Covid-19 News

  • Hmmmm ....

    (I read that paper on a tiny screen may have missed some text ) ...

    The biggest decline is for icu/ventilators : is that a result of the virus itself ... or a by-product of a very low pulse ox? Do people on ventilators for other reasons suffer a similar decline?

  • politicians as decision makers should react fast and should approve fast. I don't see this in Germany.

    actually in the contrary.... vaccination is planned to start within EU on 27.12. and all member states are adviced to start at the very same date? Why is that?

    IMO if something is not going as planned local politicians will finger point at "the EU", which is not helpful.

    Best would be if we could buy some time and adopt the FLCCC.NET protocoll (ivermectin) to bridge the next 18 months to a really safe and well tested vaccine.

    Please watch Senate testimony of Dr. Pierre KORY from 08.12.20 directly on FLCCC.NET website. I guess no further comments are needed. He is furious, but he cannot show it!

  • I did buy Ivermectin. It's, the by far best solution!

    Best would be if we could buy some time and adopt the FLCCC.NET protocoll (ivermectin) to bridge the next 18 months to a really safe and well tested vaccine.

    From wiki about Ivermectin:

    "It works by causing the parasite's cell membrane to increase in permeability, "

    . "Ivermectin inhibits replication of SARS-CoV-2 in monkey kidney cell culture with an IC50 of 2.2 - 2.8 µM, making it a possible candidate for COVID-19 drug repurposing research.[82][83]The doses used in cell culture would require 104 larger doses in humans based on this data, which does not look promising as an effective treatment for COVID-19.[84][85] Such high doses of ivermectin are not covered by the current human-use approvals of the drug and could be dangerous, as the likely antiviral mechanism of action is THE SUPPRESSION OF A HOST CELLUR PROCESS,[85] specifically the inhibition of nuclear transport by importin α/β1.[86]"

    Of course guillotine will release you from headache.

  • Boston doctors warn that young people are dying at ‘historic rates’ from COVID-19…=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

    What we believed before about the relative harmlessness of COVID-19 among younger adults has simply not been borne out by emerging data,” the doctors wrote. “In the past, it took us too long to respond to the epidemics of opioids and H.I.V./AIDS when the young started dying in large numbers. Now that we have similar information about COVID-19, we must immediately address it. We need to amend our messaging and our policies now. Outreach in the coming weeks and months is imperative. We know it can help.”

  • Reconstructing a Pandemic…nstructing-a-pandemic/amp

    Last Friday morning, I received a phone alert from the Boston Globe: epidemiologists and genomicists had traced covid-19 infections at a Boston biotech conference in late February and estimated that, by October, the conference had led to between some two and three hundred thousand cases, across twenty-nine states and multiple countries. That was the headline, but the substance of the paper, which appeared in Science, was a careful tracking of a mutation of the coronavirus that had appeared among patients who were infected at the conference, which was held by the drug company Biogen, and then moved through Massachusetts and to other states and continents. These are the kind of empirical facts that have been in short supply, and they provide a glimpse of not just a cluster of infections isolated in place and time but a branch of the pandemic as it spread through the world and through the year.

  • Cheaper LEDs can disinfect against COVID-19, Israeli scientists find…=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

    The team’s research has been published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology. The key finding is that LEDs emitting light with a wavelength of 285 nanometers were almost as efficient in disinfecting the virus as those with a wavelength of 265 nanometers, requiring less than half a minute to destroy more than 99.9% of the coronaviruses.

    This result is significant because the cost of 285-nanometer LED bulbs is 30% lower than that of 265-nanometer bulbs, said Mamane. She predicted this will make ultraviolet cleaning more common in ventilation systems and air conditioners, and make it a common solution for public transportation and other uses, she said.

  • What we believed before about the relative harmlessness of COVID-19 among younger adults has simply not been borne out by emerging data,” the doctors wrote.

    Such a result has been expected for the over fatted united states where already young people have 2-3 comorbidity factors. Further people of color are far lower in V-D3, male, blood group are more at risk too.

    In addition the USA has the highest rate of people (among western states) than cannot afford a healthy living. About 70 million live in a state we call poverty ...

    We here also see just a few more younger people being affected as not everybody knows about V-D3,Zinc and why they should act on symptoms...The average age of death did raise to 86 so it's above the natural live expectancy.

    All this happens because horses (& cattle) still have more value than humans and get 4 x /year their Ivermectin...

  • actually in the contrary.... vaccination is planned to start within EU on 27.12. and all member states are adviced to start at the very same date? Why is that?

    I am glad that every day pressure have resulted in little bit better decision.

