Covid-19, Your health and that of your community

    • Official Post

    This is weird talk. The only reason to push the scientists aside is if you are trying to cover up the expected number of deaths.

    Because they are involved with the stats, studies, projections, graphs, research, etc. They are part of the process in evaluating the threat, and strategy to resolve. Maybe I should not have mentioned scientists in there, as you took it wrong?

    If so, I hereby offer my apologies. When I wrote the post, I had not a thought it would be interpreted as derogatory.

  • I hereby offer my apologies.

    No need. to apologise. I did not think of it as an erstwhile chemical engineer research pharmacist wannabee physicist


    Also I don't think you said "strong case" which I don't agree with ..personally.. as a senior...

    I think THHuxley is in agreement with himself..

    • Official Post

    Message from Tokyo friends...maybe it hasn't gone away

    'We are ok but school is said to open after the Easter holidays, but there is a rumor running that Tokyo will lockdown. We went shopping for food but when we went there was no bread! So we bought bread making ingredients instead. There was also only a few canned fruits left in stock. Since everyone went Sakura cherry blossom seeing since they started blooming. Corona started spreading around from that. We didn’t go.'

    And from Cambodia

    Hi Alan , just my two cents from "boots on the ground" Thailand has gone to a state of emergency , all boarders for SE Asia have been closed , lots of europeans and US citizents are stuck here as the boarder shuts were introduced very rapidly catching prople off guard. the general feeling is they are trying to stop any major outbreak current numbers are as follows Thailand leading the way with 1000 odd cases Vietnam about 120 Cambodia 97 NOT wearing a ask in public is being Frownnd upon , people are self isolating but the governments are not enforcing a ban at the moment

    And from Italy.

    'the government has stepped in to prevent the fuel stations closing down.'

  • No it hasn't gone away and it's going to be far worse here because the government here is relying on scientific advice from epidemiologists like Ferguson from Imperial who seem to be advocating allowing herd immunity to limit the pandemic rather than any advice from pharmacologists. Research pharmacologist/biochemists immediately saw the potential of using chloroquine/remdesivir following the Wang etal Feb 2 report but were given no opportunity to voice their advice, or if advice did trickle down it was simply ignored. A real opportunity for limiting this pandemic was lost when chloroquine medicines were summarily embargoed.

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  • epidemiologists like Ferguson from Imperial who seem to be advocating allowing herd immunity to limit the pandemic

    No, he is against that. Someone else (I don't recall who) suggested that it would be good if people in the UK got sick sooner rather than later. The epidemiologists were aghast.

  • In Japan yesterday there was a spike of 114 new cases. They have been seeing around 40 cases per day for the last month. This may not be so bad. Apparently, most of these cases were people coming back from overseas. So, they were all discovered at the airport and quarantined. There is no danger they will infect the general population.

    Here is an example of the information being published by the Japanese government on a daily basis. This shows how closely their monitoring every case and following up all connections to other cases. Here is information from Yamaguchi Prefecture today, translated by Google:

    The sixth new coronavirus infected person was confirmed in the prefecture.

    Sixth case << March 26 15:00 press release >>

    Summary of 1 patient

    (1) Age: 40s

    (2) Gender: Female

    (3) Nationality: Japan

    (4) Residence: Yamaguchi City

    (5) Occupation: Housewife

    * Fifth example: Close contact (mother) of the patient

    2 symptoms, progress

    March 23 Awareness of malaise

    March 25 Fifth case When a patient drives to a medical institution designated as an infectious disease for the hospitalization procedure of a patient, a sample is collected at the medical institution. After that, return to home and wait.

    March 26 PCR test conducted at Yamaguchi Prefectural Environmental Health Center, positive around noon

    Hospitalization procedure for infectious disease designated medical institution

    36.6 ° C, slight cough, malaise

    3 Travel history

    No travel history

    Fifth case Since the patient returned home on March 19, he wore a mask and spent basically at home without any external contact.

    The close contact of the sixth example patient (mother of the fifth example patient) is only the father and sibling of the fifth example patient.

    Correspondence of four prefectures

    ○ For the other close contacts (father, sibling and friend (1 person)) of the fifth patient, the PCR test result is negative, and the Yamaguchi Environmental Health Center has 14 days of health observation and unnecessary emergency outings. Guiding self-restraint

    ・ Father and sibling (from today to April 9)

    ・ Friends (from March 21 to April 4)


  • No, he is against that. Someone else (I don't recall who) suggested that it would be good if people in the UK got sick sooner rather than later. The epidemiologists were aghast.

    Yeah, here is an article below suggesting how the pandemic will end. They state what many people have said already, which is that while herd immunity would eventually work, going that route would leave millions of people dead along the way. It would be a terrible period of time.

    They suggest that this is going to be like a game of whack a mole for a while. New hotspots will emerge, multiple spikes will happen, hopefully some antivirals will help, and it will just be a long, choppy and complicated ride until we can get to a vaccine.

