Covid-19 News

  • Another new addition to anti-bat but no-one is taking any interest in anti-viral drugs. To the detriment of all those deaths and mutilations due to COVID SARS - 2 variants related symptoms. How long will it take the WHO to accept the reality that this is a highly infectious form of HIV and the only effective treatment is with anti-viral drugs contained in Anti-Bat? We all know now that the vaccines will never work as is the case with many more mutations how many more unnecessary deaths?

    What really makes this drug interesting is it's half life. Ivermectin is 18 hours, Plitidepsin is 6 days. Both show speedy viral clearance.

  • What really makes this drug interesting (ivermectin) is it's price 10 cents/dose and its health record after more than 100'000'000'000 dosages consumed. It also has 4 pathways to intercept the virus. No chace to escape fromit with mutations.

  • What really makes this drug interesting (ivermectin) is it's price 10 cents/dose and its health record after more than 100'000'000'000 dosages consumed. It also has 4 pathways to intercept the virus. No chace to escape fromit with mutations.

    In cancer trials using Plitidepsin, the cost is about $3 one treatment a month if either are approved for early treatment difference in cost would be minimal

  • Ivermectin (Stromectol) is not widely prescribed in the US. A 7 day prescription costs $968. In africa or india where it is in widespread use it might be 10 cents

    This is why the U.S. healthcare system is in a death spiral. Because it is not capitalist and not socialist (like the UK or Japanese system). It is a kleptocracy. Such institutions self-destruct in the end.

    • Official Post

    Ivermectin (Stromectol) is not widely prescribed in the US. A 7 day prescription costs $968. In africa or india where it is in widespread use it might be 10 cents

    You need a 'Dallas Buyers Club' for sure. Interestingly enough it's cheap and easy to buy as horse wormer (leass than £1 per human dose) in the UK, but in Italy at least veterinary medicines are more stricylu regulated than human ones.

  • Covid-19 variants: Are new mutations more deadly, and will vaccines work against them?…-deadly-vaccines-work-uk/

    How much more dangerous might the UK variant be?

    The government’s chief scientific officer, Sir Patrick Vallance, suggested it might increase the case fatality rate (CFR) by 30 percent. To put this in context, he said that out of 1,000 men in their 60s infected with the old variant, 10 would be expected to die, compared to 13 with the new variant. You can read the full study here.

    Cases are dropping now but by the 1st of March we will see cases rising as suddenly as last March. Read hope simpson

  • How much more dangerous might the UK variant be?

    Only the big pharma (FM/R/J) mafia is dangerous by blocking ivermectin!

    Ivermectin blocks all types/mutations of CoV-19 due to multi functional attack on entry, replication, virus assembly etc.. Buy your personal dose.


    Последний рубеж обороны "ковидоистов" пал - появилась первая статистика общей смертности 2020

    Появилась первая статистика общей смертности за весь предыдущих 2020 год, которая показала теперь уже по факту то, что людям за пределами "новой религии ковидоизма" было понятно и раньше

    Никакой "пандемии" в 2020 году НЕ было и в помине -- и общая смертность, и смертность на 1000 человек населения оставались в пределах обычной статистики всех предыдущих последних лет, в которые все спокойно жили себе без всяких локдаунов, общих карантинов, закрытых границ, медицинских масок с перчатками и т.д. и т.п., всю свою жизнь ежегодно обыденно переживая очередные сезонные вспышки различных ОРВИ и не обращая на это никакого особенного внимание

  • WHO revises guidance for COVID-19 patients' treatment, recommending follow-up care, low-dose anticoagulants…=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

    The World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday issued new guidance for treatment of coronavirus patients, including those with persistent post-recovery symptoms.

    The advice includes the use of at-home oxygen saturation testing for those who have been discharged from hospitals and low-dose anticoagulants for patients who remain hospitalized to prevent thrombosis.

    "We suggest the use of lower doses rather than higher doses because higher doses may lead to other problems," WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris said at a press briefing in Geneva, according to Reuters.

