Covid-19 News

  • In the last 5 weeks we had a strong raise in hospitalization among the double vaxx age class 70..79.

    Covid-⁠19 Schweiz | Coronavirus | Dashboard
    Covid-⁠19 Pandemie Schweiz und Liechtenstein: Fallzahlen, Virusvarianten, Hospitalisationen, Re-⁠Wert, Spitalkapazitäten, internationale Lage, Zahlen zu Tests,…

    Cases went up from 8 --> 22. But for unvaccinated they did go down: 10 --> 8. Vaccination is about 88% in this segment. So this is a clear sign that the most vulnerable just lost about a factor of 2.5 .. 3 of their protection.

    Covid-⁠19 Schweiz | Coronavirus | Dashboard
    Covid-⁠19 Pandemie Schweiz und Liechtenstein: Fallzahlen, Virusvarianten, Hospitalisationen, Re-⁠Wert, Spitalkapazitäten, internationale Lage, Zahlen zu Tests,…

  • Identification and evaluation of the inhibitory effect of Prunella vulgaris extract on SARS-coronavirus 2 virus entry

    Identification and evaluation of the inhibitory effect of Prunella vulgaris extract on SARS-coronavirus 2 virus entry - PubMed
    Until now, antiviral therapeutic agents are still urgently required for treatment or prevention of SARS-coronavirus 2 (SCoV-2) virus infection. In this study,…


    Until now, antiviral therapeutic agents are still urgently required for treatment or prevention of SARS-coronavirus 2 (SCoV-2) virus infection. In this study, we established a sensitive SCoV-2 Spike glycoprotein (SP), including an SP mutant D614G, pseudotyped HIV-1-based vector system and tested their ability to infect ACE2-expressing cells. Based on this system, we have demonstrated that an aqueous extract from the Natural herb Prunella vulgaris (NhPV) displayed potent inhibitory effects on SCoV-2 SP (including SPG614 mutant) pseudotyped virus (SCoV-2-SP-PVs) mediated infections. Moreover, we have compared NhPV with another compound, Suramin, for their anti-SARS-CoV-2 activities and the mode of their actions, and found that both NhPV and Suramin are able to directly interrupt SCoV-2-SP binding to its receptor ACE2 and block the viral entry step. Importantly, the inhibitory effects of NhPV and Suramin were confirmed by the wild type SARS-CoV-2 (hCoV-19/Canada/ON-VIDO-01/2020) virus infection in Vero cells. Furthermore, our results also demonstrated that the combination of NhPV/Suramin with an anti-SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody mediated a more potent blocking effect against SCoV2-SP-PVs. Overall, by using SARS-CoV-2 SP-pseudotyped HIV-1-based entry system, we provide strong evidence that NhPV and Suramin have anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity and may be developed as a novel antiviral approach against SARS-CoV-2 infection.

    And a cheap drug for river blindness, imagine that!

    Surface plasmon resonance approach to study drug interactions with SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase highlights treatment potential of suramin

    Surface plasmon resonance approach to study drug interactions with SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase highlights treatment potential of suramin - PubMed
    The SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) is essential for virus replication, therefore it is a promising drug target. Here we present a surface…


    The SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) is essential for virus replication, therefore it is a promising drug target. Here we present a surface plasmon resonance approach to study the interaction of RdRp with drugs in real time. We monitored the effect of favipiravir, ribavirin, sofosbuvir triphosphate PSI-7409 and suramin on RdRp binding to RNA immobilized on the chip. Suramin precluded interaction of RdRp with RNA and even displaced RdRp from RNA.

  • A few hours ago was published, by the same Spanish researcher, a technical report of several samples of big pharma Covid jabs, analyzed by Raman Spectroscopy, that proves definitively these samples contain Graphene oxide.

    There was contamination in a few vaccine doses in Japan. They killed some people. You can be 100% sure this will NOT HAPPEN AGAIN. The Japanese public would be outraged. Public Health agency heads would be fired. There would be Parliamentary hearings. You can be sure that other governments are being equally careful. With modern monitoring tools, high resolution analysis, and big data record keeping, the likelihood of contamination is much smaller than it was decades ago. You are much more likely to be injured or killed by contaminated lettuce than contaminated COVID vaccines. They are, literally, safer than eating lettuce.

    There is an article floating around from The Expose that makes an explosive claim: There is a wildly statistically-significant skew in the death rate from Covid-19 vaccines by lot number.

    The death rate from all COVID-19 vaccines is less than 1 per billion doses. "Explosive claims" like this are conspiracy theory nonsense. There is not the slightest chance that governments or public health agencies could hide deaths from the vaccines.

  • Louis Pasteur Revisited: A Rebuttal to the Germ Theory of Infectious Disease and its Relevance to the Covid-19 Pandemic

    Louis Pasteur Revisited: A Rebuttal to the Germ Theory of Infectious Disease and its Relevance to the Covid-19 Pandemic
    Note that views expressed in this opinion article are the writer’s personal views and not necessarily those of TrialSite. by Peter Grandics A-D Research

    Note that views expressed in this opinion article are the writer’s personal views and not necessarily those of TrialSite.

    by Peter Grandics

    A-D Research Foundation Carlsbad, CA 92013 USA

    e-mail: [email protected]


    Pasteur’s theory of infection is a cornerstone of Western medicine. Here we propose a new approach that the proliferation of microorganisms in infectious diseases is encouraged by chronic stress-induced imbalances in the host that suppress both the immune and the digestive systems. Nature’s method of controlling microbial growth uses quorum sensing inhibition, which disrupts the esssential molecular signaling between microorganisms. Signal molecules produced by bacteria allow the pathogens to coordinate their behavior, and after reaching a threshold level, stimulates them to activate their virulence genes. However, the resulting infectious disease can be interrupted and even prevented by suitable, mainly hydrophobic quorum sensing inhibitor molecules present in a variety of common foods and spices. When a host’s metabolic reservoir is enriched with these plant-derived inhibitors, infectious disease cannot develop — even if pathogenic microorganisms are present. In addition, these same bacterial inhibitors are also potent immune stimulants which can help reverse immune suppression. Microbes are not solely causative in the disease process, but merely opportunistic parasitic organisms, whose proliferation can be suppressed by resupplying the body with the necessary quorum sensing inhibitory nutrients. This observation challenges Pasteur’s theory, and provides a straightforward alternative to Western medicine’s antibiotic and antiviral-based microbial control methods, while also questioning the rationale for vaccination.


    The coronavirus pandemic of 2019-20 has highlighted the inability of Western medicine to handle both local and global epidemics. The reasons for this failure can be found both in its theoretical and empirical approach to disease.

