The Exotic Vacuum Object (EVO) as the cause of the vacuum reaction.

  • Fascinating. Work like this could prove valuable during the Hollywood writers strike. This post alone could spawn several fantasy movie scripts.

  • n his product development, Moddel has found that extracting energy from the vacuum causes unavoidable decay of the matter that his device is constructed from. This decay is called vacuum decay and is seen in all LENR devices that produce energy. This decay is a significant issue that must be overcome before LENR can be used as a reliable power source.

    Sadly this makes it sound iike an un-rechargable chemical battery.

    BTW axil , I owe you an apology. that reactor was originally made and used by George Egely. Sorry.

  • A battery that also destroys the universe by triggering false vacuum decay, according to Axil. Lenr researchers should be arrested and be executed, by this logic. Lenr is 100 orders of magnitude more dangerous than AI.

    The math associated with the Higgs field does predict the possibility of a cosmological level of change in state of the vacuum due to quantum tunneling, but experimental evidence and experience related to transmutation shows that this possibility is not possible because of the instability of the false anti vacuum state. The anti false vacuum and the false vacuum or two different things, in the same way that de Sutter space and anti-de Sutter space are two different things. What this proviso means in plain language is that the EVO over its lifetime will eventually destabilize and terminate in all cases. The EVO is not self-sustaining in perpetuity and has a finite lifecycle. The EVO only produces microscopic effects when used in a reactor application.

    However on the macro scale, there have been multiple instances of LENR reactor meltdowns where the structure of the entire reactor transformed into transmuted junk. But in LENR development, this destructive meltdown process has never been seen to be contagious to other types of material objects.

  • that this possibility is not possible because of the instability of the false anti vacuum state. The anti false vacuum and the false vacuum or two different things,

    Axil, when you make up new buzzwords for your fantasies, please try to use them consistently. Is it "false anti vacuum state" or is it "anti false vacuum state"? Scientific people use consistent terminology.

    And using basic double negative cancellation, what you are refering to is simply a standard vacuum state. So your entire argument is word salad. Willem de Sitter is rolling in his grave listening to your salads.

  • The state of the vacuum is defined by its vacuum expectation value (VEV) which is 246 GeV. This is a positive energy value. A false vacuum has a vacuum expectation value that differs from that of the Higgs field. A anti vacuum has a negative vacuum expectation value. An anti false vacuum has a negative expectation value whose magnitude differs from that of the Higgs field.

    The vacuum also has a energy density that is connected to the cosmological constant. That constant is positive for the universe. The anti vacuum also has a energy density but that value is negative.

    There is a theory of dark matter and energy put forth by J. S. Farnes which posits that dark matter and dark energy have negative values which would solve the nature of these cosmological items. The idea is that 95% of the universe is comprised of dark energy.

    A unifying theory of dark energy and dark matter: Negative masses and matter creation within a modified ΛCDM framework

    A unifying theory of dark energy and dark matter: Negative masses and matter creation within a modified ΛCDM framework | Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A)

    This fits in with the idea that the EVO as a negative (or imaginary) mass object and is dark matter as well as a producer of dark energy. The EVO also is a mechanism for continuous mass generation.

  • The state of the vacuum is defined by its vacuum expectation value (VEV) which is 246 GeV. This is a positive energy value. A false vacuum has a vacuum expectation value that differs from that of the Higgs field. A anti vacuum has a negative vacuum expectation value. An anti false vacuum has a negative expectation value whose magnitude differs from that of the Higgs field.

    I say False. Using your exact definition, an "anti vacuum" would already be a false vacuum, since negative numbers all differ from the Higgs value. Linguistically an "anti false" term implies it is not false. Using this term adds nothing other than subterfuge. If you notice, your wiki link says nothing at all about "anti" anything.

  • I say False. Using your exact definition, an "anti vacuum" would already be a false vacuum, since negative numbers all differ from the Higgs value. Linguistically an "anti false" term implies it is not false. Using this term adds nothing other than subterfuge. If you notice, your wiki link says nothing at all about "anti" anything.

    Thanks for your feedback.

    The reference is a description of the string theory of tachyon condensation. The concept of anti-brane is formulated by this theory. I have attempted to connect various meaningful cosmological concepts with the associated string theory counterparts.

    In more detail, the anti-brane (a string theory concept) is the concept associated with the EVO which is a anti vacuum state that is the anti to the Higgs field. The tachyon condensate is associated with the polariton condensate in which the EVO is rooted.

    Sen's conjecture is the process in which a anti-brane (EVO - tachyon condensate) becomes unstable and annilates an associate collocated brane (a voluum of colocated spacetime) producing twice the energy content of that voluum of spacetime.

    Do not discount this theory. It has been judged to be worthy of a $3 million Breakthrough Prize in physics award established by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Russian tech billionaire Yuri Milner.

