Mark H Member
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  • from Kennesaw, Georgia, USA
  • Member since Apr 7th 2016
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Posts by Mark H

    Jed. You're perhaps the only reasonable person on this site these days. I fear you're fighting a losing battle.

    Curious what examples you have of 3 and 5? But yes, as to the other points you bring up, we are starting to sound like a bunch of kids. The level of discussion on this thread is going downhill. At one time even the COVID talk was of a high level, but now trending the other way.

    Hopefully our guests skip The Playground and instead go straight to the other threads where we sound more like adults.

    I've been on here for years. Seriously considering deleting my account.

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    Ugh! Tying into Crypto is the WORST of all ideas. Everybody should have to watch this...

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    I think that he will run out of money.

    Why would he run out of money? His income is from his condos and I doubt a few parts from Home Depot costs that much. The only thing he's actually producing is bullshit. It's not like he's REALLY investing in "robotic factories".

    The problem is unfortunately that you cannot find reliable sources that somehow confirm the statement: "So far >1000 directly killed by vaccine".

    As with all vaccines there are for sure coincidences in time with severe side effects incl. deaths, that may suggest, there could be a direct link. But what is or could be the direct link? A weakened immune system? System is too busy with other internal processes ( to speak from a technical perspective) and cannot deal with a real infection anymore?...or...or..

    This is a much more polite and respectful way of putting it than I would have used.

    Could you show your numbers? Exactly what is your source for this? My research couldn't pull up anything.

    Thanks! So far >1000 directly killed by vaccine . Some more thousands by vaccine induced CoV-19.

    If you have Ivermectin, then using a vaccine is plain stupidity.

    Pretty sure that you said it would be a year last year.

    Its absolutely not true. And as others have pointed out. This theory will *never* be proven. Rossi will never prove that he has working tech. After all this time why would he?

    A) he doesn't have any working tech

    B) his followers don't require proof - they have faith

    Whatever definition you like for it, everyone on L-F knows my position about CF/LENR.

    Furthermore, my first comment on this thread (*) - and the consequent proposal to replicate the "1992 boil-off experiment" - was openly made in support of the THH proposal of an experiment that "would most convince you that LENR was not real."

    (*) Team Google wants your opinion: "What is the highest priority experiment the LENR community wants to see conducted?"

    So basically a double-act? Where one patho-skeptic bumps the ball up and the other spikes it? All hoping to hijack and sabotage a genuine attempt to perhaps save the planet? Got it.

    Ascoli65 Thanks for that. We left the F&P row blank precisely because of the large body of negative and often flawed criticism that has accumulated over the intervening years.

    The 1992 experiment in particular is not a good choice for that reason, though I agree that an example is needed for the work of F&P. Let's see if we can find a group consensus that will be less argument-prone.

    Whilst this is very nice and politic I think you're missing the point. Ascoli65 would never post an experiment he thought was working. He posted this one precisely *because* it would be argument-prone.

    More Rothwell hot air (pun intended). The fact is that there is no claim to have observed the FPE in F&P-type cells that has adequately examined the errors.

    So you think I am wrong on that? Prove it. Give me the one paper that does. That is a challenge to anyone here. Remember: F&P cells are what I've published on. It may be possible to address non-F&P experiments, but I would only do so from an error analysis perspective.

    Bring it on (as if you all haven't already tried...).

    It seems to me you're in the wrong thread and should be moved

    nickec why you said that calcium appaers as a key factor to you ?

    Yes, we have to try but, yes, Pd could be switched by for example titanium or rather platinium :)

    seven_of_twenty we don't need your pollution here I already told you, leave !

    Why this attack? Whilst SOT has, in the past, attacked many experiments there have often been valid reasons. They are not currently attacking Mizuno but are actually trying to help. Why would you not want this help?

    This is not like Ascoli65's pseudo skeptical "help" that is attempting to throw shade on any kind of LENR in any fashion.