    The presently accepted infectious disease theory originates in the 19th century and is credited to Louis Pasteur, French chemist. Pasteur famously developed the “germ” theory of disease [1] by first studying fermentation and proving that microorganisms were involved in the process. This later led to his understanding that diseases were associated with the activities of microorganisms. His subsequent research on chicken cholera and anthrax led him to the development of vaccines against these diseases using attenuated microorganisms. His promotion of vaccines was adapted as an integral part of Western medical thinking and practice worldwide.

    Several of his contemporaries, the most famous of which was Antoine Bechamp [2], sided with a competing theory proposing that an imbalance or weakness in the internal state of the affected individual itself caused the disease, and that the microorganisms present are merely parasitic agents. We attempt to cast a new light on this debate in the context of modern scientific observations.

    The Model

    It is well known that chronic stress causes measurable physical manifestations which involve the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis [3] leading to the secretion of glucocorticoid hormones (GCs). If the stress response persists, chronic GC stimulation of the nervous system, immune system, digestive tract and several organs leads to severe dysfunction in multiple organs and tissues. The neuroimmune mechanism sustained and prolonged by chronic stress sets up chronic inflammation in humans.

    When the glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis signaling pathway is activated in lymphocytes, lymphocyte numbers drop dramatically [4]. As a result, cell debris appears in the circulation, and cell-free (cf)DNA is a marker of this debris. The appearance of cfDNA in the host correlates with tissue injury, and also correlates with the presence of viral or bacterial DNA [5].

    Bacterial growth is limited by the availability of nutrients. Cell debris provides ready nutrients for multiplication. Current thinking on infection suggests that host tissue damage is simply a consequence of infection. We propose the reverse: nutrients from damaged host cells provide the signal for opportunistic bacteria to multiply and feed on damaged human tissue; therefore, “infectious” microorganisms are not essentially causative to the disease, but rather exist as an opportunistic parasite.

    The infectious bacteria also receive growth-inducing stimuli by the same stress hormone signaling pathways (e.g., cortisol) that simultaneously deplete the immune system

    [6-8]. Catecholamine stress hormones have growth-inducing effects, too, reducing the infectious dose of Clostridium perfringens by four logs in the presence of therapeutic levels of adrenaline [9]. These observations demonstrate how microorganisms exploit host weaknesses through an intersection between endocrinology and microbiology.

    It is known that infectious microorganisms can be cultured from the body fluids of asymptomatic hosts [10]. So the host-microbe interaction can be subtle, and challenges the prevailing Koch’s postulate that an infectious microorganism must not be found in unaffected individuals. This also undermines the pathogen-centered infectious origin of disease concept.

    The human body contains a vast pool of microbes; the number of bacteria in the system exceeds that of the host’s own cells by tenfold. This begs the question: how can infectious microorganisms be present in the body without causing disease? The answer lies in the mechanism by which the Nature controls microbial growth. Pathogenic microorganisms communicate with signal molecules in a process called quorum sensing [11]. These molecules are called quorum sensing autoinducers, and their concentration increases with bacterial cell density.

    When a critical bacteria number is reached, bacterial genes are activated that help colony members cooperate in a coordinated secretion of virulence factors. Gram-negative bacteria communicate e.g., with N-acyl-homoserine lactone or oligopeptide molecules while Gram-positive bacteria employ e.g., furanosylborate molecules [12]. Antagonists have been developed against quorum sensing signal molecules of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive microbes [13]. These are mostly hydrophobic molecules that likely block the quorum sensing signal via hydrophobic interactions.

    Interestingly, curcumin reacts with boron compounds [14] present in the quorum sensing repertoire of Gram-positives, which explains the antimicrobial effects of turmeric [15]. Therefore, the historic and ample use of antimicrobial spices in tropical countries, both in cuisine and traditional medicine (e.g., Ayurveda) have served in preventing food poisoning as well as the development of infections. This is a demonstration of Nature’s microbial control mechanism.

    Hydrophobic substances capable of blocking quorum sensing molecules include many food, fragrance and essential healing oils, used both in culinary applications and indigeneous medicines all over the world. These include coconut, olive, sesame, rose, lavender, cinnamon, eucalyptus, pepper, mint and clove oils, just to name a few. These are also used in the form of their original aromatic plants.

    Fruits like blackberries, cranberries, vanilla, citrus, garlic, and horseradish, medicinal plants like ginseng, goldenseal, and betel nut, spices like rosemary, turmeric, cinnamon, and chili peppers all have quorum sensing inhibitory (QSI) activity [12]. Garlic is a particularly potent QSI food, and garlic compounds like ajoene, alliin, allicin and diallyldisulfide have been identified as inhibitors [16-18]. When sufficient concentrations of natural QSI molecules are present in one’s metabolic reservoir, the growth of pathogenic microorganism is inhibited. This explains how pathogens can still be isolated from the body fluids of healthy individuals.

    Prolonged stress-induced intestinal inflammation profoundly affects the intestinal epithelium, microbiota, host-microbiota interactions and mucosal immunity [19,20]. As a result, both digestion and absorption are compromised. Mucosal inflammation leads to increased production of GCs, further taxing the body in an ever-worsening cycle of indigestion and malabsorption. The deficiencies in intestinal uptake diminish the supply of critical micronutrients (vitamins, minerals) for the body [21] including nutrients having QSI activity. Immune suppression combined with a depletion of QSI metabolic reservoir allow opportunistic microorganisms to proliferate, establishing the symptoms of infectious diseases.

    We have outlined here a mechanism of developing an infection as a combined action of stress hormones on the immune system and digestive functions. This suggests that the Pasteurian theory of infectious disease takes into account only a fraction of the disease process as a whole. Pasteur’s critics, primarily Bechamp, correctly asserted that an imbalance or weakness in the internal state of the affected individual causes the disease, and the microorganisms present are opportunistic parasitic agents, not agents causing the disease [22].

    With this understanding, we can explain the Coronavirus’ role in developing respiratory disease. The coronavirus binds to human alveolar cells through its spike protein, with a palmitoyl posttranscriptional modification [23,24] essential to its binding to the host cell possibly by insertion into the cell membrane lipid bilayer via hydrophobic binding. When the body has a full metabolic reservoir of QSI inhibitors (e.g., plant-derived oils), the palmitoyl group is blocked from binding to the target cell surface, and the infection is prevented. Therefore, replenishinig the depleted QSI reservoir of the body is sufficient to block an infection or reverse an established infection.

    Interestingly, natural QSI molecules are also potent immune modulators. Curcumin from turmeric activates both the cellular and humoral immune system (T cells, B cells, NK cells, dendritic cells, macrophages) and downregulates the NF-κB signaling pathway, thus inhibiting the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, and chemokines [25]. Garlic-derived allylthio compunds like alliin, allicin, diallyldisulfide, ajoene have potent QSI effects, while also stimulating both innate and adaptive immune systems [26-28]. They increase lymphocyte proliferation, modulate cellular immune responses (Th1 and Th2), inhibit NF-κB signaling and components associated with the proinflammatory state, and enhance antitumor immunity.

