Now that Rossi's claim of 10000 lumens in his advertisements has been proven bunk by his own and Levi's experimentation, perhaps it is time to pursue a civil lawsuit for false advertising.
Maybe IH as a friend of the court?
Now that Rossi's claim of 10000 lumens in his advertisements has been proven bunk by his own and Levi's experimentation, perhaps it is time to pursue a civil lawsuit for false advertising.
Maybe IH as a friend of the court?
Quote from the Levi ECat paper:
In Europe the grid voltage is 230V since 1987. It is common for elderly people to not have acknowledged this fact, especially when you don't have anything to do with electricity professionally. That seems also true for Rossi:
Again, the voltage in Europe is and has been 230V plus minus 10% for decades. No professional doesn't know that.
Either Levi is also clueless or the paper has been written by Rossi to be signed off by Levi on that nice UNIBO badged paper.
The U.S. grid voltage is 240V, which is then split into two 120V lines. Yet most Americans still refer to the plug outlet voltage as 110V.
I use strong language here based on provable facts. Those who know me on this site will realise I do not use words like scientific fraud often.
And if it turns out he isn't, my guess is that you would be hearing from him.
Probably again heat after death
Upon Rossi's passing, expect biological LENR for sure.
Some corpses may mysteriously heat up after death (
And if it turns out he isn't, my guess is that you would be hearing from him.
IHF, will you please answer me this one question.
Did Rossi or Levi show that the SKLed produces anywhere close to 10000 lumens?
And does he not advertise this publicly? Is that not fraud?
IHF, will you please answer me this one question.
Did Rossi or Levi show that the SKLed produces anywhere close to 10000 lumens?
And does he not advertise this publicly? Is that not fraud?
1) It appears to me no
2) More likely mistake, but you can call him a fraud if you want to
A good comment on ECW which deserves to be read here also. We only see the measurement of 12V, no amps, and have to take the 1 Ohm resistor for granted. But all it takes is another resistor hidden somewhere.
QuoteDisplay MoreAs for the Ecat SKLEP:
I find it suspicious that the voltage was not measured directly across the 1 ohm resistor, especially if one considers that the current through the resistor was not measured or used for the calculation of the dissipated power in the resistor.
Rossi in his video and Giuseppe Levi in his reports, both say the same thing:
" Given the low value of the load resistance it was decided not to introduce an ammeter in series
to the circuit in order not to affect the experimental conditions. From the measurement of the
voltage drop at the resistor terminals the current and power dissipation can be easily obtained. "
Indeed, P = Uexp2 / R but the very important question is what is the real voltage (U) across the resistor?
From the video one can see that the 12 V voltage is not measured directly at the 1 ohm resistor, but somewhere in between the ecat and the resistor.
The video shows connecting clamps on the edge of the oil bath.
If one of these terminals contains a hidden 1000 ohm resistor in series with the 1 ohm resistor, then the current through the circuit would be only 12 V/1001 ohm = 0.012 A. The total load of the Ecat would then be only 12 V x 0.012 A = 0.144 W.
This 1000 ohm resistor should only dissipate about 12 V x 0.012 A = 0.144 Watt and so can be very small in size, not much bigger than the tip of a pencil. It can therefore easily be hidden in one of the connecting clamps. The measurement of the 12 Volt is done
obviously before the hidden resistance, on the side of the Ecat.
Isn't the Cos ϕ a bit low?
The constant power absorption was also pointed out by Rossi when he disconnected the Ecat in the demo video, by the way.
reincarnation ? Yes probably someone else will take over the lead ?
Upon Rossi's passing, expect biological LENR for sure.
Some corpses may mysteriously heat up after death (
This is the kind of creativity we need. And it's also the reason why the final arbiter will always and forever be the marketplace.
That the best image of the measurement that everything coming out of the lep relies on.
Nice clean view of the bath, resistor, leads separated nice, then cross 'em up in a crevasse with a bad reflection.
How many wires are jammed in that red bit?
Is that foil on the DVM probe covers? Good thing he used the cheap DIN meter on the input instead.
This is the kind of creativity we need. And it's also the reason why the final arbiter will always and forever be the marketplace.
The “market” is full of get rich quick pyramid schemes, Saudi princes wanting to send you $, Enron, Florida real estate swindles, and multiple other gullible fools waiting to be separated from their $.
The market proves NOTHING other than foolish people can be fooled.
Science, engineering and math will win the day here, and in every case, in every “demo”, in every published document, Rossi is found wanting, he is either delusional or a fraud, wake up, mercy.
And if it turns out he isn't, my guess is that you would be hearing from him.
No, because the specific behaviour I am attesting to is well documented here and elsewhere and properly called that.
It is fine to make a bad mistake (as he did over Lugano) which favours a friend's controversial claims. It is fraudulent opr incompetent to continue claiming one analysis is right when it is provably wrong. I would happily prove that.
Specifically when interpreting thermography results on an unknown surface Levi continued to argue against clear contrary explanations - following arguments in his paper - that "only total emissivity matters". That is plain wrong, very obviously so for any high school physicist.
P here has proven it experimentally!
Rossi is the kind of creativity we need? i cannot imagine a more profoundly false statement.
A good comment on ECW which deserves to be read here also. We only see the measurement of 12V, no amps, and have to take the 1 Ohm resistor for granted. But all it takes is another resistor hidden somewhere.
I find this quote inexcusable:
" Given the low value of the load resistance it was decided not to introduce an ammeter in series
to the circuit in order not to affect the experimental conditions"
He could not adjust the calculations using the resistance of the ammeter? At least verify the results with the ammeter roughly match those without? Ridiculous.
And it's also the reason why the final arbiter will always and forever be the marketplace.
IHFB - in this case that is a profoundly silly comment.
Any over unity device with Rossi's specs, say the EKLep (the EKled is just an LED bulb and not over-unity as claimed from testing), if it worked, would be tested as such by many independent parties and usher in a new technological revolution.
Whereas many non-working devices are sold as working - sometimes for many years making much money.
The market determines whether devices can make money for sellers, not whether they work. There is a niche where scammers can continue to make money to buyers who they have fooled one way or another. Not that it will work with Rossi: he has not got the polish of Steorn with Orbo.
This is the kind of creativity we need.
I find this quote inexcusable:
" Given the low value of the load resistance it was decided not to introduce an ammeter in series
to the circuit in order not to affect the experimental conditions"
He could not adjust the calculations using the resistance of the ammeter? At least verify the results with the ammeter roughly match those without? Ridiculous.
Ridiculous and another demo of ignorance of the author.
Fluke 189 is equipped by a shunt for DC current measurement. It has a resistance value less of a tenth of ohms (for high current range the burden voltage is 0.04V/A) so even measuring 10-12A current value the drop is negligible compared with the 12V drop across a 1 ohm resistor load.
Maybe a problem it could be the DMM max current value.
Display MoreIHFB,
The “market” is full of get rich quick pyramid schemes, Saudi princes wanting to send you $, Enron, Florida real estate swindles, and multiple other gullible fools waiting to be separated from their $.
The market proves NOTHING other than foolish people can be fooled.
Science, engineering and math will win the day here, and in every case, in every “demo”, in every published document, Rossi is found wanting, he is either delusional or a fraud, wake up, mercy.
The market IS the final arbiter, in the sense that once devices are in the market, the crowd will come to a conclusion on its veracity. The problem with your argument is that some within the scientific community have worked extremely hard to erect a reputation trap for anyone who dare test a device that might threaten their funding and sacrosanct theories.