The Exotic Vacuum Object (EVO) as the cause of the vacuum reaction.

  • no ?

    We've been through this before. A tachyon field has an IMAGINARY mass, not negative mass. That is a very different thing. Complex numbers are an extremely basic math concept, and one which it is very obvious you do not understand. Not understanding the difference between negative and imaginary numbers disqualifies you from making up new physics theories.

    Besides the fact that these tachyonic fields are simply a math concept with no evidence at all that tachyons exist. BEC's DO NOT have negative mass. That is a ridiculous statement. There is nothing at all known to have negative mass.

  • Imaginary


    mass is a theoretical concept in physics and mathematics. It's the result of taking the square root images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYe7_vlv8DBzQIH17_dC4JXWJySSI-mAtTcuLBTqi6AGEk8oHs

    of a negative mass images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8YGvaE7U3VXvIzUdENgp2VCQPFZOhuSCrNJYIXMWjiiMcKTRM


    We have the expression

    E = (+-)m c2 ,

    for the energy that an object has due to its mass alone. We could define the mass as having that value necessary to explain the energy left when an object is not moving. In an equation, we would have

    mass = E0 / c2 ,

    With this definition and the possibility that the energy could be negative because of the ambiguous sign from the square root, there is a possibility that the mass of a particle could also be negative.

    How would we know if the mass were negative? The basic equation of all of physics is that the acceleration of an object is given by the equation acceleration = F / mw hereF is the force (push or pull) acting on the object

    m is the object's mass

    A negative mass would mean that the particle would accelerate in the opposite direction from the force (push on the particle, the particle comes towards you). This has been seen in analysis of a polariton condensate.

    See post


    Physicists Create 'Mind-Bending' Negative Mass Device
    If you pull it, it moves away. If you push it, it accelerates toward you.

    Polariton condensation in gap-confined systems is caused by a combination of polariton losses and negative mass confinement of polariton eigenstates. The negative mass creates a trapping potential for polaritons, which increases the relaxation towards the condensed mode.

    Unfortunately we might have some difficulty deciding which direction the force was, since we usually infer that direction by the response of the object! In particular, electrical forces on a charged object are given by

    F = Q (Electric Field)

    where the electric field is set up by fixed electric charges placed somewhere nearby. With both relations together, the acceleration of the object is acceleration = (Q/m) (Electric Field)

    We would not be able to distinguish between a negative mass and a negative charge; either would produce an acceleration opposite to the electric field. Since the polariton condensate does not have any charge, we can dispense with this consideration.

    Imaginary mass is a special case of the general rule for unstable massive particles. These particles have a complex mass, with the real part being their mass and the imaginary part being their decay rate.

    A polariton condensate is both unstable and it also has a polariton decay rate making it have imaginary mass according to the article about polariton condensate presented above. (which you obviously have not read and understood).

    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • This is something we should celebrate. Now we fully understand - a being, from a negative universe, tries to communicated with positive thinking humans!

    Any contract between the negative and positive universes would result in the distruction of both universes according to Sen's conjecture.

  • Here's a couple more.

    This is the most brilliant thing I ever read.

    You are saying mass is the square root of mass.

    m = m^1/2.

    And Einstein forgot the (+/-)

    Who could argue with these postulates?

  • We could define the rest mass as having that value necessary to explain the energy left when an object is not moving. In an equation, we would have

    rest mass = E0 / c2 ,

  • This is giberish.

    We could define the rest mass as having that value necessary to explain the energy left when an object is not moving. In an equation, we would have

    rest mass = E0 / c2 ,

    Rest mass is nonsequitor. You posted giberish about negative mass, saying it comes from a square root of itself or something. One can't argue with nonsense since there is no coherent train of thought. You are not "justifying" negative mass by adding your own (+/-) in front of E=mc^2.

  • This is giberish.

    Rest mass is nonsequitor. You posted giberish about negative mass, saying it comes from a square root of itself or something. One can't argue with nonsense since there is no coherent train of thought. You are not "justifying" negative mass by adding your own (+/-) in front of E=mc^2.

