariton most likely in the LENR reaction is a superposition (mix) of the electron and photon. This type of polariton is a strong matter light coupling. This coupling occurs when the quantum energy level of the electron and the photon are equal. In order for this energy level to be reached, electron and photon must be confined in the same voluum of space until this energy mixing can take place. That voluum of space where mixing occurs is called an optical cavity or resonator. Free electrons are also confined inside the optical cavity so now the photon and electron have time to come into a state of energy equilibrium that result in the entanglement of the photon and the electron.
An optical cavity is a voluum that is walled by mirrored surfaces that cause photons to be confined for a substantial time period long enough for the photon trapped in it to be reduced to a point that equals the energy level of the free electron. This quantum entanglement process is shown in this video:
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This method of light/matter quantum mixing also occurs on metal surfaces that are rough (spiked and pitted). This is why LENR reactors that use surface reactions will require roughen surfaces. Piantilli and Mizono type reactors come to mind.
What cracks in a metal surface provide is an optical cavity in which polaritons can form. When sufficient numbers of polaritons accumulate, they will come into energy equivalence and become entangled thus forming a condensate that action a NAE where EVOs generate energy production and transmutation.
The properties of the polariton comprize a mix of those of the photon and the electron. The polariton like of photon has little or no mass, like the electron it is right or left handed and exists at sub light speeds, like the photon It has no charge and is a boson which allows for condensation to occur, it circulates in an interlaced fashion inside the EVO like a photon, but creates north and south pole magnetic vortexes like an electron.
When the polariton condensate destabilizes, a Bosenova disentangles the photon and electron which results in explosion of high energy electrons to emerge from the Bosenova as well as EUV level light as both the photons and electrons are released from entanglement.
What is being missed in the LENR theories that center on the roll of electrons as the active agent in the LENR reaction (Rossi and Ken Shoulders) is the need to dress the electron as a polariton to enable the electron to form clusters (aka condensates).
Fascinating. Work like this could prove valuable during the Hollywood writers strike. This post alone could spawn several fantasy movie scripts.