Roger Member
  • Member since Dec 16th 2016
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Posts by Roger

    So this big black box is a radiator? it sure doesn't seem like a radiator to me.


    Aren't radiators supposed to... radiate? I don't see how a boxy, square design efficiently radiates.

    There are visible pipes, going upwards. Maybe Rossi was filling the upper floor with pixie dust? everything is possible, now that we know Internet Experts can explain how a company, its investors and their scientific teams were fooled for 2+ years (along with, for good measure, the swedish and italian scientists examining Rossi's works).

    What's really amazing is that they were fooled by the reactors they built and tested themselves... I guess I'm going to take Flat Earth Theories much more seriously, now that I know how a couple Internet Experts can really identify flaws and misconceptions emanating from the conclusions of unrelated PhDs from various countries.

    Ha, so for 2 whole years we have a company + investors and their scientific teams doing due diligence on the discoveries of Rossi, and not noticing measurements problems... until a couple of internet residents finally understand how the whole affair is a scam, because "emissivity"

    Notwithstanding the whole "emissivity" issue has not reached consensus amongst the knowledgeable people on this forum.

    Concerning the Dewey/Rothwell alleged "small fan and radiator" on the "JMP" side, what I see on the picture clearly doesn't resemble neither radiator nor fan. What I see is a big black box and piping going to the upper floor.

    Maybe there are "emissivity" issues on that photograph, which make me see things that aren't there?

    But Rossi already taught IH/Cherokee how to build and operate E-Cats... in 2013


    Since you seem knowledgeable on that affair, and don't mind sharing your thoughts, could you provide a theory explaining how Rossi, according to you, built non-working reactors to try and scam his partners, after having given them the knowledge to build working, Ni-H based reactors for themselves, back in 2013? :/

    I don't understand. Jed, Dewey and some others have been telling us for months that there was nothing on the "JMP" side of the room, except maybe a small fan and a radiator. It was supposed to be credible, first-hand info. Now, we see on the photographs of the court docs, that there was, on that "JMP" side, a long, big black box and piping going up to the first floor.

    What is going on?

    This work has all the earmarks of the worst of the LENR claims. The chances of it being legitimate are extremely small. Superconductivity has had such claims from time to time for decades. If you compare this work to real discoveries in the field, it stands out as most likely phony. It turns out that very little groundbreaking science is introduced to the world on YouTube.

    I like that style. It has hints of Dewey, and a strong Rothwellian foundation.

    Too bad there still has to be some poor lost soul to feed keywords into the software!

    In terms of military acquisitions assuming Murray is not the guy working on focused energy weapons I am now counting at least five close to Darden with a military background, including the blackwater cybersecurity expert, the blackwater close protection officer goon, and Mr Uzi the Israeli intelligence officer. Did I miss any?

    I don't see how people working for Blackwater could ever serve as a relay for nefarious purposes. After all, isn't Blackwater -or whatever it's called now- a non-profit NGO spreading socio-political awareness?

    You misunderstand. They did not begin to replicate excess heat. They made mistakes. They thought they were seeing excess heat, but they were not. Many people have done this, on many occasions, including me:

    It's a nice mantra, but it's definitely not coherent with what happened:


    September 2013, IH/Cherokee state that they've begun to witness significant excess energy with the reactors they built themselves.

    Then, according to your interpretation, over the course of two years, they can't replicate anymore what they had begun to replicate.

    Then, in 2015, they let Rossi run a one-year test. Rossi, who gave them the know-how to build the reactors that showed significant excess energy, but somehow, according to you, that know-how went nowhere.

    One one hand, we've got talk on this forum saying there never was excess heat, on the other, IH/Cherokee stating that they most probably witnessed excess energy in 2013, and not cutting ties with Rossi over the course of three years, if they supposedly understood that there never was excess heat.

    During the 1-year test I.H. and I are 100% certain there was no significant excess heat. Some of the earlier tests are ambiguous, especially the first Levi test. Most were so badly done you cannot draw any conclusions.

    This is very surprising. How come that IH could begin to replicate significant excess heat back in 2013, with reactors they built themselves, then have lost that knowledge over the course of two years as research and trials progressed?

    This kind of unsuccessfulness?


    You'd think that if IH/Cherokee were unsuccessful in replicating the excess heat they had witnessed from the Rossi reactors they built themselves, or if it was all miscalculations/swamp gas, they'd have understood so in 2014 at the very latest...

    West's testimony tells us that this person had worked with IH on a design for parts of the plant, and then Rossi scrapped this design and built it according to his choices/whims

    This is coherent with the archetype of the brilliant but zany inventor, who will antagonize co-workers just for the sake of it, and have the last word on designs, however inferior they might be to those of the co-workers.

    There is also the fact that people like Rossi think of themselves as masters/teachers, who have a duty to teach their disciples (that is, anyone working with them, whether they accept this disciple status or not). True to tradition, people like Rossi enjoy sending their disciples on false errands, telling them to start from the ground up -even if their work is good-, and of course, have the last word about things.

    West's deposition only tells us he resents that Rossi scrapped his and IH's designs, and that he thinks Rossi's designs were inferior, "tape'n'glue" solutions

    Since those designs don't have to do with the E-Cat reactor itself, but the way it distributes presumed excess heat, West's deposition doesn't tell much we didn't already know: Rossi is temperamental and hard to work with, which is a staple amongst brilliant but zany inventors.

    I mean, look at his toupee. This is someone who enjoys annoying others! (personnally I find it hilarious)

    I thought you were highly valued on your skills to assess reality with elaborate fidelity. Why then are you putting insults, blanket or not, in my mouth? after having insulted me, of course, for good measure.

