The Playground

  • We all are eager for the details! Please explain!

    You don't need me to explain anything. Every public health agency and every sane doctor on earth has explained it all to you, but you believe toxic, idiotic death cult nonsense instead. Or you pretend to believe it.

    UK data is clear 10x more CoV-19 in vaxx only!

    Base rate fallacy. As you have been told time after time after time. Either you don't understand this, or you pretend you do not understand it because you are a troll. An unsuccessful troll who is trying to fool people, but only succeeds in making himself look monumentally stupid.

  • Off site" Container dealers seem to be needed as planed events need equipment.

    The luck, Sometimes knew something is up before things hit the fan.

    just having a little knowledge of the event what country the equipment its landing in and what work was needed in pre trip custom container modified tell tail ends in .......

  • there is a nuanced difference

    btw "got it thanks to the vaccine"

    versus "got it from the vaccine"

    Nobody got anything from the mRNA vaccine, except very mild symptoms that went away after a day or two. These were anticipated, and nothing to worry about. There was only one apparent fatality, after billions of doses. The adenovirus vaccines caused a few deaths from blood clots, and some distressing heart problems in young men, but they went away in a day or two resulted in no serious harm.

    All claims of serious harm and death are either misunderstandings of VAERS (and similar databases), or flat-out lies.

  • missed by 'troll' blasters

    Ivermectin revisited 68% protection p=0.00011 etc

    of course this will be suppressed by Bigpharma compliant governments

    and ignored by crappy journalists

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    There’s a reason thousands of people take quack cures for Covid
    While scientists were coming up with vaccines, many people fell into online communities that sprang up around quick fixes, conspiracy, and livestock medicines,…

  • Given a molecule of molecular weight 1234.5

    Convert a concentration expressed in ng/ml to molecules per cubic micron.

    Don't say I'll ever turn down a school chemistry challenge (it was however my least liked A level subject, so be warned):

    The number of atoms or other particles in a mole is the same for all substances. The mole is related to the mass of an element in the following way: one mole of carbon-12 atoms has 6.02214076 × 1023 atoms and a mass of 12 grams.

    A = 6*10^23

    N = no of moles

    MW = molecular weight = 1234.5

    n = no of molecules = NA

    Mass (g) M = MW * N = MW *n/A

    => n = A*M/MW

    x ng/ml = x*1000 ng/l = x*10^6 ng/m^3 = x*10^(6-18) ng/um3 = x*10^(6-18-9) g/um3 = 600x/MW molecules/um

  • Not sure where to post... Clean Planet thread or Navy or Next steps...

    I rank a review of this... highly for reasons.

    It is most referred to by Forsley in recent works.

    It references the early works in Japan... Corroborates... Builds on...

    Also bi layer superlattices. THz significance. Harmonics.

    Strained layers brings to mind the significance of both relaxation and stress points or moments along the layers Why? Not sure really. Perhaps switching Ferromagnetism on and off does something.

    Also three layer or four layer superlattices. Is this Group studying these? I would.


    I'm putting the summary and acknowledgements first.

    Enticing significant curiosity I hope.

    9. Summary

    In summary, spin-polarized DFT computations have been useful in providing insight into the magnetic behavior of many of the transition metals on the Periodic Table in their elemental lattices. Most of the transition metals and a number of sp elements (including diamond, aluminum, silicon, germanium, selenium, tellurium, lead, and polonium) are predicted to exhibit ferromagnetic ordering when their lattices are placed in sufficiently high tensile stress. At the threshold lattice constant for the onset of this ferromagnetic ordering, we predict that the energy surface for the elemental lattice bifurcates into two stable solutions, one paramagnetic with a higher energy and one ferromagnetic with a lower energy. The paramagnetic sheet for the energy surface above threshold joins smoothly with the paramagnetic sheet below threshold, however the ferromagnetic sheet joins with the paramagnetic sheet in such a way that the energy is continuous, but its derivatives may exhibit jump discontinuities at the threshold. Most of the elements exhibit magnetization curves that rise very rapidly with lattice constant above threshold and then saturate at higher values, approaching well-defined asymptotes as the lattice constant grows. In most cases, the normalized values of these asymptotic magnetizations lie close to 1.0 Bohr Magneton per unpaired p or d electron spin, which is the expected limiting case for isolated atoms. Interestingly, we find that (with the possible exceptions of the Lanthanide and Actinide series) the atoms whose outermost electron shells contain only s electrons do not exhibit ferromagnetic ordering at any practical value of lattice constant.