    We report here that plant-derived bacterial quorum sensing inhibitors are also potent stimulators of the mammalian immune system. This indicates an intriguing cooperation between species vastly distant on the phylogenetic tree of life, and again underscores the significance of botanicals in medicine. Further research focused on this link would simultaneously solve two major medical problems: microbial control and immune deficiency.


    Western medicine takes a “scorched earth” strategy in microbial control, using antibiotics and antivirals with a broad spectrum of undesirable side-effects. These upset metabolic homeostasis by interfering with the gut microbiota. In contrast, mechanisms of natural microbial control are without harmful side-effects, and also restore compromised immune functions. We have shown that Pasteur’s theory of “infectious” disease is erroneous. Pasteur’s other legacy, vaccines, carry both short-term and long-term health risks [29] and will become irrelevant with the availability of QSI supplements.

    The reason why curative botanical therapies are exluded from Western medicine is that sadly, “curing diseases is an unsustainable business model” [30-32]. The current medical business model is based on symptomatic therapies and the marketing of marginally effective drugs. When medicine is a nonprofit concern, the mission-distorting effect of the business “bottomline” is taken out of the picture.

    Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, stated: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” It is now possible to confirm this by modern scientific research.

    Effective antimicrobial strategies must follow Nature’s principles. We recommend that a broad-spectrum antimicrobial QSI supplement should contain at least one spice and two plant derived oils. The Infect-BlockTM formula [33] which is now available to the public is minimally comprised of cinnamon, olive oil and peanut oil, suitable to control microorganisms in the digestive and excretory systems.


    We are indebted to Gregory M. Vogel for his valuable comments and suggestions on the manuscript.

    Competing interests



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  • Are the Scientific Journals Censoring the Science? Part 1: The Removal of the Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in VAERS, by Elsevier and Current Problems in Cardiology

    Are the Scientific Journals Censoring the Science? Part 1: The Removal of the Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in VAERS, by Elsevier and Current Problems in Cardiology
    Note that views expressed in this opinion article are the writer’s personal views and not necessarily those of TrialSite. By Sonia Elijah This is Part 1

    Note that views expressed in this opinion article are the writer’s personal views and not necessarily those of TrialSite.

    By Sonia Elijah

    This is Part 1 of my investigative series looking into how certain experts in science and medicine, who have not gone along with the ‘official Covid narrative,’ have experienced their reports being abruptly removed from publication or have been rejected from the start.

    Dr Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, one of the most cited physicians in the world, an eminent practitioner of internal medicine, a cardiologist and epidemiologist, co-wrote a report with Dr Jessica Rose, Ph.D., trained in both virology and epidemiology, called ‘A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products.’

    The report relied solely on the data supplied by the US VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), which was created by the US Food and Drug Administration and Center of Disease Control in 1990, to receive reports about adverse events (AEs) that may be associated with vaccines.

    McCullough, along with Rose, examined the cardiac adverse events, mainly looking at myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) following injections of the first or second dose of the three Covid vaccines- Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen. Not only was their analysis of the VAERS’s data highly alarming, but the response they received from the scientific publishers, was equally disturbing.

    Their report passed peer-review and was fully welcomed and accepted for publication by Dr Hector O. Ventura, editor-in-chief of the journal, Current Problems in Cardiology, on September 22, 2021. It was published online, ahead of print, on October 1, 2021, and on Elsevier- the world’s largest medical publisher.

    However, on October 15, it was ‘temporarily removed’ from both Elsevier and the online version of the periodical, without prior notice given to the authors. A week later, Diana Goetz, associate publisher at Elsevier, informed the authors that the paper was to be permanently removed from the site. This news came only five days before the pivotal FDA meeting, to review whether to give approval for the Pfizer vaccine to 5–11-year-olds.

    The main findings of the Myocarditis report:

    Hundreds of thousands of individuals have reported adverse events (AEs) using VAERS, the primary focus of this analysis being the serious adverse event (SAE) of myocarditis.

    Myocarditis rates significantly higher in male youths between the ages of 13-23.

    19 times the expected number of myocarditis cases in the vaccination volunteers over background myocarditis rates for this age group.

    A fivefold increase in myocarditis rate was observed after dose 2 as opposed to dose 1 in 15-year-old males.

    A total of 67% of all myocarditis cases occurred with the Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine.

    Cardiac injuries associated with Covid-19 are different from the clinical picture of vaccine-induced ‘myocarditis’, which has been loosely defined as a mild troponin elevation common to ICU patients of all types.

    Vaccine-induced myocarditis qualifies as a serious adverse event (SAE) and is often associated with hospitalization in ~90% of cases.

    The report highlighted: ‘It is vital to recall that children have a negligible risk for COVID-19 respiratory illness, and yet they are a high-risk group for myocarditis with vaccination.’

    *2021: up to and including July 9, 2021

    The surge in myocarditis cases in the US in 2021 (post vaccine rollout) can evidently be seen in comparison to previous years. Also, it’s clear looking at the graph below that younger age groups are much more affected by cardiac adverse events, primarily myocarditis.

    Dr McCullough spoke to me with regards to the alarming findings of their report and in his opinion of Elsevier’s “cowardly acts of censorship.” He went on to say that “myocarditis is serious- I’m telling you as a cardiologist..There is clear cut evidence of heart inflammation being far greater than what we’d see with hospitalized Covid-19.”

    McCullough cited the Tracy Høeg et al study, where a “child is more likely to be hospitalized from myocarditis from the vaccine than from Covid-19.” And “after second shot there’s been a recorded explosive increase in myocarditis.”

    The study stated, ‘For boys 12-15 without medical comorbidities receiving their second mRNA vaccination dose, the rate of CAE is 3.7 to 6.1 times higher than their 120-day COVID-19 hospitalization.’

    Based on the VAERS data below, strikingly, it’s young males who have been experiencing myocarditis, much more than any other age group and gender. I asked Dr McCullough the reason for this, his response was “there must be an interaction between the spike protein and human androgens or male hormones.”

    In my October 26th interview with Dr McCullough, he explained that “this week is the FDA review for the Pfizer vaccine in children aged 5-11, so there couldn’t be a more important time to have a peer-review available for the world as well as for US leaders in Covid-19 to review.”

    “We were shocked and appalled that Current Problems in Cardiology and its publisher, Elsevier took the paper down from the publication site..papers can only be withdrawn according to rules and the publication contract. They can only be pulled down if they’re scientifically invalid or have incorrect information-none of these criteria existed in this paper.”

