Display MoreSorry to keep on - but there is so much here...
unitary time evolution in QM is forced by the fact that probabilities of resulting states add up to 1.
You get non-unitary behaviour of subsystems - because of interactions with some arbitrary unmodelled external system - but not of the whole thing.
So this idea, mathematically, is opening lots of cans of worms and difficulty for the formulator - requiring all those worms to be put back into new cans properly.
Well, I think the book from where I have been quoting covers all of your concerns, but it’s quite a large book.
Bear in mind that I by no means think Santilli is the ultimate answer to this conundrum, I just quote him for relevance to the general idea that the Neutron is not a fundamental particle, and that The quarks are mere mathematical fictions to uphold the validity of QM.