Media/News/Video Library-No discussions please

  • orsova, using JavaScript, it's possible to get a list of URL's for every slide in a given presentation, but you would then have to download those images and put them into your own slide presentation. Let me know if you want to pursue that approach. Otherwise, a trial account sounds like the easiest approach.

  • A bit late for this- staff at Culham told me that it has already closed and they have shipped a lot of the portable stuff to the Cadarache/ITER labs...

    Petition calls on UK to save JET fusion experiment from closure !st November.

    JET tokamak

    Hot topic: For over the past decade, JET has been carrying out “ITER relevant” experiments, in anticipation of the opening of giant fusion reactor in Cadarache, France (courtesy: EUROfusion)

    More than 750 people have signed a petition against the planned closure of the Joint European Torus (JET), a major fusion experiment that has been running in the UK for almost 40 years. The UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA), which operates JET, plans to shut down the nuclear fusion reactor in early 2024. The petition says the closure of JET would be “a serious scientific blow” that will have a “negative impact” on the worldwide fusion community.

    JET has been carrying out fusion experiments since it opened in 1984. Over the past decade or so it has been doing “ITER relevant” experiments, in anticipation of the opening of the ITER fusion reactor, which is currently being built in Cadarache, France. In 2011, for example, JET had a refit of its plasma wall to include a mixture of tungsten and beryllium tiles so that scientists can gain a better understanding for how ITER’s beryllium plasma wall will perform.

    The decision to shut JET was originally made in 2016 by the UK and EUROfusion – an umbrella organization for fusion labs around Europe. The plan had been to close it this year because it was thought that ITER would be running, or about to open, by now. But with ITER not scheduled to come online until late 2025 – a date that is likely to be hit by further delays – those behind the petition warn that JET will now be turned off years before ITER fires up.

  • The petition says the closure of JET would be “a serious scientific blow” that will have a “negative impact” on the worldwide fusion community.

    I agree! No more scientific blow jobs in Culham/JET.

    Hot fusion is a fake upheld by disparate physicists looking for a well payed interesting job. It is well known that the torus/ITER approach never ever will deliver any usable energy due to not controllable neutral plasma instability!

  • orsova, using JavaScript, it's possible to get a list of URL's for every slide in a given presentation, but you would then have to download those images and put them into your own slide presentation. Let me know if you want to pursue that approach. Otherwise, a trial account sounds like the easiest approach.

    Thank you. I’ve spent a bit more time on it, and I should be able to get a catalog of everything relatively easily using the API. The API will also give me download URLs. If it will give me the raw s3 paths, then it should be trivial to pull them all down. If it gives me Slideshare URLs, then I’ll have to authenticate each request in Python. Either way it should be tractable.

    Once I have everything, I’ll index it, draft a small explanatory preface and pass it to Jed for finalisation.

    Hopefully I’ll have it done sometime in the next fortnight.


    Biggest-ever DDoS attack threatens companies worldwide

    Companies including Google and Amazon say they have fought off the world’s biggest distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, but are warning internet users that these types of attacks could cause widespread disruption unless cybersecurity measures are stepped up.

    A DDoS attack aims to make a website unreachable by overwhelming it with requests for data. This often results in websites crashing and online services being unavailable.

    Google says the attack began in August and was 7.5 times larger than the previous biggest attack, with its site facing a peak of 398 million requests per second.

  • Apparently it stays in Poland so i would like to know their link with Clean HME project.. or not ?

    ARPA-E lists them on their Teaming Partners list:

    Teaming Partners

    Exhlab is a clean energy research company with a clear mission, to become a preeminent Cleantech integrator and renewable energy asset developer, owner, and operator. Our staff, research, and operations are guided by the company’s mission, vision, and values to achieve the energy and sustainability goals of stakeholders and our entire society.
    Since its inception in 2017, Exhlab has been working tirelessly toward a better tomorrow. Our ESG motto, "Democratizing Clean Energy," captures the core values and motivations that drive our organization to provide solutions that can make a low-carbon future possible.
    Araik Danghyan (Lab Director and Team Lead) has conducted fusion research since 2006, and the team members have expertise in Digital Product Development, Machine Learning, and Agile methodology. At this stage of the research, we have sufficient theoretical evidence to demonstrate that when electrostatic repulsion and magnetic dipole-dipole attraction between two electrons happen simultaneously, it creates favorable conditions for forming an electron pair and releases energy (265363.7 eV). This massive amount of energy release is of great practical value since it is the basis on which environmentally friendly devices can be built.
    Currently, there is a lack of theoretical research in this field, and we believe our data can significantly advance LENR experiments.
    Our team recently presented our work at the ICCF24 summit (

    External Content
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.
    Our project attempts to recruit qualified individuals and labs to validate theoretical results experimentally. The hypothesis can be proved through Low Voltage X-ray microanalysis, Electron Impact Ionization. At this moment, we think that labs aiming to prove the Pauli exclusion principle would be a good fit for us.

  • Well, well, well

  • A hydrino by any other name is still looks like an unproven theory to me.

    No background info out there on Arayik Emilevich Danghyan, other than 3 papers on researchgate. He participated in the Russian ball-lightning meetings, so maybe Bob G knows something about him.

