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  • Or, more narrowly, give me an experiment that confirms or refutes those old D2O/Pd excess heat experiments?

    Fusion Science and Technology -- ANS / Publications / Journals / Fusion Science and Technology

    Thermal behavior of polarized Pd/D electrodes prepared by co-deposition
    Thermal behavior of polarized Pd/D electrode, prepared by the co-deposition technique, serving as a cathode in the Dewar-type electrochemical cell/cal…

  • In my paradigm, nickel 63Ni and samarium 151Sm will serve as matches for making a fire, and hydrogen, deuterium, and water should serve as firewood (fuel). Therefore, the question of price is a question of the price of matches. The purpose of the reaction should not be to obtain thermal energy. If the nuclear “fire” burns, there will be heat, light, and electricity!

    Cold nuclear fusion (LENR) is a chain reaction of reverse beta decay.

  • In my paradigm, nickel 63Ni and samarium 151Sm will serve as matches for making a fire,

    the formation of 151Sm is indicative of a cold fire

    If you search conventional isotope reactions on Google the only one that gives Sm151 is

    beta decay of Promethium 151

    but whence comes Pm 151..???

    Promethium is one the rarest rare earth with only traces available.. try buying it on ebay

    one explanation (beyond the ken of CERN)

    appears to be a coldburning sequential buildup from lighter rare earths to heavier by deuterium D addition.. notice the formation of two Pm isotopes followed by quick decay

    (NOTE...without HighEnergy CERNish collision)

    143Nd + D → 145Pm → 145Nd + D → 147Pm → 147Sm →143Nd + 4He

    147Sm + D → 149Eu → 149Sm + D → 151Gd → 151Eu (→ 151Sm)+ D → 153Gd → 153Eu + D → 155Tb →

    155Gd + D → 157Gd

    151Eu + D → 153Gd + D → 153Eu + D → 155Tb → 155Gd + D → 157Gd

  • You're making things unnecessarily complicated. Cold nuclear fusion at a fundamental level occurs according to the following scheme:

    e + n → p + e- + e + 13,6 eV → ,

    where the source of neutrinos can be nickel 63Ni or samarium 151Sm. Other options are also possible, which must be chosen for practical reasons.

  • Pr Focardi expected only Ni ( from 58 to 62) reacted wiht one H ( no D) to do instable Cu isotopes which next became back Nickel.

    However i understood he considered that beta minus and plus occured in the same time inplying an electron anhilition ( by its positron).

    I meant at the end no electrons were released pratically.

    You're making things unnecessarily complicated. Cold nuclear fusion at a fundamental level occurs according to the following scheme:

    e + n → p + e- + e + 13,6 eV → ,

    where the source of neutrinos can be nickel 63Ni or samarium 151Sm. Other options are also possible, which must be chosen for practical reasons.

  • Going to have to move some posts out of this thread, please stay on topic, this thread is for discussion of Clean Planet’s commercial development and supporting evidence.

    Go ahead and move them to a new thread. That's a good idea. It keeps things organized.

  • That paper certainly does not confirm those old experiments - but also of course it can't refute them.

    That D/Pd system undoubtedly exhibited various interesting thermal effects: high peaks in excess power generation, positive thermal feedback, heat-after-death, etc.

    It is a very complex system.

    Proving that those effects are outside what is possible chemically - that is what is needed to confirm those old papers. I'm not sure they can, in principle, be refuted. But I suppose a lot of work on exactly what those non-nuclear effects are, showing unexpectedly high levels of excess power etc, would incline an observer more towards thinking that the anomalies shown are non-nuclear.

    Anyway - my point for orsova is that alas - as he might expect - that paper does not anywhere show or even claim that those effects are beyond what is possible chemically. The two summary paragraphs below are as far as it gets - and without stating assumptions or quantitative analysis it says "in our personal opinion, looking at data which is difficult to interpret for the reasons stated, making undisclosed reasonable assumptions, there there is some excess enthalpy generation".

    And that settles nothing.

    Of special interest is the excess enthalpy generation during the co-deposition, i.e. at low current densities (e.g. as low as 6 mA cm−2). Whether or not the excess heat observed in the course of co-deposition is due solely to exothermic absorption is difficult to ascertain because not much is known about the current efficiencies of the various operating reaction paths. More detailed calorimetry, beyond what was done in this experiment, would be required to assess the rate of excess enthalpy generation, if any. If, in fact, excess enthalpy is generated during the co-deposition period, it would have a profound influence on the understanding of its origin. However, making reasonable kinetic and thermodynamic assumptions together with high D/Pd atomic ratios of >1.0 within the Pd/D co-deposited films [21], one could conclude that an excess enthalpy generation cannot be excluded during the co-deposition process.

    The decay of the six-point average, Q̄̄f, of Q̄f is shown in Fig. 5. In constructing this figure, it was assumed that the upper bound of any parasitic excess enthalpy generation due to the recombination is 0.009 W given by the last value of Q̄f at t=24 h, i.e. the values of Q̄f are the lower bound values. The detailed interpretation of the data requires the knowledge, at the very least, of the current efficiencies for the various reaction paths and the thermodynamics of the co-deposition process(es). However, it appears to us that if we make various plausible assumptions, then we must conclude that the Pd/D co-deposition is accompanied by excess enthalpy generation. Incidentally, some activity within the Pd/D films persisted long after termination of cell current [22].