    You can find the math and the explanations of tachyons in Wiki

    Tachyon - Wikipedia

  • The EVO seems to be producing small black holes and as such may be like a structure that may have come into existence during the first fractions of seconds after the big bang. These primordial EVOs might be the same as fermi balls.

    These balls a very close to the EVO in nature. Vacuum expectation value (VEV) is the average value of the Higgs field in the vacuum in quantum field theory. It is the development of differing VEV that form EVOs together with spontaneous symmetry breaking.

    Differing VEVs are important for working with correlation functions and spontaneous symmetry breaking


    In differing VEVs a false vacuum is a higher energy level of the vacuum. A true vacuum is the lowest energy state.

    In a process called false vacuum decay, a speck of false vacuum can relax into true vacuum. The true vacuum will expand outward as a bubble, consuming the false vacuum's excess energy. This process may have started the cosmos.


    Fermi ball - Wikipedia

    The Fermi ball is the mechanism that produces primordial black holes in Fermi ball theory.

    Primordial black holes (also abbreviated as PBH) are hypothetical black holes that formed soon after the Big Bang. Due to the extreme environment of the newly born universe, extremely dense pockets of sub-atomic matter had been tightly packed to the point of gravitational collapse, creating a primordial black hole that bypasses the density needed to make black holes today due to the densely packed, high energy state present in the moments just after the Big Bang. Seeing as the creation of primordial black holes pre-date the creation of known stars, they can be formed with less mass than what are known as stellar black holes. Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich and Igor Dmitriyevich Novikov in 1966 first proposed the existence of such black holes, while the first in-depth study was conducted by Stephen Hawking in 1971. However, their existence has not been proven and remains theoretical.

    This could be where the mass that the EVO absorbs goes when mass is disappeared in transmutation. In transmutation most of the mass consumed by EVO vanishes with only a small amount left in the footprint of a micron sized event horizon. That footprint takes the form of a perfectly spherical hollow crenelated micron sized ball of an uneven mix of transmuted elements.

    Fermi balls are connected with a primordial dark matter theory.

    Is dark matter made of 'Fermi balls' forged in the Big Bang?

    By Paul Sutter published September 01, 2021

    The mysterious matter may have come from quantum bags that got squished together in the early universe.…dominate%20the%20universe.

    Primordial black holes from a cosmic phase transition: The

    collapse of Fermi-balls…0all%20of%20dark%20matter.

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  • Primordial black holes (also abbreviated as PBH) are hypothetical black holes that formed soon after the Big Bang.

    You are a gossip dilettante providing us daily word salad... Black holes are just a synonym for a mass vortex, that isn't black at all. Black holes eject matter at speed up to 60c! You can name any nucleus a black hole as a nucleus never emits low energy ( < 1keV) radiation what means, that it is not visible by classic telescopes.

  • Comme on dit en france il est parti en couille ahahahahhaa

    You are a gossip dilettante proving us daily word salad... Black holes are just a synonym for a mass vortex, that isn't black at all. Black holes eject matter at speed up to 60c! You can name any nucleus a black hole as a nucleus never emits low energy ( < 1keV) radiation what means, that it is not visible by classic telescopes.

  • Black holes are just a synonym for a mass vortex, that isn't black at all. Black holes eject matter at speed up to 60c! You can name any nucleus a black hole as a nucleus never emits low energy ( < 1keV) radiation what means, that it is not visible by classic telescopes.

    A singularity is a point in space where there is a mass with infinite density. This would lead to a spacetime with an infinite curvature.

    According to General Relativity,


    there must be a region of infinite density at the center of every black hole.


    This region is commonly referred to as a singularity.

    However, quantum physics tells us that a point located in space means infinite precision of position. Such infinite precision cannot exist. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle tells us that a singularity point is actually a jittery thing, moving about every time we try to locate it.

    There is no non-gravitational singularity.

    A gravitational singularity, spacetime singularity or simply singularity is a condition in which gravity is predicted to be so intense that spacetime itself would break down catastrophically. As such, a singularity is by definition no longer part of the regular spacetime and cannot be determined by "where" or "when".