  • i read once again very recently what Bob Higgins related me about Piantelli or Jiang..

    The truth the real one seeming to not be to far from the current physic...To meditate for all MF tolerated here.

    Note that Piantelli does not use any of these catalysts. Piantelli uses just natural hydrogen gas, and a nickel rod prepared to have small surface grains.

    However, Piantelli sees excess heat with just Ni and H2. He only adds some lithium in a tube around his Ni rod to increase the heat output.

    As Piantelli teaches, the metal grains are the cluster size that is important. The fine powder particles each have metallic grains - they are not each single crystal. According to Piantelli, if the grains are too small or too big, LENR does not occur. The powder exposes the greatest possible number of grains to the Li film and to the H2. When Piantelli creates LENR with a rod, only the surface area of the rod is active. He gets watts of excess heat while Rossi gets kilowatts of excess heat.

    In Jiang's case, he is baking water out of the system. However, neither Rossi nor Parkhomov did this. BUT, one thing Rossi did was to heat the reactor to very high temperature before adding the fuel (the Lugano dummy test). So, the water would have been driven from the reactor even though it had not been evacuated. The fuel powder Rossi added would not have been dried or degassed. There is no evidence that Parkhomov did anything to evacuate or dry his powders. He even mixed them in the open air.

    A hydrino by any other name is still looks like an unproven theory to me.

    No background info out there on Arayik Emilevich Danghyan, other than 3 papers on researchgate. He participated in the Russian ball-lightning meetings, so maybe Bob G knows something about him.

  • 'Let's re-write formula 7 to make it more convenient'. ....says it all really. And by the time you get to 8 and 9 it gets even worse. Sounds like a fudge factory to me.

  • Sad news from Marianne Macy.

    I am sorry to say that Alison Godfrey called to tell the LENR community that Irv Dardik passed away on November 1. Irv was a 2008 Preparata prize recipient, whose Superwaves discovery created breakthrough results both in his medical therapy treatment program and LENR in the work of his company, Energetics Technology, aptly described by Mike McKubre in the video below. His book, The Nature of Nature: The Discovery of Superwaves and How It Changes Everything, was published in 2017.


  • How Anomalous Science Breaks Through

    This quote from Messinger is infuriating bullshit:

    All that said, longtime scientists and research groups in the field are, with increasing frequency, reporting excess heat, the observable most commonly associated with cold fusion. Excess heat describes the measured thermal output power that exceeds electrical input power to an electrolysis cell (conventionally a match of input and output power would be expected). The hypothesis is that excess heat is caused by the release of nuclear binding energy through low-energy nuclear reactions. But, as I have written before, and ARPA-E stressed in their funding opportunity announcement, such kind of evidence for LENR is insufficient due to the ambiguous nature of heat, numerous confounding variables, potential sources of measurement error, and possible prosaic explanations, not to mention that unless the excess heat is enormous, it does not immediately necessitate a nuclear origin (but for instance overlooked chemical reactions taking place in the sample).

  • He’s obviously not familiar with chemical

    Thermodynamics and what an integral is used for. It’s quite embarrassing to have dunning Kruger effect guy like this writing about things that he has no clue about yet speaking with authority.

  • not to mention that unless the excess heat is enormous, it does not immediately necessitate a nuclear origin (but for instance overlooked chemical reactions taking place in the sample).

    I am sure everyone here knows why this irks me. I was thinking sending a message to the author, but I guess that would be counterproductive. I could tear that paragraph to pieces. Let me get this off my chest and address this last part of the last sentence only . . .

    The excess heat IS enormous. It is often 100 times more than any object of that size could produce, and in some cases 10,000 to 100,000 times. Furthermore there is never any chemical fuel in the cell, and no chemical changes are ever detected. (Where there are chemical changes, the cold fusion reaction never occurs.) There are no overlooked chemical reactions. Any chemical reaction that produces this much energy would have to burn something much larger than the cell. In some cases it would have to burn the cell, the table, and all of the books on the shelf, reducing them all to ashes. It would be impossible to overlook such a gigantic change.

    It is outrageous that Messinger bills himself as "Senior Energy Analyst," he attended cold fusion conferences, yet he does not realize this. This is the most important, obvious and irrefutable aspect of cold fusion. It was described in the first paper published by F&P. I get that ignorant physicists who know nothing about the experiments, and who have read nothing, might say, "maybe it is a chemical reaction." I get that is what they told Messinger. But he should not have repeated it! He should have told them straight out, "that is impossible" for the reasons I just listed. And he should said in his paper, "physicists who know nothing about the experiment often wrongly claim it might be a chemical effect."

    When you talk to people who make idiotic mistakes, you should say they make idiotic mistakes. Don't just parrot them. Okay, you don't have call them "idiots." Just point out that the claims are impossible for thus and such reasons. You do a disservice to the reader by making it look as if these people might have a valid point.

  • It is outrageous that Messinger bills himself as "Senior Energy Analyst," he attended cold fusion conferences, yet he does not realize this. This is the most important, obvious and irrefutable aspect of cold fusion. It was described in the first paper published by F&P.

    He's a nice kid, but currently a a post-grad studying the field for a year. He visited my lab, perhaps that's what put him off.

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