    This specifically includes all the Columns I and II elements and several elements on the right-hand edge of the Transition Metal Group such as zinc, cadmium, silver, and gold.

    The results summarized above may now be applied to a variety of

    multilayer structures

    whose LENR results have been published during the past 15 years. The Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) team under Yasuhiro Iwamura reported successful observation of several different types of nuclear transmutations when using a structure consisting of alternating layers of CaO and Pd, both of which crystallize in the face-centered cubic (FCC) structure. The CaO unit cell lattice constant is about 4.815 Å, placing it above the threshold for the onset of spontaneous ferromagnetic ordering of Pd

    (4.50 Å when tensile stress is applied in all three dimensions, 4.69 Å when stress is applied in only two dimensions).

    By contrast, they reported negative experimental results when MgO was substituted for the CaO. The lattice constant for MgO is only 4.211 Å, placing it well below the thresholds for magnetization in Pd. Similarly, the Osaka University team under Yoshiaki Arata reported high LENR rates and 4He production rates when their Pd

    nanoparticles were grown in intimate contact with ZrO2, which also has an FCC lattice and a lattice constant of about 5.07 Å. They reported much lower LENR rates when bulk Pd or even finely divided Pd powder was used in the same experimental apparatus.

    The search to identify the experimental parameters that most directly control LENR phenomena has posed and

    continues to pose difficult challenges for the community. The effect of magnetic fields upon measured LENR rates has been known for some time but is not yet well understood.

    Our results suggest the possible existence of an underlying order involving spontaneous magnetization

    that may tie together the work of several different teams and materials systems. It is hoped that these results will provide a number of mechanistic clues for the theoretical community as well as guidance for LENR materials specialists seeking to optimize reactor structures for various LENR applications of the future.


    The DFT studies documented in this work are a direct outgrowth of US Navy research that was funded under the In-house Laboratory Independent Research (ILIR) Program, and we wish to gratefully acknowledge the strong support of Jeff Solka (the ILIR sponsor) and the Department Q management over the past 5 years. In addition, we wish to thank a number of dear colleagues for their inspiration, including Peter Hagelstein of the MIT Electronics Research Laboratory, the LENR teams at the NASA Langley and Glenn facilities, and especially Olga Dmitriyeva and Rick Cantwell of Coolescence, who were instrumental in suggesting the potential value of spin-polarized calculations in elemental metal systems.

    DeChiaro L. F., Forsley L. P., et al. Strained Layer Ferromagnetism in Transition Metals and its Impact Upon Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 17, (2015), p 1


    Spin-polarized Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations have been performed to model the lattice structures for the Transition Metal Group, Columns I and II, and a number of sp elements in the Periodic Table. Our results suggest that most of the transition metals can exhibit ferromagnetic ordering if the lattice is placed in sufficiently high tensile stress. These results are applied to the study of some layered structures employed by a number of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) research teams and may help to explain some of the anomalous results and the difficulty in reproduction of those results.

    © 2015 ISCMNS. All rights reserved. ISSN 2227-3123

    Keywords: DFT, Epitaxial, Ferromagnetism, LENR

    1. Introduction

    Although much work remains to be done in the understanding and reduction to practice of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), the body of experimental data accumulated over the past 25 years contains a wealth of clues to inspire and guide the LENR community. For example, since the early 1990s it has been known [1] that the amount of excess heat measured in a typical electrochemical LENR experiment can be increased by the appropriate application of a DC magnetic field. The Bockris Group at Texas A&M also reported [1] increased excess heat when their cells were stimulated with very high frequency (VHF) and ultra high frequency (UHF) electromagnetic fields. Finally, Letts and Hagelstein [2] reported excess heat when they focused the beams of two visible frequency lasers upon the cathodes in their Fleischmann–Pons cells, especially when the frequency difference between the two lasers corresponded to...