  • I think that Clean-planet is Cold Fusion a Fusion and it is good because the D+ supply to the reaction site on the sidewall surface of the grain-boundary of Pd with nano-roughness, which is the reaction site of expandable T site, and the D+ supply is very fasu sue to D+ is in the PD film layers. due to the segregation of D"(D+) at the grain-boundary the reaction rate of Cold Fusion is very high.

    D+ confined at grain-boundary within Pd-D layer can improve the D+ supply to the reaction site(expandable T site).

    THus Clean-planat's structure is very efficient to generate heat.

    NOte that it has draw-back that due to very high heat generation metal tends to be melt down to stop Cold Fusion.

    Thus I proposed them to use heat conduction switch to cut heat conduction during trigger of Cold Fusion and connect heat sink after the trigger of Cold Fusion to prevent melt-down.

    The D+ supply from the

    Conceptualized Cold fusion reactor with improved reaction rate by segregating deuterium at grain boundaries.pdf

    Conceptualized Cold fusion reactor with improved reaction rate by segregating deuterium at grain boundaries.pdf

  • Well, i always thought your way of thinking very interesting now what disturb me in your reasoning is that you consider the deuterium as "fixed" entities which have to be trapped inside a surface cavity to fuse. You never took in account the proper vibration of these molecule ? Is it an oversight ?

  • I think you have a good thinker.

    biological transmutation is cold fusion but it need the very small space in the biology.

    Expandable T site compress D-D bond for a very long time, but collision experiment has very short time to compress D-D bond, but some experiments shows the bond compression. you can find the experiment

    in my paper.

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  • Thanks David for the Fusion Energy video. Yoshino (CP CEO) had his work cut out for him representing LENR alongside Andrew Holland, CEO of The Fusion Energy Association, and I think he did a very nice job of it. Just being on the same stage with Holland was a win of sorts for us, but he also held his own on the merits IMO. Hopefully that added to our credibility with the audience, who, judging by the Q&A, were a very sophisticated group.

    Yoshino made a nice counter to Holland talking of the billions being funded to Magnetic/Plasma Fusion research, by pointing out LENR has much more modest needs due to its low temps, no radiation, and compact size. When answering to timelines, Yoshino said "in a few years" as he is "talking with them" which I assume is Miura, to make a 100KW boiler, composed of 10 30cm x 60cm modules, followed later by a 600kw.

    Yoshino also mentioned CP's 82 patents, with 200 applications pending. All the questions in the Q&A were for Holland though.

  • Thanks David for the Fusion Energy video. Yoshino (CP CEO) had his work cut out for him representing LENR alongside Andrew Holland, CEO of The Fusion Energy Association, and I think he did a very nice job of it. Just being on the same stage with Holland was a win of sorts for us, but he also held his own on the merits IMO. Hopefully that added to our credibility with the audience, who, judging by the Q&A, were a very sophisticated group.

    Yoshino made a nice counter to Holland talking of the billions being funded to Magnetic/Plasma Fusion research, by pointing out LENR has much more modest needs due to its low temps, no radiation, and compact size. When answering to timelines, Yoshino said "in a few years" as he is "talking with them" which I assume is Miura, to make a 100KW boiler, composed of 10 30cm x 60cm modules, followed later by a 600kw.

    Yoshino also mentioned CP's 82 patents, with 200 applications pending. All the questions in the Q&A were for Holland though.

    >When answering to timelines, Yoshino said "in a few years" as he is "talking with them" which I assume is Miura, to make a 100KW boiler, >composed of 10 30cm x 60cm modules, followed later by a 600kw.

    My concern on avobe Clen planet Cold Fusion HEAT GENERATOR" is too much heat to melt the metal and without restricting tthe heat generation, it is impossible to use CP HEAT GENERATOR.

    Conceptualized Cold Fusion Reactor with Improved Reaction Rate by Segregating Deuterium at Grain Boundaries.pdf

    Because hydrogen segregated at grain boundary the efficiency is by far better than conventional cold fusion of Metal plate.

    CP use polycrystalline Ni which has grain-boundary and very high heat generation efficiency.

    However my estimation to trigger the cold fusion is impossible with conventional seramics heater, and we stoped the development.

    THUS I DO NOT THINK CP Heat generator is NOT THE REAL COLD FUSION because they restricted the heat to prevent the metal heating.

    Real cold fusion the power generation can not be developped by researcher but by huge company who develop nuclear power-plant, because they understand the heat conduction with very large heat generation.

    I proposed them to use heat conduction switch.

    Real Cold Fusion is strong alkaline D2O with positive heating element which can generate the huge power.

    because Cold Fusion is Fusion of D+D, with very high D supply can generate enormous heat generation which can not be handled in the laboratory.

    I also proposed the Strong alchaline D2O Cold Fusion with metal potential to be positive.

    This is the best heat generation, to be used to replace nuclear fission reactor in nuclear power plant.

    Correct D2O Cold Fusion Reactor with Strong Alkaline Electrolyte.pdf

    Conceptualized D2O Cold Fusion power generator with steam turbine.pdf

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