ENG8 - new plasma energy system

  • This all seemed to stemmed from a Vladimir Leonov and his theory of "Super-unification".

    Here is a list of his work:
    Link to Vladimir Leonov

    He seems rather unmentioned in the West but seems like a interesting person to have a conversation with.
    Does anybody have more information on this gentleman?

    From ENG8 website:


    In 2010 Russian theoretical nuclear physicist and academic, Professor Vladimir Leonov, published his Theory of Superunification Via Cambridge International Science Publishing, based on Quantum Energetics/super-strong electromagnetic interaction, and begins working on a precursor of the ENG8 catalysed fusion EnergiCells.

  • He does mention Cold Fusion a few times in his publications.

    However his overlap with the LENR field as we know it (meaning participation in the ICCFs, Russian Cold Fusion and Micro Ball Lightning conferences, publication as main or co author with other known LENR authors or researchers) is, AFAICT, zero.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • his theory is just another nuttery "The theory of Superunification is the first quantum theory of relativity (QR). The theory of Superunification is based on the discovery of a new universal particle the quantum of space-time (quanton), as a particle of dark matter"

    oh boy - quantum of space-time (quanton)

    These days experimental researchers have entire buffet of theories they can pull on any kind of observations. Just ignore it and move on.

  • This is from 2020, but Leonov was not happy about having to share a Nobel with Roger Penrose.

    We present our readers with a critical review of Professor Vladimir Leonov of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2020. Vladimir Leonov is a well-known theoretical physicist, author of the fundamental “Theory of Superunification”, inventor of the antigravitational quantum engine, laureate of the Russian Government Prize in Science and Technology. The theory of Superunification first introduced the quantum theory of black holes and the quantum theory of gravity, starting in 1996. Quantum theory of gravity and quantum theory of Vladimir Leonovare absent from Einstein's general theory of relativity and from the works of Professor Penrose, nominated for the 2020 Nobel Prize. Professor Leonov asks a logical question: "Why is the Nobel Prize awarded for the poor work of Professor Penrose, who does not even consider the quantum theory of black holes?" And Leonov's the theory of Superunification solved in full the fundamental problems of black holes from quantum positions. But no one makes reference to the fundamental work of Professor Leonov. Charles Darwin wrote one book and has been referenced for over 150 years. It is accepted in polite society. Otherwise, we are dealing with fraud. On the other hand, the only parameter that characterizes a black hole from the point of view of general relativity is its gravitational radius. However, it is not yet possible to measure it experimentally due to the invisibility of the black hole. We have no reason to say that general relativity has been confirmed experimentally in the field of black holes. The Nobel committee was clearly rushing with the 2020 physics prize, contrary to Nobel's will.

    Much more at:-

    The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 in doubt
    Interview of Professor Vladimir Leonov to the weekly "Argumenty Nedeli", Moscow, №40(734), October 14, 2020 Download PDF file here:…

  • The way I read this from their website, Leonovo may not have been involved with ENG8's inception. They just took his theory, and possibly a "precursor EnergiCell", and then formed a company around them:


    In 2010 Russian theoretical nuclear physicist and academic, Professor Vladimir Leonov, published his Theory of Superunification Via Cambridge International Science Publishing, based on Quantum Energetics/super-strong electromagnetic interaction, and begins working on a precursor of the ENG8 catalysed fusion EnergiCells.


    Professor Leonov’s work was taken up by colleague Sergey Altunin at a purpose-built laboratory, funded since 2018 by Valeria Tyutina, CEO of ENG8, and other investors.

  • it could easily be a flavor of the sting theory if the book written in English happed to be handy as long as it explains emission of photon out of nowhere

  • it could easily be a flavor of the sting theory if the book written in English happed to be handy as long as it explains emission of photon out of nowhere

    Again, much of his work can be found here: https://vixra.org/author/vladimir_leonov

    He also has a YouTube channel and a short demonstration of a plasma reactor.

    here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WcafC-Ubgc

    His body of work is quite extensive, but to summarize, he has some very interesting theories. Primarily he suggests that electromagnetism is a fundamental "super-force" that gives rise to gravitational force. Something that many others have suggested and it puts them on the mainstream scientific black list.

    If you are mathematically inclined to look over his formulations and pass it around for review. He is a very interesting person I don't see brought up too much in the western scientific community, which makes it almost doubly interesting in my opinion.

  • This video describes the link between Vlad Leonov and ENG8

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  • Isn't it strange that the guy who claims to be an inventor of antigravitational engine is wasting his time on making dark matter detectors without any practical application?

  • Patents here:



    Their favourite phrase seems to be "wishing to not be bound by theory..."

    It suggests they don't know how their devices actually work (if, indeed, they do), or where the extra energy really comes from.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

    Edited once, last by Frogfall ().

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