    He went on to offer the reason given by Elsevier for the removal of the report, “they didn’t think the paper was fully invited by the editor.” McCullough went on to make the serious claim, “Elsevier is illegally attempting to censor this paper- right at the moment when it’s needed the most, when the vaccine manufacturer is going to the US FDA and seeking approval for emergency authorisation use for children aged 5-11.”

    It’s worth noting, Elsevier’s article removal policy, copied from their website.

    Article removal: legal limitations

    In an extremely limited number of cases, it may be necessary to remove an article from the online database. This will only occur where the article is clearly defamatory, or infringes others’ legal rights, or where the article is, or we have good reason to expect it will be, the subject of a court order, or where the article, if acted upon, might pose a serious health risk. In these circumstances, while the metadata (Title and Authors) will be retained, the text will be replaced with a screen indicating the article has been removed for legal reasons.’

    It’s very hard to see how McCullough and Rose’s report met the criteria stated above, resulting in the abrupt removal of their report by Elsevier.

    I sent a list of questions to Diana Goetz, associate publisher from Elsevier, about the removal of the report but she did not reply.

    McCullough explained, “I still have not had anyone confront me or challenge me on these findings, or even an email exchange. The only thing that’s happened is events like this one with Elsevier, where they are, in a sense, cowardly and shameful acts of censorship- where the individual is attempting to censor out of fear…or attempting defamation- you can tell this not anywhere close to a collegial science interchange.”

    When I asked him what his next steps going forward would be with Elsevier, he responded, “they will be named in a lawsuit- and there will be tremendous consequences. I can’t imagine the amount of negative press that Elsevier will receive with this overt act of censorship that’s timed perfectly to try and influence a decision regarding vaccination in children particular when the data indicates that children will be harmed more by the vaccine than helped.”

    Vaccine failures

    Dr McCullough went on to talk about the failures of the vaccines in preventing the transmission of Covid-19 and in making things “much worse.” He cited an observational study by Chau et al “where the vaccinated can spread and pass the virus to one another- which showed that the vaccines are nearly completely useless.” He cited a study done in China showing the estimated viral loads were x1000 times higher with the Delta variant than with prior variants in the unvaccinated era (before the vaccine rollout).

    Myocarditis is a SAE (Serious Adverse Event)

    Dr McCullough informed me that he told America on national TV, back in June, when the CDC and FDA had recorded 200 cases of myocarditis that it was neither rare nor mild. Myocarditis is a SAE (Serious Adverse Event) because “it can lead to either hospitalization, death, disability, or what could have caused death.” As of October 15, the case figure has jumped to a shocking 10,304 individuals. He stated, “I think it’s disingenuous that our public health officials from the CDC and the FDA have categorized this syndrome as both rare and mild.”

    “The Trusted News Initiative was a railroading of the world into mass vaccination.”

    When I asked what he thought about the apparent war on information going on right now- given the current climate of censorship, McCullough’s response was “it’s very clear there are vaccine stakeholders. There are entities that have staked everything in the pandemic response on the vaccines and this includes world governments and departments of public health- a large powerful consortium of vaccine manufactures and entities relating to them, the bankers, the stockholders, major media. In fact, this was announced with the Trusted News Initiative, which basically stated that this consortium was so powerful that it was going to overtly censor any information that would lead to vaccine hesitancy, no matter how unsafe the vaccines were- that meant squashing any information on vaccine safety and any information on treatment of Covid-19, so individuals could not understand that there was a treatment option.”

    McCullough made it clear that in his opinion, censorship of the science by Elsevier and Current Problems in Cardiology is what he had experienced first-hand.

    Alarmingly, on the same day of the interview, on October 26th, the FDA panel voted to formally recommend that children aged 5-11 be authorized to receive Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine under emergency use authorization. At the meeting, Dr Eric Rubin of Harvard University admitted “We’re never going to learn how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it, and that’s just the way it goes.”

    This shocking statement from an FDA member reveals the reckless behaviour of the agency and the fact that they are willing to gamble with the lives of children, which many would argue is abhorrent

    Are the scientific journals censoring the Science? Part 1: Removal of Myocarditis report in VAERS
    Dr Peter McCullough, MD, one of the most cited physicians in the world, an eminent practitioner of internal medicine, a cardiologist and epidemiologist,…

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  • Lots are quite large, especially when you're dealing with 200 million people and 400 million doses. Assuming the lots are not preferentially assigned to certain cohorts (e.g. one goes to all nursing homes, etc) adverse reactions should thus be normally distributed between lots; if they're not one of these things is almost-certainly true:

    Wow - more antivaxxer lack of scientific imagination.

    They can't help it. My theory is that antivaxxers are (a) not that good at coming to balanced judgements of anything triggered by their conspiracy theory paranoia and (b) have very enhanced apophenia.

    A great scientist would have a good amount of apophenia but would balance this by a large share of self-doubt and skepticism - so the patterns hypothesised would get tested every which-way rather than uncritically followed. Good scientists look for the unexpected, and do not jump to conclusions as to causes.

    in this case we have a lot of conclusion-jumping:

    I don't know much about lot number - but the commonplace understanding would be that lots are distributed chronologically. A country gets sent (all off) a given lot and moves on to anotehr one when that is distributed.

    Most countries also vaccinate in strict age order. Therefore we have:

    strong temporal correlation with lot numbers

    strong temporal correlation with age.

    => strong correlation of lot numbers with age

    Now, age scales:

    • unvaccinated covid risk
    • vaccinated covid risk
    • background death rate (from mots things).

    Join the dots, people...

  • Allegations of Bill Gates and the WHO Influencing Vaccine-Only Protocols

    Allegations of Bill Gates and the WHO Influencing Vaccine-Only Protocols
    Many governments have drawn criticism for their delay in mobilizing resources or instituting preventive policies that would have minimized COVID-19

    Many governments have drawn criticism for their delay in mobilizing resources or instituting preventive policies that would have minimized COVID-19 spread, such as recommending research-backed antivirals at the early stages of the disease. While vaccines may be the current available deterrent to COVID-19 for adults, many at-risk groups would benefit from antiviral treatments, thus raising the question: why has there been pushback from agencies such as the WHO against affordable treatments like fluvoxamine, or ivermectin? TrialSite has closely followed concerns surrounding the WHO’s stake in recommending only certain drugs or vaccines. Among such discussions are a whistleblower’s allegations aimed against Bill Gates and WHO. TrialSite investigates claims about Bill Gates influencing vaccine-only protocols.

    At the onset of the pandemic, governments and private organizations looked to agencies of international repute, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), to lead the implementation of COVID-19 safety protocols. The WHO strongly influenced vaccine mandates around the globe, contributing, critics claim, to the narrative against the use of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine by licensed doctors to treat their patients. As such, the global pandemic has uncovered glaring gaps in health policy regulations for infectious diseases; a ‘whistleblower’ with insider experience of the WHO has sparked allegations relating to the influence of funders on international recommendations and policy.