    That was not written by APCO.

    Don't companies hire PR firms to do their PR for them? as in, writing statements, speeches etc...

    However it may be that "public relations" really don't mean stuff that has to do with "public relations". After all, everything in this affair resides in quantum states of non-contradiction. Rossi's customer being inexistant while there being some sort of production, gadget producing no excess heat while it produces significant amounts of it (in IH/Cherokee's personnel own words), forum members being and not being sockpuppets/paid shills, Ni-H not being a valid path for LENR while being recognized as a valid path by major players...

    Really makes you think

    Really? No-one with any sense has ever said for example that IHFB or Wyttenbach are Rossi sock-puppets. Others such as rb0 and future versions are clearly somone's sock-puppet. Levi or Rossi or somone else I'm not sure. If you think guys like me, Sigmoidal, Jed, Dewey are paid by APCO or big energy you are an idiot. If you think Sigmoidal, Jed, or I are paid by IH you are an impolite idiot. And Dewey is enough an insider that he sort of is IH.

    1) Why are you citing those names (Jed, Sigmoidal, Dewey, yourself), and not others? what makes them more prone to be imagined as paid shills for the benefit of IH/APCO/Big Energy? What kind of strange methodology are you applying to imply that those persons are more likely to be paid shills?
    2) Are you calling me an idiot, and moreover, an impolite idiot, by putting words in my mouth, about people whom you strangely selected (see 1)? I understand this is the playground, but it does not warrant this kind of language and sneaky insinuations

    Anti-Rossis regularly say that Pro-Rossis are Rossi's sockpuppets

    Pro-Rossis regularly say that Anti-Rossis are working for IH/APCO/Big Energy

    Both statements are certainly plausible ^ ^

    It's pretty blatant that the emails from IH/Cherokee personnel explaining how the reactors they built themselves, provide significant excess heat (but maybe not as much as they wished), really harm Rossi's story of having a working device...

    What if Rossi was trying to steal IH's IP? what if IH is on the path of a working Ni-H based device, and Rossi pretended to be ahead of them, only to steal their IP???

    Did Sifferkoll hit a nerve? :/

    What kind of valuable inside intelligence does Dewey provide? I only read him gaslighting people, threatening them, and making grand prophecies about Rossi vs IH. that never seem to actualize. This has been going on for months. The only reason he's allowed to do so, is because he seems to be closely connected to the case. However, nobody has any proof this forum persona is handled by the person known in civilian life as "Dewey Weaver" (I might be wrong, but his status is not "verified")

    There are also what look like "concern trolls", people who ingenuously state they've been pro-Rossi, then now unequivocally say he has nothing... However, parsing the court docs points towards IH being able to replicate his tech, albeit with difficulties, and not the 2-digits COP they are wishing for. This hints at, rather than Rossi having nothing, Rossi not giving all the tools/theory/know-how to IH. Why? this is something that is most certainly actively discussed in the secrecy of the trial.
    Do note that "concern trolling" is a key ingredient in the shaping of opinion, and that APCO is not in the business of selling gas on highways: it's a PR firm, using PR tactics, such as social engineering.

    Between this supposed DW individual, the (perhaps) concern trolls and the Rossiphobes, we have Jed Rothwell, whose identity is verified, and who has been for a good portion of his 2.5k posts, explaining how Rossi is an hack, how the gadget never produced a microwatt of excess heat, that would have cooked alive people in the plant if it had, etc etc. However, in the light of recent developments, it seems he lied (or did not disclose the whole truth he pretends to disclose), on a number of points he kept bringing forward. There's also his visit to the plant, which he says nothing about - but is mentioned in a deposition -, and his ties to IH/Cherokee.

    Just a few remarks about observable facts on this forum.

    Maybe Rossi saw how P&F were straightforward and honest, and what it brought them: abuse, insults, various accusations, and ongoing stigma?

    Maybe Rossi thought "oh wow I'm on a path to validate an incredibly disruptive energy productions means, which will make pseudo-skeptics irate, will threaten quite a few industrial interests, and a lot of other people. There will be dudes who will get a salary from spreading FUD on the Internet, and it's more than possible that people who will pretend to fund my research or production, will really be trying to slow down or silence my work... how to proceed about all this? should I be honest and straightforward as P&F, or should I practice ruse and deceit to fool those people who don't want CF/LENR/CMP to take their rightful place in the scientific and industrial world?"

    We have entered bizzarro dimension where some still argue IH's efforts to substantiate the results claimed by Rossi (what was the minimum COP advertised?) were all in vain, when Vaughn himself stated the opposite

    14 Q. Okay. The second paragraph below, where it

    15 says Industrial Heat update July 2013, the document

    16 states, in the middle of that paragraph: "We tested our

    17 plant at the end of April and beginning of May for four

    18 days. During the test we operate 37 different reactors

    19 for periods ranging from 24 hours to a few hours and the

    20 results were good. Our engineer and the independent

    21 engineer operating the test reported the machines produced

    22 far more energy than they required to operate. Nearly 11

    23 times as much in some instances versus our test

    24 requirement of six times during the 24-hour test."

    25 A. Mm-hmm.

    214-4, page 164

    Ha! but Rossi is a hypnotiser. He successfully fooled scientists both at home Italy, in Sweden and in the USA, plus the whole IH team and the independent engineers.

    Now, if this guy can fool so many people for so long, why bother with science? there's a lot of rich and gullible folk around that you can sell bridges to, with much less effort.