Rossi E-Cat SK Demo Discussion

    • Official Post

    Hello everyone!

    This thread is dedicated to the presentation/demonstration of Rossi's new E-Cat SK tomorrow, January 31th, 9:00 AM EST (link goes to local time conversation site).

    We will add the live video stream here as soon as it is available!

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    :!:And be kind to each other :!:

  • The SK is Rossi's latest "magnificence". Despite the veil of secrecy surrounding it, some people believe they know exactly what's inside it, and how it works... Other people believe he's still scamming... A few simple folk just inanely repost the words of a proven liar, probably due to a lack of critical thinking skills.

    This all generates much agita and miasma amongst bored people with seemingly nothing better to do than post hundreds of slight permutations of their one pet statement.

    They do this out of a belief they are somehow helping society - when the reality is, they'd do better going outside and picking up some litter.

    Meanwhile, for unknown reasons, an increasing numer of threads (3 definites, plus one teetering on the edge of the rabbit-hole) are devoted to their demented nonsense.

    C'est la vie.

  • The main thing is to look for new energy in any way!

    ...And shill low-grade cryptocurrencies, apparently...

    (Also, perhaps you also think Bhopal was good advertising for Union Carbide? Or Nuremburg for IG Farben?)

  • To overcome the waiting time till the e-cat presentation starts, I‘d Iike to invite to another video streaming event on January 31st, at 8:00 AM EST (2:00 PM in Lagos) with an Nigerian Prince, who since 8 year tries to transfer his fortune out of his country.

    Although he contacted virtually everyone who holds an e-mail account, and promised a 20% share for doing business with him, so far nobody was willing to help this poor guy.

    The reason for that, and why he still (after 8 years) has to promote on the internet that unbelievably favorable deal, may be (also) due to the fact that he is on record to have spend time behind bars before.

    But - as he ensures - this was unjustified and could only happen because of the corrupt legal system in his home country.

    So, please don’t miss his presentation tomorrow and see yourself his trustworthiness.

    Here the web-site with a teaser to watch,

  • Alan: why do you say such hateful things about Beelzebub?

    Also, having had the TARDIS available to me this week, I jumped ahead and will now review the demo.

    It was a magnificence that only AA, Sam12 and Axil will truly have the intellectual heft to appreciate. The rest of us will be amused.

  • Yes, great link.


    ...after at least a decade of hard work, without asking money from any third party, having earned USD11.5M from his ex US partner Industrial Heat,

    Rossi "earned" $11.5M by agreeing to drop his idiotic (but risky due to jury uncertainties) lawsuit.


    ...why would Rossi get back now and sell heat at a loss? To a customer that would immediately discover the fraud by looking at the electricity consumption of the device?

    You mean like IH discovered the fraud when they did a blank/control experiment by mistake?

    Lewan is currently censoring his blog because he has no answer to issues like these. Apparently doesn't want to discuss them.


    I will develop this story further in the updated third edition of my book, which I hope to be able to conclude within a year or so, once the moment of truth has arrived.

    At least, Lewan has a sense of humor,,, I mean, "truth" and "Rossi" in the same post?


    Mats Lewan has what looks to be the best organized meet-up for the event. Considering it will be held in Stockholm, and he is hosting, there will probably be a good turnout.

    This one would have a good one to

    attend but canceled due to weather.…on-due-to-severe-weather/

    Thomas is a retired teacher and has

    interesting comments on the ECat.

    • Official Post

    This one would have a good one to

    attend but canceled due to weather.

    Well, we are going to have a good party watching it here. Too bad it takes place so early here in the states (9am EST). It would have gone nice with a happy hour drink. Guess coffee will have to do.

    Can't wait to get this thing over with. How long has this build up been? I forget, but do remember I was much younger when first told it was going to happen. It better be good for the pain and suffering he put us through!

    Now back to watching the countdown clock, and listening to the Jaws tune.

  • Well, we are going to have a good party watching it here. Too bad it takes place so early here in the states (9am EST). It would have gone nice with a happy hour drink. Guess coffee will have to do.

    Can't wait to get this thing over with. How long has this build up been? I forget, but do remember I was much younger when first told it was going to happen. It better be good for the pain and suffering he put us through!

    Now back to watching the countdown clock, and listening to the Jaws tune.

    I hope this thread does not turn into

    another Rossi comment thread and

    just comments on the demo.

  • I do not know whether Rossi's technology is real or not, but if he has succeeded, he will still face the following obstacle -

    "Too good to be true: when overwhelming evidence fails to convince"


    ABSTRACT: Is it possible for a large sequence of measurements or observations, which support a hypothesis, to counterintuitively decrease our confidence? Can unanimous support be too good to be true? The assumption of independence is often made in good faith; however, ...

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