    The WHO whistleblower

    Said WHO whistleblower was Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, an international health scientist who has conducted government research for 30 years and worked alongside the WHO in various capacities for over 20 years. While her resume lists her first role with the WHO as a Junior Scientific Officer between 1986 and 1989, later followed by a part-time position in the WHO’s International Health Regulation Pandemic Preparedness division as an Instructional Designer and Trainer between 2008 and 2012, she claims to have continued direct experience with the WHO in her role as Co-founder and President of the Geneva International Network on Aging (GINA) since 2000.

    In an interview led by a controversial legal advocate, German-funded Extra-Parliamentary Corona Investigation Committee Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Dr. Stuckelberger alleges that the organization has committed human rights violations and repression by filtering out vital information to the public. She alleged that the WHO has been giving out protocols in line with the wants, agenda, and protection of the organization’s biggest donor – Bill Gates. These are serious allegations on an interest that has contributed $5 billion to charity just since 2019 according to a piece in Reuters, in addition to the $36 billion Bill and Melinda Gates gave to charity between 1994 and 2018.

    Corona Investigative Committee and allegations against GAVI

    Fuellmich is one of the lawyers leading an investigation against WHO and its response to COVID-19. The lawyer with 27 years of experience and license to practice law in Germany and California led the interview with Dr. Stuckelberger as part of their investigation against the WHO.

    Labelled by some as a conspiracy theorist, he was called a fraud by Dr. Robert Turner, who stated that Fuellmich’s claims of a “Corona Scandal” were baseless. Although his qualification as a lawyer gives him credibility, his claims have been rejected multiple times due to a lack of supporting evidence. As an example, Fuellmich declared that vaccine mandates and lockdown threats were crimes against humanity and breaches of the Nuremberg Code, a set of ten rules that protect the rights of people participating in medical research. Critics claimed this was fake news because the Nuremberg Code only applies to clinical trials. Yet a product still in the emergency use authentication (EUA) stage actually remains classified as investigational—thus mitigating at least some of the Turner’s attack point. Fuellmich also hasn’t necessarily delved into U.S. federal code, which was modified to change informed consent requirements in the world’s largest pharmaceutical market.

    Nonetheless, a popular way during this pandemic to silence critics of the prevailing government direction and narrative is the unfortunate use of ad hominem attacks to obliterate opponents. Could that be a tool utilized against individuals such as Fuellmich, who are deemed troublemakers?

    Dr. Stuckelberger alleges that Bill Gates came into the picture in 2009. Gates left his post as Microsoft’s CEO in 2000 and was given advisory roles to allow more time for his charitable works. In the same year, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) was founded.

    GAVI is a public-private global health partnership, which works with donor governments and organizations including WHO and BGMF to facilitate vaccinations in poorer countries. GAVI’s approach to public health is best described as business-oriented and technology-focused, meaning market-oriented measures and quantifiable results are prioritized over the effect of political, social, and cultural systems on health.

    Based on their website, GAVI is one of the biggest investments of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, starting with a $ 750 million donation in the first 5 years. GAVI is listed as one of the members and partners in the WHO website, while WHO is listed as one of the founders and permanent board members in the GAVI website. In 2008, Gates left his advisory role at Microsoft to focus on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Dr. Stuckelberger noted that the vaccine alliance was founded by Gates, and that alliance now heads the WHO.

    GAVI, as revealed by Dr. Stuckelberger, has complete immunity against criminal penalties. In 2009, GAVI was recognized as an independent international institution under Swiss law, gaining immunity and privileges in Swiss domestic courts. In the pre-2009 period, GAVI also had the same privileges as it was listed as an international institution hosted by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); thus, the institution was given complete immunity.

    Allegations against Bill Gates

    One of the world’s wealthiest people, Bill Gates has always been an advocate of vaccines and immunizations. As seen on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation website, the group focuses on vaccine development and surveillance where they aim to develop sustainable vaccines. The Gates Foundation directs monetary support in developing vaccines through GAVI. Notable funding includes $50 million for pneumococcal vaccines in 2007, and $241 million for the polio vaccine in 2014. GAVI went on to support the WHO in 2020 with $250 million for the COVID-19 vaccine development and distribution.

    Critics speculate that this monetary support accompanies a particular vaccine-based business agenda which opposes the use of low cost, repurposed treatments in favor of ensuring ubiquitous health via a branded commercial model. The whistleblower suggests a possible correlation between groups such as GAVI and mounting censorship of and even repression associated with the use of early-onset off-label care approaches embraced by some doctors, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. The controversy over safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines available today has led many, including this WHO whistleblower to conclude that vaccine take-up would be threatened if effective early treatments were readily available. These critics claim that consequently, information about the efficacy of these medicines has been censored and shut down. If Bill Gates or his affiliates have had a hand in this censorship, there might be a conflict of interest as the Gates Foundation has funded research on ivermectin as an anti-COVID-19 drug, or so goes the claim. On the other hand one could take a very different view, articulating that in the aggregate, Gates and associates are driving many billions of dollars into ongoing investments in modern public health in the poorest of countries.

    This isn’t the first time that Bill Gates has been a subject of controversy related to the pandemic. As early as April 2021, his reluctance to share technologies for COVID-19 vaccination sparked anger in India, and he was accused of being solely interested in capitalizing on the pandemic conditions. Vaccination programs instituted by manufacturers that received funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) were criticized for the high profit margins they made in the market, amounting to over $17 billion, which ultimately forced the Indian government to cap vaccine prices.

    The BMGF also holds shares in Pfizer and BioNTech; these investments, however, predate the pandemic. Other biotechnology companies that the BMGF has invested in are CureVac and Vir Biotechnology, the latter of which recently obtained an EUA for monoclonal antibody treatment. It is undeniable, however, that the $55 million investment in BioNTech that the BMGF made in 2019 has now turned into $550 million. This fact alone would not detract from Bill Gates’ image as a disinterested philanthropist. However, when combined with other indications of BMGF’s moves to profiteer on public health, there is cause for concern regarding the reach and influence the BMGF could wield.

    Allegations against the WHO

    To combat COVID-19, the WHO has set out some mandates that critics say may be based on the priority of their biggest donor. This comes alongside growing allegations industry has control of the global healthcare agency as discussed in the documentary, TrustWHO.

    Dr. Stuckelberger suggested that the WHO modified definitions of key terms to suit their interests. She alleged that the definition of ‘pandemic’ was changed by the WHO so that they would be able to declare COVID-19 a pandemic. However, in a written discussion presented by WHO, the change was said to be made in response to a CNN reporter inquiry. In fact, this change was made in 2009 – just a month before the declaration of the H1N1 pandemic – by removing the phrase “enormous numbers of deaths and illness.”