    The new guidance also recommends the awake prone position for patients with severe symptoms who are hospitalized and require ventilation or supplemental oxygen.It further includes "a conditional recommendation for the use of existing care bundles (defined as three or more evidence-informed practices delivered together and consistently to improve care) chosen locally by hospital or ICU and adapted as necessary for local circumstances in patients with critical COVID-19."

  • Gorilla Gets Monoclonal Antibody Therapy For COVID-19…body-therapy-for-covid-19

    One of the eight gorillas in the troop at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in California. Some of the gorillas contracted the coronavirus this month. One of the older gorillas received monoclonal antibody therapy as part of his treatment.

    Ken Bohn/San Diego Zoo Global

    A gorilla at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in Escondido, Calif., underwent monoclonal antibody therapy after contracting COVID-19 this month.

    Winston, an elderly silverback gorilla, and several of his troop members tested positive for the coronavirus after they had symptoms such as mild coughing. Veterinary staff, concerned about Winston's age and underlying medical conditions, performed a diagnostic examination on him, a zoo statement said. He was found to have pneumonia and heart disease.

    Not trying to piss peta off but wasn't that treatment meant for one of the 1000,s in hospitals?

  • so now city mayor's are making medical decisions.

    Coronavirus Vaccine 2nd Doses Could Have To Wait, De Blasio Says…ve-to-wait-de-blasio-says

    Seniors have been living in fear and even the partial protection afforded by a first dose is worth it, de Blasio said.

    "I really believe that when we move the second doses up and use them for first doses whenever possible, it just allows us to do the most essential thing, which is protect people," he said. "Fifty percent protection for a senior citizen is so much better than no protection at all. And again, spend some time with our seniors, and you hear this loud and clear — whenever I've talked to a senior about what this means to them, it's sounds obvious, but I'm going to say it, it's a matter of life and death."

  • "I really believe that when we move the second doses up and use them for first doses whenever possible, it just allows us to do the most essential thing, which is protect people," he said.

    The only reason they do this is the hope that the upgrade Pfizer (Moderna needs only one so far) currently plays in will them also give protection for the 3 new barely covered strains.

    This action picture has synchronously unfolded world wide and comes top down.

    The mafia is well organized. But most members are cricket brains due to long time drug (wine & cocaine) addiction and believe they can cheat the population with children level fake news like: Belgium: "Productions stopped due to factory reconfiguration..." Or UK: "production problems"...

    Why not:: "damn it takes a bit longer to ramp up quality production of 3 more peptides ??" We have to add three more lines and this takes more space than we have...

  • so now city mayor's are making medical decisions.

    Coronavirus Vaccine 2nd Doses Could Have To Wait, De Blasio Says

    The mayor is no fool. He would not say something like that unless experts told him it was a good idea. Doctors and researchers have been debating whether this is a good idea. Some top experts think this might save the most number of lives with the limited resources now available. It is tough trade-off. Since the experts do not all agree, the decision may have to be made by political leaders instead. That's their job. A wise politician will tell his panel of experts: "I will never overrule you. But if you cannot agree on a policy, I will decide instead. So, you should do your best to reach a consensus, to keep the decision out of my hands."

    No one is suggesting the patients should only get one dose. As De Blasio said:

    "We're absolutely committed to everyone getting their second dose, period," he said. "Everyone will get a second dose. Anyone who gets a first dose will get a second dose. The question is timing in the context of the scarcity we're experiencing."

  • vermectin blocks all types/mutations of CoV-19 due to multi functional attack on entry, replication, virus assembly etc.

    Ivermectin multiple modes of action

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    summary...when the transcript becomes available.

  • Dolores Cahill PhD speaking about mRNA vaccines…-about-mrna-vaccines.html


    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr --

    Individual Rights and Freedoms Under Siege in Era of COVID

    “The COVID-19 pandemic has proven an opportunity of convenience for totalitarian elements

    who have put individual rights and freedoms globally under siege”


    Several recent studies: Flavonoid baicalein may inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication…irus/publication/33491508…1093/jmcb/mjab002/6119634…080/14756366.2021.1873977

    Omega-3 fish oil may lessen Covid severity…high-omega-index-die.html

    Do Israel's results support claims of vaccine efficacy?

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