    ...the THz atomic vibrational frequencies preferred by the PdH and PdD lattices.

    They also found that the best results were obtained when a DC magnetic field measuring about 700 Gauss was applied across the face of their Pd foil cathodes.

    As a result of these observations, a number of LENR community members believe that there are profound connections among LENR phenomena, atomic vibrations, and electromagnetic fields.

    Experimental evidence also suggests that certain metal oxides may have a role in the LENR mechanism(s).

    For example, as we discuss in detail below, the layered structures used successfully by Iwamura et al. [3]

    ...contain thin films of CaO in addition to the expected Pd.

    And one of the well-known Arata structures [4] contains nanoparticles of Pd embedded in a nonconducting matrix of zirconium dioxide.

    However, the choice of oxide is apparently not arbitrary, because the Iwamura team also reported that using thin films of MgO instead of CaO yielded negative experimental results.

    This paper presents the results of Density Functional Theory (DFT) computations performed to study

    itinerant ferromagnetism in

    elemental transition metals and

    strained layer superlattices of

    binary composition.

    Section 2 provides a short introduction to Density Functional Theory.

    Section 3 discusses the basic results, including the cross checks done to ensure credibility and physicality of the DFT output, extraction of values for the equilibrium lattice constant, and the lifting of the degeneracy between spin-up and spin-down electron energy eigenvalues.

    Section 4 presents our results on the ground state lattice energy and absolute magnetization versus lattice constant and introduces the concept of normalized asymptotic magnetization per unpaired valence electron spin.

    Section 5 discusses the experimental results reported by the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) team led by Yasuhiro Iwamura and interprets them in light of the DFT spin-polarized results of this work.

    Section 6 presents the results of a DFT supercell study of the CaO:Pd interface and illustrates the degree of spin polarization of the various atomic species in the structure.

    Section 7 discusses the experimental results ofYoshiaki Arata in light of our DFT findings, and

    Section 8 contains the results of a DFT supercell study of the ZrO2:Pd interface that may affect the Arata results in roughly the same way that the CaO:Pd interface affects the MHI results.

    Finally, Section 9 summarizes our results.

  • Curious what examples you have of 3 and 5? But yes, as to the other points you bring up, we are starting to sound like a bunch of kids. The level of discussion on this thread is going downhill. At one time even the COVID talk was of a high level, but now trending the other way.

    Hopefully our guests skip The Playground and instead go straight to the other threads where we sound more like adults.

    I've been on here for years. Seriously considering deleting my account.

  • we have CDCspeak2022 instead of Newspeak1984

    You act as if the CDC were the only public health agency in the world. All the others agree, along with every hospital and nearly every doctor. Apparently you believe in a world-wide conspiracy with every public health agency, hospital and doctor. Not a single one of them has betrayed the conspiracy to the public. Millions of professionals worldwide, but not one has broken the silence! They are better at omertà than the mafia. Yet, strangely enough, all of the other mistakes and problems at the CDC, such as their problems with test kits, were revealed to the public and published in every major newspaper immediately.

  • You act as if the CDC were the only public health agency in the world. All the others agree, along with every hospital and nearly every doctor. Apparently you believe in a world-wide conspiracy with every public health agency, hospital and doctor. Not a single one of them has betrayed the conspiracy to the public. Millions of professionals worldwide, but not one has broken the silence! They are better at omertà than the mafia. Yet, strangely enough, all of the other mistakes and problems at the CDC, such as their problems with test kits, were revealed to the public and published in every major newspaper immediately.

    You know they call the 4AM drops. mocking bird memos anyone not following the script lost the job.

    That's why they call it a movie, everyone has a script or else.

  • Not only the Pfizer fake vaccine is crap. Also China seems to have some deep trouble.