    In January 2021, the definition for herd immunity was also changed, a move that some people believe was kept secret from the public. The WHO admitted to changing the definition, but explained that it is not a secret, and that the change was necessary so that the public would not take herd immunity to mean letting the virus spread.

    Reports of positive use of off-label low-cost therapies would typically be good news to celebrate. For example, how the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh used ivermectin in a health kit, combined with assertive public health outreach to contribute to the turnaround of the Delta variant-driven surge there in the spring of 2021. TrialSite reported that although the WHO acknowledged the COVID-19 free success story of India’s most populous state Uttar Pradesh, they omitted mention of the proactive use of ivermectin as any part of this success. Rather, the global health agency continuously repeats that the off-label FDA drug should only be used in clinical trials. The Indian Bar Association sued WHO’s chief scientist over negative ivermectin claims while TrialSite has evidence directly from various governments that WHO applies pressures again any government that publicly embraces ivermectin.

    The WHO depends on funding agencies and donor contributions, and the BMGF is not the sole stakeholder in its recommendations. However, in the face of growing frustrations regarding biased recommendations for selected COVID-19 treatments and the under-reporting of vaccines’ adverse effects, the continued support of WHO for pro-vaccination as the ultimate deterrent for the pandemic casts serious doubts in the minds of its’ critics on the organization’s stance on global health policies. It is, therefore, necessary to scrutinize the possible influence of commercial interests on the part of those who fund WHO initiatives, such as the BMGF. Again, the film TrustWHO offers an interesting vantage into this organization.

    Time will tell

    Despite the allegations against Gates, his contributions should be duly noted. Not only has this foundation funded research for COVID-19 vaccines and medicine, it also funded multiple projects that helped to provide poorer countries with better access to important drugs and medicines. In fact, the Gates Foundation made one of its biggest donations of $122 million to University of Washington for the development of the HIV pill. During the pandemic, the Gates Foundation has pledged $50 million to help developing countries have more access to safe and affordable COVID-19 vaccines. Gates has committed much of his personal fortune to nonprofit endeavors. In light of the recent move that the BMGF has made toward acquiring another experimental drug, molnupiravir, in what they claim to be a bid to provide the Merck-based drug to low-income countries, it will be interesting to see how the WHO responds. Will molnupiravir come under the same fire as ivermectin, a rival, early treatment option, for offering a false sense of security and reducing support for vaccination programs? Or will BMGF’s newest acquisition receive unconditional backing from the WHO? TrialSite will continue to report on these unfolding events

  • Myocarditis is a SAE (Serious Adverse Event)

    Dr McCullough informed me that he told America on national TV, back in June, when the CDC and FDA had recorded 200 cases of myocarditis that it was neither rare nor mild. Myocarditis is a SAE (Serious Adverse Event) because “it can lead to either hospitalization, death, disability, or what could have caused death.” As of October 15, the case figure has jumped to a shocking 10,304 individuals. He stated, “I think it’s disingenuous that our public health officials from the CDC and the FDA have categorized this syndrome as both rare and mild.”

    (1) while myocarditis generally is not mild, cardiologists actually treating vaccine-induced myocarditis have noted, to their surprise and great relief, that it nearly always is mild, atypically so, and this countrats with COVID-inducd myocarditis that has higher rates and is severe. (e.g. in Portsmouth, close to where I like in UK, a healthy girl aged 15 who died from COVID myocariditis (possily pericarditis) just before she could be vaccinated.

    (2) Mcculloch is a political antivaxxer with weird views and an agenda that sticks out a long way

    COVID expert Dr. Peter McCullough urges ‘unbreakable resistance’ to vaccines for kids - LifeSite
    This ‘can’t be about COVID at this stage,’ he said. It’s about ‘some type of totalitarian takeover that’s occurred all over the world. Something very dark is…

    This ‘can’t be about COVID at this stage,’ he said. It’s about ‘some type of totalitarian takeover that’s occurred all over the world. Something very dark is going on.’

    When the outliers who claim things different from every normal scientist also believe this dark conspiracy stuff you have two options:

    (1) Nearly all scientists and independent monitors of what goes on are part of the weird dark conspiracy, and the few outliers are right.

    (2) The few outliers are conspiracy theorists who may genuinely believe their stuff but are not credible. Once they have gone down the dark conspiracy road they will be able to make any facts fit their hypotheses - because any source of information can be part of the dark conspiracy. It makes their hypotheses, from a Popperian point of view, undisprovable and therefore unscientific.

    Personally, I think (2) is 99.9% more likely than (1). Not that everything the establichment teels us is unspun. By definition it usually includes spin. But look at people who are independent, and competent. They take a middle ground which is far, far away from all this extreme antivaxxer stiuff for the obvious reason that it is wrong.

    About | Covid-19 Data Science
    This page aggregates and tries to provide a balanced discussion of research results, data sets, applications and models, and commentaries regarding Covid-19,…

    The novel SARS-CoV-2 virus and its associated Covid-19 disease have upended the entire world. This fast-spreading, devastating virus has infected and killed many, sparked mass lockdowns that have essentially shut down societies all over the world, and its end is not in sight.

    Our international scientific, medical, and industrial communities are scrambling to understand this disease and its underlying virus, develop and deliver viral and antibody tests, develop and study vaccines, identify treatments and figure out in what settings, if any, they are safe and effective, and devise societal-level containment and mitigation strategies that can reduce the spread, morbidity, and mortality of the virus until hopefully curative treatments or vaccines can be found, hopefully while minimizing damage to the economy and other elements of society. These efforts require a hitherto unparalleled level of international focus and cooperation.

    This has produced a flurry of data involving testing, incidence, death, some of which is difficult to interpret and utilize because of uneven reporting, selection bias, and other data provenance issues, and research results, which are difficult to interpret given many are from non-randomized studies, non-peer reviewed preprints, and often not distinguishing among very different patient groups or treatment settings.

    Typically, we learn about these through reports from the media or other sources, which are sometimes colored with inaccuracies, biased from unwarranted optimism or influenced by political perspectives. Thus, it is difficult to sort through this information to make sense of what we know about the virus and disease and how we should manage it.

    Based on these factors, I am assembling this website as an attempt to aggregate, evaluate, and synthesize information related to covid-19 including:

    1. Commentaries

    2. Research Results

    3. Data sets

    4. Applications and Models

    By no means is this an attempt to be comprehensive, but will contain elements that I find interesting and important in my own attempt to understand the truth about this disease and virus, and upon which I wish to comment on (as limited by my time constraints). This website flows from my attempt to do the same thing on my social media pages, but I port these efforts over to this website with hope of broader reach and response.

    Being keenly aware of political biases on both sides, my goal is to try to remain as apolitical as possible and try to filter out what I perceive as political biases and describe what I consider to be key insights gained from a particular report or resource. I acknowledge that it is not possible for me or anyone to completely separate their thinking from their own worldview and political views, but will do my best to provide a measured, balanced perspective focused on problem-solving and truth-seeking.