    Ashoke Sen: India’s million-dollar scientist
    Ashoke Sen is a shy, reclusive Indian particle physicist working from a non-descript laboratory in the Harish-Chandra Research Institute in the…


    Ashoke Sen is the prime figure behind the subject of string theory that includes his landmark paper on ‘strong-weak coupling duality or S-duality’. He also significantly contributed in the study of unstable D-branes and made the famousSen conjecture about open string tachyon condensation on such branes. His research on string theory has been described as the most viable for a unified theory of physics that better explains all forces of nature including the physics of gravity as well as quantum field theory. Besides, he has co-authored several significant papers on string field theory.

    Sen has been awarded and honored for several times for his accomplishments. Some of them include: 1989 ICTP prize in honour of H. Yukawain; in 1994, he received S. S. Bhatnagar award; in 1995, B.M. Birla Science Prize; in 1996, G.D. Birla award; in 1997, Third World Academy of Sciences Prize; in 1998, R.D. Birla award; in 2001, Padmasree and Kamal Kumari National award; in 2004, INSA S.N.Bose Award; in 2005, H.K. Firodia award; and in 2006, J C Bose Fellowship and Pius IX Gold Medal. He has also received honorary D.Sc. from the University of Calcutta and Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur

    Once the vacuum reaction becomes accepted by science, Sen and his theory will be vindicated as proven experimentally.

  • I have attempted to connect various meaningful cosmological concepts with the associated string theory counterparts.

    That is not how physics works. What you really do is attempt to share buzzwords between unrelated disciplines without understanding the definition of the word in mathematical terms. So if string theory uses "anti", and there is "anti de Sitter Space" then why not say spacetime can be "anti".

    All these string theory stories you share are at least ten years old. It has proven useless.

  • That is not how physics works. What you really do is attempt to share buzzwords between unrelated disciplines without understanding the definition of the word in mathematical terms. So if string theory uses "anti", and there is "anti de Sitter Space" then why not say spacetime can be "anti".

    All these string theory stories you share are at least ten years old. It has proven useless.

    Yes, this is not physics, or science; it is systems engineering where all the aspects of the system are evaluated and connections are made so that the system is defined in total.

    Physics is a highly focused examination of the details of a limited aspect of a given subject. It is dubious that such a limited approach can reveal the full scope of the reaction. For example, most beleive in the narrow view that the reaction is nuclear in nature. This view may to true for a very narrow slice of the experimental data. But the vast majority of the experimental data shows the reaction to be vacuum based. It is important to evaluate the total breath of the reaction, not just a very restricted subset of experiments. A scientist will focus in of a restricted aspect of a given system and in this detail will lose total perspective. A systems engineer will look at the entire system over a dozen(s) fields of study to extract the total perspective.

    An example of the narrow perspective is what is going on involving the LEC system. The experimenters in this area have no clue as to the appropriate mechanisms involved in this system. Clearly this system shows no nuclear energy indications. The system engineer will look at the electron and not the neutron as the mechanism that is powering the LEC reaction. The appropriate electron centric fields involved include but are not limited to nanoplasmonics, nanooptics, solid state physics, condensed matter physics, vacuum physics, and quantum mechanics, but not nuclear physics and fusion.

  • The probable connection between LK-99 and the LENR reaction.

    There are a few videos about the latest ambient room temperature superconductor claims to be found in this post as follows:

    RE: The Playground - No more Covid Games Please..

    The superconductor theory that the new LK-99 material is based on electron tunneling between coherent quantum wells as opposed to the Cooper pairs of electrons that underpin the BCS superconductor theory. In the LK-99 theory, electrons tunnel from one quantum well to another without resistance. Each quantum well holds a Bose condensate of polaritons which is a superconductor as illustrated below.

    This sort of superconductivity has been seen previously in a number of LENR experiments: in palladium that has been loaded with deutrium, and the reduction of electrical resistance in the

    Francesco Celani's constantin experiments upon reaction activation.

    This quantum well mechanism is most likely the root cause of the LEC reaction where quantum wells populated by exciton polaritons generate a flow of electrical current.

    These quantum wells are microscopic reflective mirrored walled volumes that hold exciton polaritons. I would expect this LK-99 material to be LENR active when properly pumped say by RF.

    Exciton-polariton condensation. Typical device structure supporting exciton-polaritons. Excitons, consisting of a bound electron-hole pair, exist within the quantum well layers. These are sandwiched by two distributed Bragg Reflectors (DBRs), made of alternating layers of semiconductors with different refractive indices. The DBRs form a cavity which strongly couples a photon and an exciton to form an exciton-polariton. Polaritons are excited by a pump laser incident from above or by heat (Byrnes et al., 2014)

    In my opinion, Ed Storms nuclear active environment (NAE) is actually these quantum wells. If this is true, the LK-99 material is an ideal material for the production of the vacuum reaction when pumped with various forms of EMF like radio waves.