    This is a good read for anyone interested:…l-coronavirus-end/608719/

  • Mr. Trump has suggested we should reopen the nation by Easter, April 12. I believe he said he wants to see the churches packed with worshipers. Let us look at the numbers. My naïve spreadsheet is still tracking the professional models fairly closely because we are still in the exponential phase of the epidemic. For most of March, U.S. daily cases increased by a factor of 1.3 per day. In recent days the factor went down to 1.1, but yesterday it was back to 1.3. Here are the cumulative totals by April 12 with a 1.1 increase:

    739,000 cases, 74,000 new cases per day, 1,500 deaths per day

    Here are the totals with a 1.3 increase:

    6.5 million cases, 1.5 million new cases per day, 30,000 deaths per day

    You can see the effect of an exponential increase.

  • Just FYI I finally did receive my Chloroquine from the online pharma link I got from SOT. I had basically given up as it was showing stuck in customs for a week. It all appears legit from the packaging etc.

    I would only take it in an emergency, like I can't breath and hospitals are full, because I did have a heart attack. But I just feel much better thinking now I have a safety net. I can post photos if people are interested.

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    I like one of the comments on the first video:


    And so the legend goes, that they injected coronavirus into wim hof and the virus is now in quarantine for 14 days

    • Official Post

    This article posted last tuesday in Bloomberg, hints at the first food security hoards at the country level. We already are living it with te medicines, in spite of the decrying of Chloroquine and analogues, trying to purchase it now is next to impossible. Will some food items be next?…-threatening-global-trade

    • Official Post

    Life in lock-down Singapore (from 'physics world'.

    "I work as a senior research scientist at a company called Atomionics. We are developing cold atom-based quantum sensors for gravimetry and navigation. We’re an early-stage start-up, and most of my effort is in developing our prototype device along with a small interdisciplinary team. Nearly all our work is lab-based, and it involves a mix of optics, spectroscopy, vacuum work, electronics and mechanical engineering.

    The situation in Singapore is presently well-controlled, although things are changing fast: over the past weekend, the country shut its borders to short-term visitors and people on working visas who are not doing essential jobs. However, the health system appears to be designed to cope with an outbreak of this nature, and my impression is that the government had a solid outbreak response plan from before Day One. A test for detecting COVID-19 was developed early, and every confirmed case – mild or not – is hospitalized. Patients are only discharged once they test negative for the virus. This ensures that an infected person cannot infect others in the community. Additionally, contact tracing is quickly performed, and anyone deemed at risk is issued a “stay home” notice, meaning they are quarantined in their home for two weeks. If they develop symptoms during this time, they are immediately taken to the hospital via ambulance.

    The quarantine is taken very seriously. The authorities will check in with you every day, and you can be fined, jailed and/or deported if you don’t comply. This has severely limited community spread of the virus. The government quickly implemented measures to support people who are quarantined, such as ensuring that they get extra sick leave and don’t lose their jobs if they can’t work from home, plus there are some big stimulus packages planned. Additionally, COVID-19 tests and hospitalization are free for residents. So far, only two people have died – although again, things are changing fast."

  • Just for reference: In Southern California, a professional and licensed caregiver (I think she is a CNA) said to one of my friends:

    "I don't think it's bad. It's a mass hysteria created to ruin the economy. We should all go back to normal life. Just because some people die, it doesn't mean that everyone has to stop living!"

    -no comment.

    • Official Post

    Just for reference: In Southern California, a professional and licensed caregiver (I think she is a CNA) said to one of my friends:

    "I don't think it's bad. It's a mass hysteria created to ruin the economy. We should all go back to normal life. Just because some people die, it doesn't mean that everyone has to stop living!"

    -no comment.

    Seen a similar comment of a nurse in the USA that at first was completely dismissive. She kept posting comments about how this was a big "nothing burger" until irecently, when the hospital she works for began receiving more and more people with covid-19, and she saw first hand how quick and damaging the disease is. She acknowledged quickly how wrong she was.

  • I asked this person many times what discipline his or her doctorate is in. The person never replied. I am starting to suspect it could be in psychic phenomena or perhaps

    Back to the good life.

    you sound like my Theologian brother when I suggest that technology will find a way out of these problems, and he responds that technology got us into these problems.

    • Official Post

    You are King for the next 6 months. King of the world. Whatever you say goes. You have been dealing with the COVID for 3 months now:

    Your counsel of medical experts, is recommending months more of social distancing...or however long it takes until the virus is no longer a threat. They estimate *possibly* up to several million deaths world-wide will result, if your shut-down order is lifted too soon.

    Your economic counsel is advising you the world will soon be, if not already, in recession, followed by a depression. There will be mass unemployment, industries permanently shut-down, many others so weakened they will be flirting with bankruptcy for years to come. Your Federal Reserve will have to print trillions more; weakening the financial system even more. The longer it takes, the worse it will be.

    Your Homeland Security team is warning that if this keeps up much longer, they anticipate riots, social unrest, increased crimes, murders, and general mayhem.

    Your counsel of mental health experts, is advising you that there will be a tremendous price to pay in lives lost, and mental health issues resulting from the disruption, and lowered living standards brought on by the economic depression, and social isolation policies.

    Then there is the media hounding your every move. Like Chihuahuas constantly nipping at your ankles. They have turned this into a political assault on your leadership. Shaping/framing/distorting and hyping stories, with misleading/false headlines, designed to turn the people against you, so you lose the next election.

    So King, what do you do? Who's advice do you follow? How do you lead your people out of this?

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