  • PS - I note that extreme antivaxxer views are propagated on this thread (and liked on it) in the majority of posts.

    Occasionally there will be something interesting and new to think about here - for me that is great fun and i don't care if no-one else likes it - I will post.

    Occasionally I will do the 15 min vaccination to protect from anti-vaxxers post - as above.

    Otherwise don't expect me to do the standard contradiction on every antivaxxer meme here. It is too much of my time, and it has got repetitive.

    Therefore - reading this thread - don't think that an overall uncontradicted antivaxxer bias (e.g. TSN) is valid just because no-one here is as assidously posting the more normal points of view, and the obvious rebuttals of the antivaxxer stuff.


  • I think this is laughable. Of course there are opportunistic infections, but they are just one cause of sickness.

    I'm biased, I've been pushing this philosophy for 18 months. I've also lived the lifestyle for 40 years. It's worked for me. Don't stress over things you can't control, proper nutrition and no Sugar

  • Thank you very much for the article! As a nuclear physicist who devoted 13 years to gastroenterology and 6 years to the physics of microworld, I want to praise the authors of this article! I fully support everything that is stated in it and I support the authors' concept of how we need to help our body increase resistance to certain threats ... In Russia, there are many supporters of the ideas that are set out in this article. In 1999, I myself took a course in gravitational gymnastics according to the method of Anatoly Ivanovich Samodumov. In August 1999, I was able to lift 1250 kg off the ground ... What was surprising about these exercises? I absolutely did not feel the "weight of the barbell" when lifting it ... for 20 years I was in search - I was looking for an answer to this question - "Due to what physical phenomena does the bar lift off the ground?"

    Pay attention - many infectious disease specialists pay attention to the fact that the deterioration of well-being and the deterioration of human health is very often associated with a stressful situation ... into its structure of "photon waves" ... These photon waves can be formed by light photons - then our eye sees the world around us ... Other photons - for example, ultraviolet photons, form photon waves that excite the state of aggregation of matter ... as an example, we can cite the "burn" that a person and his skin receives if he lies in the sun for a long time in the summer ... But another example is also typical - no matter how many hours you spend naked under the sun in winter, you will not when you do not get a "burn" or "tan", since the photon waves that "fall" on your skin are formed not by ultraviolet photons, but by infrared photons, which weakly "heat" or weakly excite bound electrons and thus are practically unable to change the state of aggregation of matter ... Bound electrons and free electrons that are in the human body or in a stone are exactly the same ... Our human system resembles an ordinary computer - the difference only in the structure, and the protons and neutrons are exactly the same ... The most interesting thing is that our body can be compared with an ordinary mobile phone - we continuously receive photon waves by our structure and constantly emit other photon waves into space ... But ... if mobile phones of the same brand and manufactured by the same company have the same structure, then we - people, have a similar structure on the one hand, and on the other hand, very different - each of us has our own genetic structure - this is our individual feature.

    This individual feature, to the chagrin of some people, greatly affects the functioning of the immune system - first of all, and the functioning of all body systems ... For this reason, some people get sick a little, while others get sick more often ... For this reason, some people are tall, and others are low ... For the same reason, some jump high, while other people cannot boast of such qualities ... And all these processes through the gene structure are controlled by the brain, which initiates such a photon wave, which is strictly individual for each of us ... You pressed your finger on the button the keyboard of your computer - in order for this to happen - and after all, many of you can type text at a "breakneck" speed - the brain constantly processes some photonic waves and instantly emits other photonic waves ... Let's say there is a stone in front of you that you brought from the beach ... do not guess that the stone - after all, in our understanding, it is "inanimate", it also absorbs photon waves and also emits photon waves in response to absorbing shyness ... And it is "inanimate" only because there is no area in its structure, which we call the brain. Otherwise, the stone performs absolutely the same physical actions - we are talking about its structural elements - electrons, protons, neutrons, as the physical actions that occur in the human body ... A simple example - the evaporation of the human body and the evaporation of the stone from the beach goes one by one and the same physical laws ... And now I will write a very serious phrase, which has a very deep meaning - if we consider the near-earth space and the Earth itself as a huge server, then each of us in the structure of this server is like a biological trigger or a microcircuit ... Understand - inside a real server, which is designed by people, photon waves fly in the same way, and each photon wave reflects the internal structure of those very elements of this server ... We are in essence biological robots or biological computers and it is necessary today to recognize that we were certainly created by someone ... This someone does not have to be some kind of alien - it can be not understood by many - the "information field" of the Earth ... which simply received a complex signal from a multitude of photon waves - these were essentially those who migrated from another galaxy to our Earth in such a strange way ... But this method is strange for us today ... Perhaps in 200 years it will become simple and understandable to each of the people living on Earth, one of the ways to move wherever he wants ...

    Returning to gravitational gymnastics, I came to the conclusion that the brain can be trained in such a way that it will initiate instant ionization in the body - this is the first, but not the main thing, and most importantly, with its photon wave, it can build clusters of free electrons, which, by their magnetic field begin to interact with another cluster of free electrons, which the same photon wave has gathered together, and then the interaction of clusters of free electrons - and this is a trivial repulsion - magnetic repulsion of the magnetic poles of the same name, leads to the separation of the rod from the Earth ...

    The role of free electrons was demonstrated by the researchers in this video -

    Experiments with magnetic latches / Getting closer to the jagged effect: Global Wave St. Petersburg -

    But they do not understand this role of free electrons ... Why is it so? And because in our schools and institutes "old physics" is taught, based on Maxwell's mistakes, which he made in 1873.

    My video -

    About Samodumov Anatoly Ivanovich June 20, 2021 -

    Photon Wave Revisited, December 7, 2018 -

    Photon Wave Revisited, December 7, 2018 –

    Photon Wave Revisited, December 7, 2018.doc
    Photon Wave Revisited, December 7, 2018 Hello ! Cold Nuclear Fusion and Ball Lightning: Seminar at RUDN University - November 29, 2018 -…

  • CDC Recommends All Children 5+ Get Vaccinated Yet Much Risk Hasn’t Been Addressed

    CDC Recommends All Children 5+ Get Vaccinated Yet Much Risk Hasn’t Been Addressed
    Although a number of issues and risks continue to surface with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under emergency use authorization (BNT162b2) and approval

    Although a number of issues and risks continue to surface with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under emergency use authorization (BNT162b2) and approval (Comirnaty) the endorsement of the MRNA-based vaccine sailed through thanks to an overwhelming thumbs up recommendation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Last week the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also authorized use, meaning now Pfizer has 28 million potential vaccines to supply, representing 56 million doses. The urgency now to vaccinate this vulnerable cohort raises several questions about the nation’s public health agencies’ actions as articulated in an analysis made available by TrialSite here. The CDC now urgently promotes that all children age five (5) years old and up get vaccinated. While TrialSite is a pro-vaccine media platform we strongly believe in sound regulatory and public safety principles. As described in the analysis, the FDA and CDC moved forward despite the fact that A) the FDA did not verify the data prior to VRBPAC FDA meeting (e.g. analysis wasn’t’ verified); B) the true risk-benefit analysis is actually negative 1.8 based on a comprehensive review C) the study used for the decision includes serious potential for bias D) whistleblower data including allegation of falsification of data (including unblinding) published in The BMJ. Other factors are raised below.

