guest111 Member
  • Member since Mar 29th 2017
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Posts by guest111

    No one with any knowledge of engineering in general, much less technicality of thermodynamic measurement, would suggest using a an IR camera for calorimetry. In addition to your cogent points above about the absolute lack of applicability, Rossi,, had fun playing with the pretty graphics images in Photoshop, changing around all the pretty colors with all the options in Photoshop. What a laughable fraud, if I were IH, I'd be so ashamed I'd craw under the carpet.

    Madoff is an infinitely more credible and believable conman than Rossi, which is the biggest mystery of all in this "drama"---WHY supposedly experienced investors would fork over $10M with no due-diligence (I'd want my money back if I were an "investor"), notwithstanding anyone's hair on the back of their neck should stand up to someone hawking the greatest invention of the century with a bundle of crude pipe, hidden in insulation and a couple of thermocouples and heaters. If one were to write a move about this, they would have to make major changes to the Rossi persona, and technical presentation, to make it halfway believable to the audience (that anyone would fall for it), including, but not limited to: omitting his past public history of cons, much more professional looking experimental apparatus than his crude insulation wrapped, home depot pipe oragami, omitting (or actually producing) the "mystery" customer whom no one was allowed to see, along with the mega heat exchanger, etc.

    Rossi could have made a fortune, legally, as an Amway salesman, a "quadruple-diamond-direct distributor", probably easier.

    He does indeed work very hard at putting on a show, while enlisting others to do the hard work of making the props (reactors). He also works hard at putting on the show of working hard. :) It gives the intended image and makes the reader think, "surely he wouldn't work so hard for nothing would he?" That was one thought it elicited in me in the past. Eventually, I realized these kinds of thoughts are coming from a rational doubt.

    And the adrenaline/motivation knowing you're going to get unequivocally nailed, and maybe sent to jail, if you don't rip out "equipment" like a madman before being exposed, begets sudden bursts of "productivity".

    Don't go out in a lightning storm with that humongous tinfoil hat! That is rather funny though!!

    the real key to spotting a creature like Rossi and what he is up to is the NASA hypothesis. Never A Straight Answer. His blog from its misleading title of professional sounding validity .journal of nuclear physics is a lesson in how to do this. Even when he is provided opportunity to be on the level he obfuscates and gives short effusive answers. These scams and getting away with them provide a thrill to the conman. Every honest poster who visits and asks a question is like another notch i n his bow.

    All I needed to get a first suspicion was the incredibly crude plumbing scrap "devices" wrapped in foil insulation and tape with a couple of cheap thermocouple meters sticking out (and power going in) like a Thanksgiving turkey--and it was downhill from there. Question for all the Rossi devotees, has ANYONE ever seen one of Rossi's greatest inventions "run" totally free of a connected power source???

    Lawyers sure do.

    I'm surprised you would be surprised at US granted patents being worthless though. There are an awful lot of US granted patents. Nearly all are never used. And patents existing is no validation at all of the technology - if that were to be the case it would make granting patents much more expensive! Patents tend to work because people do not bother to patent stuff that does not work. But, there are some exceptions...

    OK Pardon me, there is ONE granted US patent, just as worthless, for a water heating device...says nothing of "fusion", but a lot of hand-waving non-specific drivel about auxiliary heating sources keeping a 'reaction' going in his pixie dust, turning the power off and on, NO data, zero zilch nada. IT HAS NOTHING REGARDING, NOR DESCRIBING a "fusion" process, nor any claims of creating excess energy. And yes, there are millions of worthless and unsubstantiated patents that are granted (just search "ridiculous patents" it's rather amusing (Rossi's might even pop up). Hmm, strange that Rossi, who is so protective and paranoid, would "hide in plain sight" the secret formula for the greatest invention of the century, such that anyone might steal it (or at least get large clues), and/or that the world has not beaten down his door for his better (disclosed) mousetrap. This too, might be used as a turbo-hotdog-cooker, but the $10 at Walmart would actually work.

    "An application in 2008 to patent the device internationally received an unfavorable preliminary report on patentability at the World Intellectual Property Organization from the European Patent Office, noting that the description of the device was based on "general statements and speculations" and citing "numerous deficiencies in both the description and in the evidence provided to support its feasibility" as well as incompatibilities with "generally accepted laws of physics and established theories." The patent application was published on 15 October 2009.

    On 6 April 2011 an application was approved by the Italian Patent and Trademark Office, which issued a patent for the invention, valid only in Italy. Under then-current Italian law, the examination of the application was more formal and less technical than for the corresponding PCT application.

    In March 2014 the US Patent Office replied to Rossi's US patent application with a provisional decision to reject it, saying "The specification is objected to as inoperable. Specifically there is no evidence in the corpus of nuclear science to substantiate the claim that nickel will spontaneously ionize hydrogen gas and therefore 'absorb' the resulting proton".

    Rossi has nothing of any "intellectual property" value (same with IH). An issued patent in ITALY (!), yea that's really valuable), and hoards of patent applications that are not worth the paper they're written on--they mean nothing unless/until granted, and judging from his track record of patents, experiments, data and physics, the ONLY ones that will be issued are in Italy (likely by leaving a milk-jar containing a pittance of his ill-gotten gains on the stoop of the an Italian bureaucrat), well, maybe also in Timbuktu, Fiji etc. They might however consider filing the patents, on the cylindrical kiln designs as turbo-hotdog cookers.

    Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I don't think IH is any "saint" (and one should not expect as such, they are an investment company, above all their hype about wanting to save the world, they are out to make money). I also find it relatively difficult to believe that IH's motives (regarding money) were entirely pure, or perhaps entirely ethical, either, but the behavior that you describe is par for the course for many investment companies, and many businesses, and "business plans" of people seeking investment in general--"buyer beware". I also find it hard to believe they were that naive and incompetent on due-diligence for a rather extended time, The marketing people in one's own company even do similar (I've seen it working in big companies), they promise developments and deliveries that they know are highly unlikely to be forthcoming. However, this is rather apart from the frauds that Rossi perpetuates, the resistance to perform a simple test to PROVE his greatest invention of the century DOES work, and the constant drone here that the world must prove that every outrageous claim that Rossi and his followers put forth are NOT true. Cheers

    He, and everyone with a 6th grade education understand that science and technology are not based on proving NEGATIVES, as is the basis of virtually every argument in support of Rossi's claims, and these forum topics.

    But, but, just like everything to do with this charade, you must prove the negatives on every aspect, that every preposterous claim that Rossi and his "advocates" claim is FALSE (and throw in proving the existence of flying unicorns)--shows how much Rossi and his "advocates" know about the scientific method as taught in 6th grade.

    Someone who admires the behavior and characteristics of a convicted and ongoing liar and conman, well, what does that say about their character.

    Problem is, it is sometimes difficult for "promoters" to spot other "promoters" (of the fraudulent kind), and also the promoters are using OPM (other people's money) who have signed it away for them to risk and/or lose, so the promoters are not really risking or losing personally.

    Fixin' to make a trip to Home Depot and build me an eCat (well I'll call mine the eRat in order to avoid any trademark conflicts). Let's see, need random pipe and pipe-fittings, rolls of aluminum foil-faced insulation (lots of that to hide the pipe and tin-cans) , tape, strip-heaters, water-garden pump, tubing, misc wire, and pixie-dust (pixie dust not available at Home-Depot, but I'll get my kids to make some, as any will do). Should be easy, as I have much better tools and instruments in the garage (and better plumbing skills). Bye, bye Power Company, yehahhh. (Then, I will offer my eRat to IH, for the nominal sum of only $50 million).

    Perhaps he chose Florida for the very reason that excess heat would be lost very easily, do it in Canada? Anywhere even temperate ? Excess heats gonna show up when the snow melts ,the steam rises it would contrast with the environment. Florida's so hot already that you can "lose" the perception of 1mw of heat very easily. Back at the start in bologna it reminds me of the steam not steam that was almost photographed. Same old same old. Makes lenr look very much like one big scam to even someone who has read the peer reviewed palladium stuff that's been peer reviewed to show at least the glimpse of validity you get from replication.

    Disinterested peasant might be a better name perhaps...

    Then again criminology and the study of scams and conartists is quite the science of its own...this site would be far more credible if it weren't for the banner ads for psychics and get rich quick trading schemes. Lenr is a term that due to folk like Rossi will go the way of cold fusion before it I suspect...whatever's going on in those lattices? Doesn't look like we are finding out anytime soon...

    He chose Florida, because Florida is the king of con-men, cons, and shady lawyers, particularly personal injury and networks of "doctors" and "clinics" trading around accident "victims" and many schemes bilking insurance companies and the government. Plus, Florida apparently has many laws where it is difficult to confiscate people's real property when they get sued or go bankrupt, those sucker investors of IH will never get their money back--it's tied up in Rossi's condo's already.

    If it were not for all the above outright calculated lies and obfuscations of Rossi, one might give him some latitude that he may be truly deluded that he is Tesla or Maxwell reincarnated; however, Rossi's only delusion is that he believes that he can perpetuate frauds indefinitely and never suffer any consequences (which he has been correct thus far, and a testament to the theory it is easier to steal a million dollars (or 10 million) than a hundred, and when you get caught, the consequences are also less ). Why doesn't he fire up any one of those insulation-wrapped Home-Depot pipe-bombs with proper instrumentation and oversight and collect his other 89 million?

    No matter how much I try to figure out the rationale for the debate going on here, I just can't quite succeed. The claim is that some magical gizmo in this little space in an office park in Florida was producing 1 MW of power pretty much continuously for an entire year while consuming considerably less power in the process. Better yet, nobody noticed. Whether this actually happened is being argued on the basis of the diameter of pipes, the existence or lack thereof of a window pane, and whether or not there was a giant invisible heat exchanger in the attic. The only so-called evidence that anything like this actually happened consists of the ravings of someone whose endless lies for years on end have been breathtaking in their brazenness. And yet, some 6,000 posts later, the argument goes on. I guess I just don't have the "special" perspective that many here do. From where I sit, the whole thing is too absurd to argue about with a straight face.

    Indeed. The biggest "mystery" in the whole escapade is how/why supposedly experienced investors (or one's grandmother) would believe any piece of this charade from start to end (to the tune of $10M , over years, no less!), starting with Rossi's checkered (to put it mildly) background, proceeding thru his amateurish (again being mild) unverified experimental "apparatus" (insulation wrapped crude hairballs of pipe and strip/cartridge heaters with a couple of uncalibrated cheap thermocouple meters stuck into them like cooking a turkey (well, it is a turkey, no offense to turkeys intended)) and (intentionally) flawed "data" collection and carnival-barking, to his obvious blatant transparent lies, tampering and obfuscations. Yet, there are those that insist that somehow the world must prove definitively that Rossi and his great invention are NOT fake, and that pink flying unicorns do NOT exist, with no requirement to professionally and easily verify his great inventions actually DO work (how science and engineering are conducted in the real world).