Demonstration of the E-Cat QX - 24 November - Summary thread

  • There is a theme here in what has already emerged consistent with Rossi history.

    In past demos Rossi produces a severely under-instrumented setup, and makes tendentious claims based on this that his device generates large amounts of power.

    The technical interest depends on how much information is revealed about the exact setup and measurements. If enough, then why Rossi's claims are incorrect can be fully understood. Otherwise all remains speculation. You'd think by now he'd be good at not delivering enough evidence to remove speculation but one of the merits of this story is that it seems Rossi 100% believes his own statements and so does not always suppress the evidence showing what he has done wrong.

  • If, as you suspect, the circuit has high voltage pulses every 8 seconds, that must make any continuous measurement of power, as claimed in Mats' diagram, unsafe.

    Wait for the video. Speculation without the facts is not going to help.

  • We all have suspicion Adrian - let us stick to fact. I've seen no supply voltage measurement in the info so far, nor the derivation of 50W which depends only on the current, but perhaps more will be revealed later.

    If, as you suspect, the circuit has high voltage pulses every 8 seconds, that must make any continuous measurement of power, as claimed in Mats' diagram, unsafe.

    You can move a lot of power with even occasional high voltage pulses. Power goes as V^2.

  • I believe it is, it came from Ecatworld. Its looks an odd modulation. Its balanced but using an absolute value modulating signal that results in something like suppressed carrier but without carrier inversion. The carrier frequency is something like 4.33 times the modulation. Perhaps its just the scopes test signal, but I have similar Tekronix in my lab and they don't have that.

  • If anyone in the US is curious, Stockholm time is 8:34PM (2034) so everyone is probably done there for the day. And I looked at the news in Google and searched for "andrea rossi" and nothing at all. Seems the world STILL doesn't care about Rossiwonders.

  • Oh yeah, James Bass does exist. That was found out when the documents started coming out.

    Come on Shane... I was harking back to the days when it was claimed with utmost certainty that he didn't exist. On the grounds that 'IH couldn't find him' IIRC.

    Please Mary. We all know you are so special there is no payment involved or needed.

    The negative attention sustains him just fine.

    I do worry about Lewan. He has a lovely family to take care of.

    Concern Trolling (and a thoroughly weird comment to boot).

  • You can move a lot of power with even occasional high voltage pulses. Power goes as V^2.

    You forgot Mary's favorite pink unicorns. Of course you KNOW the duration and voltage, right?

    • Official Post

    Back now. To revert to an earlier question - which may have been answered elsewhere, in which case apologies.

    The 800 ohm resistor was used as part of the calibration demonstration. Since the Q-X has virtually zero resistance there is not much point in measuring the voltage drop across it, so in order do show that (for example) an 800 ohm resistive heater was NOT present inside the Q-X capsule, the Q-X was taken out of circuit and a low-wattage 800 ohm resistor was put in its place. The voltage drop was measured again over the 1 ohm resistor to show there was a significant difference. This also was used to prove that the PSU was a constant voltage device, not a constant current device.

  • Thank you @sifferkoll for excellent pictures of the setup. Lot to study there. Did you try to check is this brown coating in reactor pipe some paint or rust?

    If that is rust it is formed very oddly, other end is clean and other end slowly turns fully brown. Or just painted that way to look more real? Hope not.…oads/2017/11/L1010540.jpg

  • Back now. To revert to an earlier question - which may have been answered elsewhere, in which case apologies.

    The 800 ohm resistor was used as part of the calibration demonstration. Since the Q-X has virtually zero resistance there is not much point in measuring the voltage drop across it, so in order do show that (for example) an 800 ohm resistive heater was NOT present inside the Q-X capsule, the Q-X was taken out of circuit and a low-wattage 800 ohm resistor was put in its place. The voltage drop was measured again over the 1 ohm resistor to show there was a significant difference. This also was used to prove that the PSU was a constant voltage device, not a constant current device.

    That is a weirdly indirect way of showing the QX has a low impedance. Also it is likely wrong! What was the 800 ohm resistor cal current? You also can't prove CV from a single measurement.

    only Rossi would give such indirect and dubious evidence... Why not measure the PSU voltage directly?

  • Also, these voltage measurements, are they DC or AC? And is the supply DC or AC? Without all these questions answered the word prove that Alan uses is way off beam... Impedance is not a single value independent of frequency. Nor is the QX likely linear.

  • There is now way this can prove that the thingy works or?, a hidden battery pack seam to be able to generate the show. The thing I would like to know is

    if we can now say for sure that any trickery needs a tricketeer or can it be just out of bad luck.

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