Mizuno reports increased excess heat

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    地上の太陽といわれる核融合は、無尽蔵の海⽔から抽出した⽔素を⽤い、CO やウラン由来の放射性物質を放出せず、家庭・事業所⽤から⼤規模発電 まで対応できる究極の再⽣可能エネルギーですが、実⽤化は来世紀という夢物語でした。それを、株式会社北海光電⼦はナノ触…

  • Ahlfors ,

    First I saw of hpeem1.jimdo.com. Thanks.

    M Muto is the President of Hokkai Kaddenshi as I mentioned earlier today. He was one of the Mizuno replicators.

    Looks like the article on their website was written on April 12, 2021. A little about HK :

    Hokkai Koden Co., Ltd. is a core company of the consortium that was established in June 2008 based on the results of the research and development project "X-ray microscope capable of simultaneous observation, chemical analysis, and electrical characteristic measurement" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. It is based on industry-government-academia collaboration of Hokkaido University, Hokkaido Industrial Technology Center, Suga Seisakusho Co., Ltd., Hayasaka Riko Co., Ltd., Tanaka Co., Ltd., and JEOL Ltd.

  • Unfortunately there was a falling out between HK and MTI. HK was announcing to investors that he was one who invented MTI’s technology when in reality he simply did calorimetry on units supplied by MTI. We had our lawyer write cease and desist letter to him. Looks like we need to send another letter.

  • Unfortunately there was a falling out between HK and MTI. HK was announcing to investors that he was one who invented MTI’s technology when in reality he simply did calorimetry on units supplied by MTI. We had our lawyer write cease and desist letter to him. Looks like we need to send another letter.

    The HK article was written with an emphasis on HK leading the way -not MTI, which I found curious. So thanks for filling in the missing pieces.

    Sounds like Japan is almost as sue happy (litiginous) as we here in the US. Not sure if that is a compliment or not.

    So can we assume we will not hear from HK again?

  • Anyway thanks for the heads up. He was supposed to remove all references to MTI from his website and company information. I have forwarded this link to our lawyer

    Regarding the last data I am waiting for official approval from their BoD before disclosing their name. It is a major public company which focuses on automotive parts production.

  • I find curious that in a joint venture with a big boiler manifacturer you try to hire a boiler engineer. Are you sure you need one?

    Are you asking me? Mizuno and MTI have nothing to do with CP/Miura. But yes that sounds strange and the work location was a metal fab company. Anyway eventually the truth will come out.

  • Dear JedRothwell i have no doubt this way of experiment were successfull sometime and no doubt about Pr Mizuno deep knowledges, involvement .. However do you have some infos from him to know how it could explain reproductibility pbs of his method ?

  • It's interesting to reread after a while this great work from Mizuno/Rothwell about the R20.

    I reread how i tried to discuss engineering with Jed and how fast it became over by TTH pollution.

    Pretty sure he is payed by oil companies or something like that to perturb the field as best he can..

    Nice today to reconsider the Mizuno work in parallel with the more recent Alexandrov work for example.

    Especially about the thermal gradient involvement.

  • robert bryant It would have been more interesting to study the convective flows inside the reactor than those from calorimetry. These were underestimated and even ignored, and their contribution to xsh was not considered at all for memory ?

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