Rossi-Blog Comment Discussion

  • The harem is preoccupied with other matters. But here is my fuzzy, un-expert intuition on the subject. Entropy is a measure of the randomness of a system, essentially its inability to do useful work. When a bunch of zittering electrons come together, there is a coupling mechanism which causes them to get coherent, in phase. This is the opposite of entropy ; it is an ordering. So now it can produce useful work. Some may say it violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics. But this is not a closed system. The zitterbewegung of electrons can be construed as coming from the energy latent in spacetime - which is inherently open and cannot readily be closed off. But the electrons can be closed off! Tricky stuff.

    I haz a confusion. If the energy is coming from the low entropy of the sheep's intestines, does that mean AR has dropped all the nonsense about the magic of his proprietary mixture, etc?

    No, the nickel / hydrogen compound mixture is still necessary, combined with suitable EM pulses, to create the plasma conditions for the coherent electron groups to form. The electron clusters then effectively become transducers of the energy of spacetime to harvestable electron energy.

    Disclaimer: the above may be total nonsense, I'm just articulating the faintest glimmers on a vast sea of ignorance.

  • Mark you should get hired or volunteer as Leonardo Corp. Chief Physicist. Your discussion is way more coherent, cogent, and hopeful as any Rossi blog post. Plus also equally full of utter nonsense that can not be refuted or disproved via experimentation. You are his only hope, since he was abandoned by Carl-Oscar Gullström.

    Hehe. Well I tried to follow what Gullstrom was saying but it was mostly over my head. He and Rossi published their ResearchGate paper in March of 2017. In January 2019 Rossi published his widely read ResearchGate paper on the Ecat SK and long range particle interactions. Although it's definitely a departure from the 2017 paper, Rossi nonetheless says the following in the 2019 paper: "I acknowledge, for interesting discussions and collaborations on the subject, Carl Oscar Gullstrom and Giorgio Vassallo." So, I assume and hope that Gullstrom is still following along with interest.

  • Oh yes "doctor" Rossi, the blue LED is still on.…w_for_aquarium_light.html

  • Here is at least a real true ballerina dancing in the blue light... :D

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  • “Will The Grid Be Powered By E-Cats?”

    Are they serious over there?

    For the life of me, I can’t conceive of any reason why anyone, anywhere would believe anything that this guy says.

    Not now... he says maybe next year... or next century... or next millennium... or in a million years or in the next universe... who knows?

  • Not now... he says maybe next year... or next century... or next millennium... or in a million years or in the next universe... who knows?

    But Rossi states once again he is building a new factory to industrialize the new ecat skl. Thank God his followers have no long term memory. Plus on E-Cat World they can talk about how this revolutionizes politics, poverty, capitalism, global warming, clean water, aviation, space travel... Now if only Mats Lewan could get his New Energy World Symposium scheduled featuring Doctor Andrea Rossi PhD of B.S., as Keynote.

  • But Rossi states once again he is building a new factory to industrialize the new ecat skl. Thank God his followers have no long term memory. Plus on E-Cat World they can talk about how this revolutionizes politics, poverty, capitalism, global warming, clean water, aviation, space travel... Now if only Mats Lewan could get his New Energy World Symposium scheduled featuring Doctor Andrea Rossi PhD of B.S., as Keynote.

    Mats seems to be boycottIng Rossi until real proof of function by a real, qualified tester is obtained.

    So forever, I guess.

  • Mats seems to be boycottIng Rossi until real proof of function by a real, qualified tester is obtained.

    So forever, I guess.

    I doubt, he's too much compromise (books, presentations, conferences and so on) and not awake enough.

    I remember well the Mats' video when at the end of the farce test the illusionist said "stable, stable..." and he buyed like a silly guy.

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  • I'll admit, even to this Rossi believer, Rossi looks a bit like a (very intense!) deer caught in the headlights in that video from nine years ago.

    But a dig at Matts? He's a tech reporter, risking some reputation reporting things like this. He's called Rossi's creation an 'impossible invention', meaning he is well aware that it seems impossible, and that it may not be what Rossi claims. Yet he still has the balls to report on it. I wish there were more like him.

  • The Rossi business at this point is a closed system. There is only the scammer himself and the ever-shrinking flock of acolytes who read his idiotic blog seeking inspiration. Apart from that, there is literally zero evidence that anyone or anything else is in any way involved in this charade. Allusions to employees, partners, customers, certifiers, and so on are empty words. Any convictions to the contrary are based entirely on blind faith. But blind faith is a powerful force, as we all know.

  • I doubt, he's too much compromise (books, presentations, conferences and so on) and not awake enough.

    I remember well the Mats' video when at the end of the farce test the illusionist said "stable, stable..." and he buyed like a silly guy.

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    I think finally the story of the SKL pouring unlimited electrons from the vacuum was too much for him to take on faith alone.

  • I think finally the story of the SKL pouring unlimited electrons from the vacuum was too much for him to take on faith alone.

    Rossi has never claimed the Ecat SKL creates electrons from the vacuum (just EM force). But otherwise you may have a point : since Rossi has departed from the LENR hypothesis, afaik Matts has not said much of anything about the Ecat.

  • Rossi, Andrea. Inventor


    #10.1 : In times of old, charlatans would often leave town by night and seek out a new place, far away, maybe change their hair, etc., in order to start again. In the Internet age, that is easier said than done.

    Well let's see. Rossi skipped town several times, from Italy to Miami to somewhere in europe that is not Italy (or Milan Italy if you believe his lawyer), Check. He also changed his hair dramatically, from the stylish dark haired male pattern baldness comb-back, to his fabulous new platinum sponge wig. Check. In the internet age charlatans carry on fine.

  • Rossi has never claimed the Ecat SKL creates electrons from the vacuum (just EM force).

    To be more specific Rossi now claims to be harvesting information density in the space time, matter waves from zitterbewegung, and zero point energy, to just name a few. Everything *except* LENR. He doesn't want to be associated with those crackpots.

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