Display MoreIf people lost their jobs, surely they would tell the mass media! Why would they honor this sworn secret if they were no longer employed by the CDC, or no longer allowed to practice medicine? They would be strongly motivated to blow the whistle and reveal to the world what happened.
The whole notion that millions of professionals worldwide are engaged in a gigantic conspiracy, and that not a single one of them has betrayed the conspiracy, or accidentally admitted it, or boasted while drunk perhaps -- is ridiculous. Step back and think about it for a moment and you will see it is utterly crazy.
(As it happens, there have been no firings at the CDC. I know people who work there, and I would have heard if there was a purge. The people who screwed up the tests in 2020 are still there. Those problems were revealed to the public in excruciating detail. Such problems and mistakes are never covered up for long in a government research institute. There are too many reasons for people to reveal them, as there would be if there was even one tiny reason to think the mRNA vaccines have caused serious problems or fatalities.)
Every doctor in every hospital on earth knows that the vast majority of seriously ill COVID patients are not vaccinated. They all say that vaccinations reduce fatalities about 100 times. They urge people to get vaccinated. Last year my doctor was spending 30 minutes a day pleading with people to get vaccinated. He was mad as hell about having to do this. But you are saying that's not what is happening. You are saying that millions of doctors are taking part in a gigantic conspiracy and lying to everyone -- my doctor is lying to me, and all the others to their patients, to the press, to reporters . . . Why would doctors do that? Who, or what organization, could compel them? They are not docile people. They are not helpless, or used to following arbitrary orders. There is not enough money in the world to buy them all off, and make them betray their professional obligations in such a serious manner, they would lose their licenses if this were revealed.
Jed. You're perhaps the only reasonable person on this site these days. I fear you're fighting a losing battle.