    Rationale to move Forward

    While in all reality it is highly improbable that COVID-19 cases in children can result in hospitalizations, deaths, MIS-C (inflammatory syndromes) and long-term complications such as “long COVID,” the CDC nonetheless emphasizes they do occur and have increased significantly with the Delta variant. The national public health agency noted that COVID-19 cases in children became more commonplace while the spread of the Delta variant resulted in a surge of COVID-19 cases in children throughout the summer. During a 6-week period in late June to mid-August, COVID-19 hospitalizations among children and adolescents increased fivefold.

    Similar to what was seen in adult vaccine trials, the vaccine was nearly 91 percent effective in preventing COVID-19 among children aged 5-11 years. In clinical trials, vaccine side effects were mild, self-limiting, and similar to those seen in adults and with other vaccines recommended for children. The most common side effect was a sore arm.

    What’s the other Point of View

    Of course, what the CDC doesn’t, or cannot, say is how long the vaccines stay durable or effective to start. From the CDC’s perspective, possibly influenced by POTUS and the White House, the vaccine mandates or in this case mass recommendation trump all other concerns, including risks associated with children’s safety.

    What gets the spotlight all depends on the point of view, suggests TrialSite’s founder Daniel O’Connor. “If one treats this crop of version 1.0 vaccines like other standard childhood vaccines, then of course mandates or universal recommendations for children are easy,” declared O’Connor. He continued, “Vaccination has brought tremendous, undeniable public health gains, and the intentions here are no different in that the government wants to ensure children are safe from severe disease.”

    However, we are “not in a normal situation” declared TrialSite’s founder. Below he highlights specific concerns that many people share:

    Vaccines were produced with unprecedented speed. This isn’t a bad thing in and of itself—in fact it is good for the progress of medicines development, but we shouldn’t be in a rush to inoculate an entire young generation until there is more safety data and an improved risk profile. For example, the amount of safety that accumulated for other vaccines required for school should be comparable to the current ones. It’s also worth noting that most of the vaccines approved for child vaccine-preventable illnesses are for diseases that target children with more severe symptoms. COVID remains significantly deadlier in the elderly.

    The risk-benefit analysis isn’t what the CDC claims. Children have a very low serious illness and death rate. Nearly all of the children that have been severely ill or have died, which is a very small amount to begin with, have had underlying comorbidities. See slide #19. The FDA analysis led to the conclusion that the vaccine represented a 6.6x benefit. However, after a review by expert David Wiseman, the risk-benefit ratio becomes negative 1.8, meaning the risk is higher than the benefit. This is because of several factors, including waning effectiveness to non-myocarditis serious adverse events.

    We should be focused on specific risk cohorts among the young and not do a one-size- fits-all vaccination approach. This includes no mandates for such young children, until we have at least years of hard data.

    The FDA acknowledged that they didn’t thoroughly review the data at the VRBPAC meeting on October 26. See slides #18-19. Critical questions remain.

    On hesitancy about safety, Dr. Eric Rubin declared that we are “never going to learn how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it.” Note PolitiFact provides content for review but the point is that there is no long-term data in a very vulnerable and low-risk group. Shouldn’t we be as careful as possible with our children and ensure more data is available?

    Whistleblowers reveal stark data quality problems with the Pfizer-BioNTech study as reported in The BMJ. Even when Pfizer was made aware of quality issues with one managing research company, they handed them four more vaccine contracts, including one for vaccines in children.

    Disclosures that some of the manufacturing inputs changed should be associated with revalidation of production systems and outputs. Specifically, Pfizer changed the children’s formula to produce the product. This is a deviation from the study protocol. Under any normal conditions this change would need to be validated.

    Based on Wiseman’s analysis the CDC rushes to vaccinate every child age five and up based on highly questionable data. In summary:

    The data is problematic, unverified, and efficacy could actually be quite different

    New untested formulation

    Insufficient and missing safety data from Pfizer

    Abundance of concern from VAERS—e.g. extremely high rates of myocarditis as compared to the flu vaccine

    We believe a flawed FDA risk-benefit analysis

    We find 1.8 risk > benefit

    Is there really an emergency in children—are we putting them at risk?

    No evidence concerning transmission risk

    Vaccine Distribution Commences

    While the CDC aggressively pushes mass vaccination now of 28 million children, the risk factors are higher than the government is letting on. What happened to impartial regulatory and public health agencies? We need independent regulators now more than ever

  • Neutralizing Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 Selected from a Human Antibody Library Constructed Decades Ago

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    Combinatorial antibody libraries not only effectively reduce antibody discovery to a numbers game, but enable documentation of the history of antibody responses in an individual. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has prompted a wider application of this technology to meet the public health challenge of pandemic threats in the modern era. Herein, a combinatorial human antibody library constructed 20 years before the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is used to discover three highly potent antibodies that selectively bind SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and neutralize authentic SARS-CoV-2 virus. Compared to neutralizing antibodies from COVID-19 patients with generally low somatic hypermutation (SHM), these three antibodies contain over 13–22 SHMs, many of which are involved in specific interactions in their crystal structures with SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor binding domain. The identification of these somatically mutated antibodies in a pre-pandemic library raises intriguing questions about the origin and evolution of these antibodies with respect to their reactivity with SARS-CoV-2.

  • Vaccine mandate for KIDS: San Francisco will force children as young as FIVE to show proof of vaccination to enter indoor venues like restaurants and give parents two month DEADLINE

    San Francisco plans vaccine mandate for children aged 5 to 11
    San Francisco plans to mandate that children aged five to 11 show proof that they've been vaccinated in order to enter indoor restaurants and entertainment…

    Papers please!

  • 3 takeaways from the emergence of the ‘Delta Plus’ coronavirus variant - STAT
    Experts say Delta Plus is more of a headache than a devastating gamechanger in the scope of the coronavirus pandemic.

    A good summary.

    Looks OK so far, My concern is that in the UK, if delta-plus has significant vaccine escape transmissability, we might not see its real increase in transmissability yet since the current UK surge is being driven by very high infection rate in unvaccinated children 6 - 15 years old. We will get more info fairly soon.


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