Brillouin Energy Corporation (BEC) updates.

  • We would not have any discussion here if Mills had more understanding of physics and would have gone on with his self sustaining Silver electrode reaction...

    Sad to see how many nonsensical decisions he made in the past 2 years...This happens typically in companies where one person claims to know everything...

    Yet, he advances his technology with yet more refinements even today (a new posting and video on BrLP website this Sunday Jan the 5th.)

    Thomas Edison (light bulb fame) claimed “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” If the inspiration belonged to someone else, so be it. On the factory floor Henry Ford (automobiles) found his own corollary to Thomas Edison’s credo. “At some point it becomes necessary to dispense with the services of experts,” he said.

    Mills would seem to have followed suite.

  • That is a not big assumption, since Mizuno has always used electrical inputs in the work we have seen. And electrical heating always brings something extra to the table, besides being very convenient in a laboratory setting it produces EM fields which I know are a significant factor for triggering LENR.

    If your device was used as a space or water heater, then fine, reducing electricity consumption by a factor of (say) 2 is very worthwhile, but for anything more than that you will need to demonstrate excess heat with purely thermal input, meaning zero EM. And I know of nobody in this field who has successfully done that, people have tried and failed so far. If you have done so successfully then you have a chance of commercial success.

    Hi Alan, seems you did not read my posts carefully. We can use heat. No problem. I also stated for physics experiments we use electricity due to the ease of measurement. EM fields not required. I am trying to make a point that even with a black box with COP of 2 or even 1.2 not only can I make money but there is a way to engineer a system essentially to get COP infinity. Your example, is exactly what LENR could not compete with, converting electric power to heat as COP of 2 doesn't beat a heat pump which typically gets COP of 3-5 depending on outside temperature. It may be competitive in very cold areas only. Seems like I better patent these ideas since its clearly non-obvious!

  • thank you for this 100% nonsensical irrelevant example completely unrelated to my point

  • Assumes there is no loss of heat or entropy in the processing step. To be at the same pressure and temperature, your process must generate twice the steam to get twice the energy content. So, you need a water input in that case. If your process keeps the volume the same, the pressure and temperature must increase to add more energy content via steam pressure. Take a look at a steam table to see how doable that is for input and output steam temperature and pressure.

    It seems to me that your reactor would have some stable upper temperature limit which would limit the rate of heat transfer from your reactor to the steam.

    FYI I actually work at power plants. I know well how they work. Doubling the energy content of steam does not necessarily require double the mass flow of steam. Firstly for sake of focusing on my point I did over simplify the issue but trust me, a LENR device with COP of 2 could work similarly the way that super heaters are used in large commercial boilers. There are several variables to play with. Water (condensate) and pressure is provided by a pump. Pumps can vary their RPMs with VFDs to vary the mass flow of water and therefore steam. Converting that water to steam is done in the first lower sections of the boiler and then later superheat is added to increase steam entropy. When considering steam, most boilers are working between 400 and 1000C and since LENR reactor output increases with increasing temperature, we feel that we can work within this temperature range. Increasing energy can mean increasing mass flow of steam (higher pump RPM), increasing the pressure (again from the pump) and/or increasing temperature. All of this can be designed by a decent mechanical engineer. Therefore using a COP 2 LENR black box is to allow 50% reduction in fuel use is completely doable. I guess 2022 will be an important year where companies like BLP, Brillouin and MTI start to produce practical devices. We can agree to disagree on what those will look like but where most here see obstacles I see nothing but opportunity.

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    Ugh! Tying into Crypto is the WORST of all ideas. Everybody should have to watch this...

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  • But this is really good news that the Brillouin HHT system is all ready to be plugged into existing power station boilers! How long before I can fit one to my own central heating system? Why has a demonstration along these lines has not been demonstrated? Surely the patents Robert Godes and Co already cover this option using the Widom-Larsen CECR model to support their technology? Or is there something we don't know? :) :) :)

  • My own theory is that the energy input on the transient peaks of the pulsatile input to the cathodes is not accurately factored in, so in fact energy into the HHT = energy out. There is no way of accurately monitoring the transient energy in on the peak of the transients, they (presumably) take a Route Mean Square (RMS) value which is appropriate for sinusoidal AC but totally inaccurate for the cathode pulses they are applying to the HHT. :) :) :)

  • So I suggest testing whether they obtain (or not) the same results applying AC from the mains to their HHT system! The same can be extended to the Sun-cell or those geniuses working on the anodic sun at SAFIRE! The same principle (E = mc^n) must extend to all these cold fusion experiments.

  • There is no way of accurately monitoring the transient energy in on the peak of the transients, they (presumably) take a Route Mean Square (RMS) value which is appropriate for sinusoidal AC but totally inaccurate for the cathode pulses they are applying to the HHT.

    The measurment stuff has been overseen by Fran Tanzella. He is I promise you, a very cometent metrologist, unlikely to make schoolboy errors.

  • Ahlfors

    2013 to 2014 it was the Doral time no ?

    This file seems to relate the QX technology, however did Rossi start talking about it much later ?

    When did appear the first images on this topic ?

  • ... however did Rossi start talking about it much later ?...


    see Mouse/Cat

    Mouse:100 KeV electrons etc

    Cat: anything else - never worked, obviously

    not so sure for Mouse

  • Heat rather than electrical input has yet to be establshed

    No electrical input

    The 'gas; appears to accelerate the electrons to 100 Kev?

    Maybe its laughing gas?... No legitimate researcher appears to have

    used heat alone in this way on Nickel

    100 Kev = 1100 million Kelvin.. 1Kev= 11 million Kelvin

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  • Swartz did the same with a Sterling I believe over 10 years ago? Nothing solid from him since then...unfortunately. Anyway, good demonstration for potential investors of the commercial potential involved. Good luck BEC. We are pulling for you.

  • Interesting, but it seems far from self-sustain.

    there was a paper on the condition for self-sustain of this kind of looped device...

    COP and temperature need to be high enough

    (self-sustain on this graph is mode 3)

    With water I understand that COP shoul be much above 8, probably like 12... and assuming very good engine anyway.

    “Only puny secrets need keeping. The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.” (Marshall McLuhan)
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