    LK-99 seems easy to synthetize using commonly available inexpensive materials.

    LK-99 - Wikipedia

    There is no need to pump palladium full of hydrogen to produce these quantum wells when LK-99 is purpose built to supply 100% quantum well occupancy.

    A LEC device whose electrode is coated with LK-99 will provide an optimized electrical production generation device.

    I suggest that all sorts of optimized LENR experiments involve the formation of LK-99 and its use as a reaction generator.

    In closing, there has been a misunderstanding about what is going on inside the lattice of many LENR experiments. Rather than a micro voluum where nuclear level hydrogen compression is occuring, instead the formation of hydrides produce reaction active polariton quantum wells that carry the vacuum reaction forward.

  • Yes, this is not physics, or science; it is systems engineering

    Your practice of trying to misinterpret buzzwords between different physics fields is not "systems engineering". I know this because I am an engineer frequently working on systems engineering. I thought you were a lawyer or something.

  • Your practice of trying to misinterpret buzzwords between different physics fields is not "systems engineering". I know this because I am an engineer frequently working on systems engineering. I thought you were a lawyer or something.

    Have you ever got any of your projects to work?

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    This video explains in simple terms the role that the Higgs field plays in producing the universe as we now know the universe to be. If the interaction of the Higgs field with particles is interfered with, the universe of electrons, forces, and atoms would not exist as we now know it; there would only be energy. This interference mechanism, is central to what the LENR reaction is about. I will explain how this interference mechanism works in a number of forthcoming of posts involving the details of what mass and electric charge are and how they are related. This explanation involves the quantum properties that are common to all the relevant particles. the Higgs field, electric charge, mass, the electron, quarks, and associated fundamental forces, called weak hypercharge and weak isospin.

  • Looking into the details of how the LENR reaction works lends insight to various confusing idiosyncrasies of the operational behaviors of systems that have been seen in the data derived from various LENR systems.

    Both charge masking (lowering the coulomb barrier) and mass (Higgs field) masking comes from identically the same mechanism involving weak hypercharge and can proceed symaltainiously in the LENR reaction. This causal duality can profoundly confuse LENR theory because the masking of the Higgs field can overwhelm, confuse, and eventually suspend charge masking and the associated fusion reaction after a fusion reaction has begun. As seen in LENR data, as the masking mechanism increases in strength, there is a point of transition where fusion stops and transmutation begins. This dualistic behavior of the reaction limits the power density that can be achieved by the fusion component of the reaction. When transmutation is seen to begin in a system, this marks a point where fusion is no longer occurring because the fusion and transmutation mechanisms are incompatible.

  • The framework of the LENR reaction lies in electroweak unification. This comes about because the initial state of the universe began with the electroweak force in place, but as the universe's temperature decreased over time, the vacuum temperature lowered below a point where the electroweak force separated into the weak force and the electromagnet force through symatanious symmetry breaking and the Higgs field came to be.

    This video explains how symmetry breaking is the engine that drive the Higgs field and the production of mass.

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    The weak hypercharge of the Higgs boson is 1. The weak hypercharge is a quantum number

    that relates the electric charge and the third component of weak isospin. It is conserved, but particles interact with the Higgs field, which changes their weak hypercharge.

    The Higgs field is designed as a weak isospin doublet (H+, Hº).

    The Higgs particle is the real neutral piece of the doublet.

    The conjugate Higgs doublet field has a hypercharge of -1. It has the same degrees of freedom as the +1 version, but has different symmetry properties.

    Mass is generated by a particle when it encounters a Higgs boson and the handedness (chirality) of the particle changes. This change in handedness is where the energy of mass comes from and what causes inertial mass.

    In more detail, chirality is a mathematical concept that describes how a particle maintains its chirality as it propagates which means that the particle cannot switch between its left and right handed forms.

    When a particle acquires mass, it develops a right-handed chirality component when it interacts with the Higgs boson. This boson changes the weak hypercharge of the particle. But, the right-handed and left-handed components are not necessarily equal. As the particle acquires more energy, the right-handed component becomes larger.

    A particle then acquires mass and develops a right-handed chirality component (or a left-handed component for antiparticles). The right-handed and left-handed components will not necessarily be equal and as more energy the particle acquires, the “bigger” the right-handed component.

    A mass term acts as a bridge between the left and right components of the fermion. This allows the left and right components to "leak" into each other.

    The takeaway here is that the Higgs field is an electromagnetic field that can be masked. When the Higgs field is masked, a particle cannot aquire mass.

    For more info. see…ight%2Dhanded%20component.

  • Thank you axil . Why should we accept a simple explanation when we could have a complicated and probably un-provable one?

    According to Popper, a theory in the empirical sciences can never be proven, but it can be falsified, meaning that it can (and should) be scrutinized with decisive experiments.

    If you want to silence me, disprove this complicated theory.

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