    Fact check:


    December 15th, 2020: Decision on approval of vaccine on 21 December

    Amsterdam (dpa) - The European Medicines Agency (EMA) wants to present its opinion on the approval of the Corona vaccine of the companies Biontech and Pfizer on 21 December - eight days earlier than last planned. This was announced by the authority in Amsterdam on Tuesday. The approval of the EU Commission is considered certain. The vaccine could thus be approved for the EU before Christmas.

    So the plan before December 15th was about the approval by 29 December. Now 8 days earlier - good. Why? Because after much earlier decision in Great Britain many were not happy and created media force to correct their irresponsible plan.

    Now they plan to start vaccination on 27.12.2020. This change of plans is better as before, it is good. But, again, quite late in comparison with Great Britain.

  • I am glad that every day pressure have resulted in little bit better decision.

    We will see ..... not tommorrow, next week or maybe not even in one year.

    Don't get me wrong.... I 'm not generally opposing vaccination, but I have the gut feeling that this is getting rushed thru, no matter what it costs! And this is IMO a risk which is not really adressed. I had yesterday a chat with my dentist .... guess what? He was really interested in ivermectin! Now he has the info published on FLCCC.NET. I have my personal ivermectin dose always ready on hand for an emergency, so no fear!

  • After discussing the matter with the team we have decided to close this thread as of 5 pm UK time today Approx 5.5 hours from now, and reopen it when everybody has had a weekend to calm down.

    Quasi a lock down.... Alan, we already used to this.

    The weather is nice today, so other things to do. 😷 actually perfect skiing day .... what an irony.

  • After discussing the matter with the team we have decided to close this thread as of 5 pm UK time today Approx 5.5 hours from now, and reopen it when everybody has had a weekend to calm down.

    Sorry Alan: This thread was never thought to spread the Big pharma opinion as our new troll member now is allowed to freely do.

    The new troll here just spreads opinions not facts or new important knowledge.

    We try to help people to survive by condensing the available knowledge. It is already enough that daily newspapers/TV-stations (e,g BBC news, German/ Swiss TV etc..) are high jacked by the mafia.

    So I believe that the announced closure of the thread is not your free decision and it's based on external pressure. (But I still hope this is not the case...).

    Almost all TV stations spread the lie that soon only vaccinated people can possibly board a plane albeit even Pfizer (Biontech) states, that vaccinated people still could spread. So a vaccine will not end the pandemic! It will only lower the death toll and the damage from secondary effects!

    We need a cheap drug like Ivermectin and not a 2000$ shot from big pharma to cure infected people as we know that at least 5% of the vaccinated are still vulnerable and more severe, this % fraction will daily, slightly increase. The good news is that one such expensive drug, from Roche (CH), just failed in a study.

    Thus take enough V-D3, some zinc, some - 1-2g - V-C, and Quercetin as a prevention and buy your personal Ivermectin!

    The horse version - Equarell tabs/liquid - is cheap and fully functional for humans also the eastern bird version.

    The human versions (tabs for scabies) are at least 50x over prized and under dosed. You can take the dog version in some countries.

    An other cheap working protocol is: Honey and Nigella sativaagainst COVID-19in Pakistan (HNS-COVID-PK) A multi-centerplacebo-controlled randomized clinical trial.pdf

    Also Sutherlandia works fine even for 50% of the AIDS patients...African herbs 2001GerickeAustJMedHerb131.pdf

  • I can't agree more my friend, and thanks for your research and reporting. To the Doc too. Id also like to add that we never had to experience this pandemic. 30 years of studies on vitamin D has been ignored and pushed aside for more of the lastest life saving new meds. Maybe you are right and a more militant approach to get this info out s called for. Modern medicine because of its bias in treatment over prevention is guilty of failing us all, but it's also our on personal choices that have failed too. Pass the blame we all are guilty

    • Official Post

    So I believe that the announced closure of the thread is not your free decision and it's based on external pressure. (But I still hope this is not the case...).

    Not at all. My idea, discussed with the team and agreed. Nothing to do with any other factor than it's all getting a bit personal. and it's only for a little while. Opens again on monday.

    BTW, the Medical Mafia are welcome to donate to me via Paypal.:)

  • ill leave you with this

    Vitamin D Deficiency in COVID-19 Quadrupled Death Rate

    Vitamin D deficiency on admission to hospital was associated with a 3.7-fold increase in the odds of dying from COVID-19, according to an observational study looking back at data from the first wave of the pandemic.

    Nearly 60% of patients with COVID-19 were vitamin D deficient upon hospitalization, with men in the advanced stages of COVID-19 pneumonia showing the greatest deficit

    Just another observational study that the experts will say interesting but more study needs to be done.


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