    From Wikipedia


    Ken Shoulders predicted that the EVO was a black hole.

    EVOs as black holes


    EVOs make both negative and positive charges of matter simply go away by removing the effect called charge and mass! If that is not the essence of a black hole, what is? A laboratory scale EVO is most likely a black hole in every real sense of the term. The size is an entirely different matter and should not be confused with the action produced.

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    EVOs are seen flying around and through the metal sphere of the Thor device.

    Bob Greenyer: “STUNNING and abundant evidence of Exotic Vacuum Object / Micro Ball Lightning / Plasmoid activity OUTSIDE THE STEEL on very first run of newly minted stubby Thunderstorm Generator – 1st Dec 2023”

    1. “Clear example of spiraling coherent matter travelling wave approaching apex of trajectory from inside to outside and the re-entry back into the steel Thunderstorm Generator”

    2. “Longer period spiraling coherent matter travelling a great distance outside the steel sphere of the Thunderstorm Generator”

    How can EVOs pass through metal as if that metal barrier does not exit?

    The answer revolves around the nature of the EVO as the progenitor of dark matter. Dark matter does not interact with matter. The EVO is not constrained in anyway because of one of its hallmark structures called the domain wall. The domain wall is a spherical forcefield that confines the EVO. Inside the EVO, there exists a spacetime condition that is different from that of our current ambient universe. It is the negative of our spacetime. This is called anti De Sutter space. The cosmological constant of this anti spacetime is negative. The reason that the EVO is the negative spacetime of our universe is because the polariton mass is negative mass. In short, the polariton is a tachyon.

    Anti-de Sitter space (AdS) is a maximally symmetric solution to Einstein's equations of general relativity. It's a Lorentzian manifold with constant negative scalar curvature.

    AdS space has the following properties:

    Negative cosmological constant

    Negative curvature of spacetime

    No matter (the EVO converts all matter to energy)

    Curved in a way that any point in the interior is infinitely far from the boundary surface (The domain wall focuses all energy to the centor of the EVO)

    AdS space is the opposite of de Sitter spacetime (our universe). A universe with accelerating expansion would have a positive cosmological constant, while AdS space has a negative cosmological constant.


    Different spacetimes do not interact with each other. They are separated from each other through the action of a domain wall. The domain wall is a mechanism that keeps the two spacetimes apart. A domain wall automatically forms to avoid cosmological catastrophe when the EVO forms.


    Domain wall - Wikipedia

    The EVO is the ultimate neutral particle. When the EVO terminates, it leaves behind a nano sized Black Hole called an ADS black hole. The Ads Black Hole is dark matter since it is also surrounded by a domain wall.

    In theoretical physics, an anti-de Sitter (AdS) black hole is a black hole solution of general relativity or its extensions which represents an isolated compact object, but with a negative cosmological constant.…20cosmological%20constant.

    Other names for the Ads black hole might apply: BTZ black hole, MTZ black hole,

    After the EVO terminates, the Ads Black Hole exits the Hollow Crenellated Ball and joins the ambient.

  • The EVO seems to be producing small black holes and as such may be like a structure that may have come into existence during the first fractions of seconds after the big bang. These primordial EVOs might be the same as fermi balls.

    The strange thing about this EVO thread is that it harbors less accurate information than either the "clearance items" or the "playground" threads.

    The Flat Earth Society website arguments are downright scientific compared to posts here.

  • Despite the BS storm, there may be useful information in the Baumgartner thesis document found by PFD. It describes how self-stable spherical structures of matter ("Yukawa balls") can form in dusty plasmas. Whether the structures thus formed eventually condense into the iron-rich spheres seen by me and others is a question worth further study.

  • Despite the BS storm, there may be useful information in the Baumgartner thesis document found by PFD. It describes how self-stable spherical structures of matter ("Yukawa balls") can form in dusty plasmas. Whether the structures thus formed eventually condense into the iron-rich spheres seen by me and others is a question worth further study.

    "Yukawa balls" balls or solid, crenellated ball are hollow. Don't waste your time on the study to "Yukawa balls", they are not the proper type of LENR balls. Try Q-balls instead.

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