Frank Gordon's "Lattice Energy Converter (LEC)"...replicators workshop

  • Oh, my apologies. I must have been mistaken. I thought Gordon had said he has only had results with Pd?
    Can you share more details and guide me to some documentation @Alan ?

    This is Alan Smith 's presentation at Asisi.…2022-lec-paper-final-pdf/

    Remember also that Stevenson , following Frank G protocols with Iron plating, also quickly replicated it as shown at ICCF24.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • Stevenson wrote in this forum on the use of iron, very good work too, and there is the workshop paper I presented at Assisi September 2022 looking at several different materials..…2022-lec-paper-final-pdf/

    Appreciate that and thank you for the work Stevenson
    My apologies again, I do recall you gentlemen discussing it some time back.
    Ferrocerium? 🤔
    Is that a composite of Fe, Mg, and Aluminum?

  • Did experiment with nickel sheet between two anodes, that seemed to contain iron, since it produced some yellow slush when running for two days at 300 mA. I used 3d printing to make insulating "cage" for the cathode. Again did not get any voltage. Used oscilloscope to check voltage, there was about 2V ac due to no grounding, so might be good idea to ground the reference plate, and / or filter the signal to remove 50 Hz hum.

    I'm suspecting that some kind of plating happens when using graphite as anode, and would like to do this plating in controlled way.

    I'm guessing my "platinum coated" anodes are actually stainless steel, but it seems to work pretty well anyway, at least if trying to plate with iron.

    Edit: Added 1000 uF capacitor to filter the signal, and got immediately 450 mV. It works!? So i had ac interference that killed the effect?

    Edit2: Not sure of the voltage, need to find capacitance that kills ac but does not maintain voltage too well.

  • Edit: Added 1000 uF capacitor to filter the signal, and got immediately 450 mV. It works!? So i had ac interference that killed the effect?

    Edit2: Not sure of the voltage, need to find capacitance that kills ac but does not maintain voltage too well.

    Make sure that the input current of your voltmeter is not charging the capacitor.

    You can tets this by connecting only the capacitor to the voltmeter and see if a voltage is present.

  • A simple method to determine ingress of H4.

    Two vessels. One occupied with LEC. One occupied with nothing.

    I suspect they may have already implemented this. I hope so.

  • 2V 50hz hum + non-linear impedance => rectified to non-zero DC by capacitor.

  • i will try later with 1uF capacitor, hoping that it will be enough to suppress the ac noise and allow fast measurement. Connecting non-grounded oscilloscope caused 2v ac, but using only DVM and measuring ac voltage resulted in about 150 mV ac.

  • Now i have 1uF capacitor across the plates, and it takes maybe 60 s or less to settle, but it settles near zero mV, so either it stopped already working or was never working. Anyway i'm happy with the measurement setup and will try loading again. Measuring air gap is strange. Hifi version would be grounded and shielded box with buffer amplifier inside the box i guess.

  • Pay attention to the input bias current of your digital voltmeter or DAQ system. A LEC cell is essentially a very high impedance source for measurement purposes, unless a load resistor is used. Depending on the meter's input device, dc offset of tens of millivolts is not unexpected when measuring a null cell. In the case of the ADC chip as used in the Labjack T7, the offset across 10 megohms was measured as high as166 mV. Leakage current in a poor quality capacitor can hide this dc offset, also affecting the measurement accuracy.

  • Just to repeat. If the 50Hz is coupled via a nonlinear impedance (not impossible - gasses are funny things - as are plated electrodes - though I can't say I'd expect it) that will rectify and generate a dc voltage on any capacitor: even though you do not see any ac voltage. There remains the ac coupling current. magicsound might be able to rule out such effects completely based on experience.

  • There remains the ac coupling current. magicsound might be able to rule out such effects completely based on experience.

    You may not remember, but since my lab is relatively isolated and the switch to kill the power is 50 meters away I cut the power to prove that mains leakage was not affecting my positive results.

  • You may not remember, but since my lab is relatively isolated and the switch to kill the power is 50 meters away I cut the power to prove that mains leakage was not affecting my positive results.

    I do remember that, but I strongly advise everyone not to overgeneralise.

    "It was not a problem for X - therefore it can't be a problem for me".

    or even

    "It was never a problem for me before - so it can't be now!"

    That is what bad car drivers who have not yet had a fatal accident say...

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