    Children in China Diagnosed With Leukemia After COVID Vaccination + More
    The Defender’s COVID NewsWatch provides a roundup of the latest headlines related to the SARS CoV-2 virus, including its origins and COVID vaccines.

    He is among hundreds of Chinese that belong to a social media group claiming to be suffering from or have a household member suffering from leukemia, developed after taking Chinese vaccines. Eight of them confirmed the situation when reached by The Epoch Times. Names of the interviewees have been withheld to protect their safety.

  • anyone not following the script lost the job.

    If people lost their jobs, surely they would tell the mass media! Why would they honor this sworn secret if they were no longer employed by the CDC, or no longer allowed to practice medicine? They would be strongly motivated to blow the whistle and reveal to the world what happened.

    The whole notion that millions of professionals worldwide are engaged in a gigantic conspiracy, and that not a single one of them has betrayed the conspiracy, or accidentally admitted it, or boasted while drunk perhaps -- is ridiculous. Step back and think about it for a moment and you will see it is utterly crazy.

    (As it happens, there have been no firings at the CDC. I know people who work there, and I would have heard if there was a purge. The people who screwed up the tests in 2020 are still there. Those problems were revealed to the public in excruciating detail. Such problems and mistakes are never covered up for long in a government research institute. There are too many reasons for people to reveal them, as there would be if there was even one tiny reason to think the mRNA vaccines have caused serious problems or fatalities.)

    Every doctor in every hospital on earth knows that the vast majority of seriously ill COVID patients are not vaccinated. They all say that vaccinations reduce fatalities about 100 times. They urge people to get vaccinated. Last year my doctor was spending 30 minutes a day pleading with people to get vaccinated. He was mad as hell about having to do this. But you are saying that's not what is happening. You are saying that millions of doctors are taking part in a gigantic conspiracy and lying to everyone -- my doctor is lying to me, and all the others to their patients, to the press, to reporters . . . Why would doctors do that? Who, or what organization, could compel them? They are not docile people. They are not helpless, or used to following arbitrary orders. There is not enough money in the world to buy them all off, and make them betray their professional obligations in such a serious manner, they would lose their licenses if this were revealed.

  • You know the US Congress approved the use of the Medea to lie.

    and are removing everything using the tools of the internet to keep it that way.

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    look up the easy stuff and its now gone

    The filed paperwork, ?research institutes ... you can see it in 50 years. like always

    So for now you get what ever they feel like telling us.

  • You act as if the CDC were the only public health agency

    CDCSpeak=Rothwellspeak.. I believe that there is a conspiracy of parrots

    it may be limited to Georgia

    Vinay Prased in California is not part of it.

    "So why does the supposedly impartial CDC push weak or flawed studies to support the administration’s pandemic policy goals?

    The cynical answer is that the agency is not in fact impartial (and thus not sufficiently scientific), but captured by the country’s national political system. That answer has become harder to avoid.

    This is a precarious situation, as it undermines trust in federal agencies and naturally leads to a trust vacuum, in which Americans feel forced to cast about in a confused search for alternative sources of information."

    Vinay Prasad is a hematologist-oncologist, associate professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco, and author of Malignant: How Bad Policy and Bad Evidence Harm People with Cancer.

  • The cynical answer is that the agency is not in fact impartial (and thus not sufficiently scientific), but captured by the country’s national political system. That answer has become harder to avoid.

    In an Oligarch Country like USA/Russia/Germany/France politics always follows the death spiral logic. Fools only trust in other much bigger fools until the group is a mad house. Seen around Putin.

    CDC/FDA are self service departments for the Big Pharma Oligarchs (FM/R/JF/B-mafia).

    For Oligarchs normal people are just meat to eat. Look at Ukraine - Mariupol some 200'000 will die soon.

    USA/UK did guarantee (contract) to defend the Ukraine in case they hand over the nuclear weapons to Russia. For some obvious reasons the UK/USA Oligarchs do not remember this contract.

    The only Advise I can give. Never trust an Oligarch/Oligarch run Company/institution Country Government like the one in USA/UK/Ge/Fr (CDC/FDA/Swissmedic/RKI).

    And learn how to cure yourself.

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