The church of SM physics

  • A proton is like a quantum chimera, which consists of three quarks that are thrown between gluons and changing their own generations, it sounds intimidating. However, by and large, all this is just a simplification, but in fact it is a dynamically changing locally minimal flow of moving matter, for the description of which it is necessary to know its algebra, dynamics, geometry, as well as algebra dynamics, geometry of the globally minimal vacuum flow of matter.

  • However, by and large, all this is just a simplification, but in fact it is a dynamically changing locally minimal flow of moving matter,

    We show the exact proton picture in SO(4) physics. We also calculate H*-H* and the fake Higgs mass that is a fat 4 rotation proton.

    Quark, Bifidus and Kefir can be found in any super market but not in nuclear physics...

  • The worst you can do in a discussion is to repeat disinformation (Quarks) used by others since generations that just has been invented to get finances for accelerators.

    (CERN confirms that it never has found isolated quarks as particles!)

    After the Manhattan project 10'000's of physicists had no fun job. So they did grab journals and committees and self awarded their church members nobels for fake science. This fake science still is in place and sucks out all price money e.g. for string theory or quantum gravity.

    Only mad people can make some sense out of words like quantum gravity that in one term combines 2 nonsensical ideas.

    The term quantum has been introduce after one had discovered that photon energy is proportional to the Plank constant "h". But this already is just a mathematical coincidence and not a Reality. A photon can have any energy and it is not quantized at all.

    Gravity of course cannot be quantized as it has no probability function. So these terms are just used for a commercial purpose as politicians know these words....

  • I found a paper from a Russian researcher that attempted to measure gamma radiation emitted by plants doing photosynthesis. I had never searched papers using “cold nuclear transmutation” as the subject of the search and this one popped up at the first try.

    ShieldSquare Captcha

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • How nice to read this text! Why is it nice? And because I think so too! But because I am also aware of this ... But on the other hand ... It is contrary to the fact that this happens to physicists who are not chasing the truth, but the "golden bag" and as a result worship the dollar ... and not science...

  • Charge has no probability function either, but it is quantified. Or is it? You tell us. Also, as I mentioned, charge is invariant under all transformations. When SLAC was ramming electrons and protons together at .9999 times the speed of light each had it's individual charge that did not change. Also, the particles did not plunge toward the center of the earth. Why!

  • Charge has no probability function either, but it is quantified.

    A system according classical mechanics is quantized when it has stable states at multiple energy levels. See force free coupled rotating masses. E.g. the spectrum of Hydrogen is quantized. Charge is not quantized - at least we know no such rules. The 1/3 charge of virtual quark is just a mathematical analogue and nothing real. More real is the quantum Hall effect where we see fraction of charge at action. But the carriers of the charge are still electrons and the action of charge is quantized (in one direction only) not the charge itself.

  • Gravity of course cannot be quantized as it has no probability function. So these terms are just used for a commercial purpose as politicians know these words....

    The connection between a probability and quantum is quantum mechanics. However, quantum states and gravity are both about the basic mass/energy units being countable rather than continuous. Hence, without consideration of whether a mass/energy unit exists only sometimes, then all energy is bound in combination of state functions per energy/mass conservation. In this energy/mass conservation if one known's the quantum states and the precise mass (before acceleration + relative mass). One can convert to quantum (countable) and classic gravity. Hence, a hack for quantum gravity would estimate both the effect of quantum mechanics on countable units and relativity on mass, then go classical gravity.

  • Quantum gravity ..would be discontinuous... that is there would be some forbidden jumps

    such as you couldn't jump btw 1 and 2 metres,,, such fun..

    in an adventure playground


    the weasel theory can never be tested because the forbidden jumps

    are at something like 10exp(-49) metres..

    but there is room for discontinuous sporadic speculation ad infinitum.

    .in the theoretical playground

  • Quantum mechanics and gravity may well become friends if you don't try to substitute one for the other. At our level of understanding of the problem, it is enough to modify the Schrodinger equation taking into account gravity.

  • For once, I'm going to try a slightly provocative question (the first time, sure.. 8) )

    Do the priests from churches of SM physics churches should always remain comfortably hidden in their rocky refuge or can they sometimes take the air outside ?

    In few words what they could try as theoretical explanations about the Mizuno mesh and xsh announced ?

  • Do the priests from churches of SM physics churches should always remain comfortably hidden in their rocky refuge

    As you know from the classic roman church, each priest gets his free house. Do you really expect they even would discuss about how they get the money for the house?

    Today world is ruled by diverse mafia brands unluckily also a large part of basic "science".

    If you use their terms like QM you agree to the 100 year old bullshit they invented for having a fun live.

    The main problem of churches is the least common divider ( money) effect, that prohibits any out the box thinking and allows only willing donkeys to join the club.

    If I hear terms like quantum gravity I know I talk to an idiot as I define idiots as people that have no brain to understand what they talk about. May be dreaming is the new form of science that emerged after Einstein invented the first field only model he later in his live deeply regretted.

    Fields need sources brains need Wodka!

  • An other childish SM church dream is QED or also called quantum electrodynamics.

    If you understand all restriction of this highly simplified model then you can use it for some solid state modelling but...

    The basic assumption is that the electron produces a 4 potential. This childish idea is based on first year lab knowledge where one learns that electrons in a conductor produce a B-field.

    Unluckily a free electron behaves totally different. It produces 3 different fields, where the own magnetic field from the magnetic moment is by far the strongest. Of course QED ignores this field. Most bad is that the magnetic moment field is more or less random. Only if you introduce the electron in an external field you get a somewhat stable interaction as the field axes keeps just one degree of freedom = nutation. Of course also this is neglected in QED.

    Other nonsense of QED is the assumption that the Coulomb law is correct for an electron (Fact: This only works for the so called far field). To compensate for all errors in the model nonsense like "self energy" has been introduced etc..

    SM is a selection of garbage ideas of surreal physics made by brilliant mathematicians (e.g. Dirac) with no clue of basic physics.

  • Quantum gravity ..would be discontinuous... that is there would be some forbidden jumps

    Yes, discontinuous but no energy jumps rather just integer amounts. There would be an "in everything unit". There would be integer number of "in everything units" in everything that is not an "in everything unit."

    It would be something like what you find on page 153 of ICCF-7 . Use link below.

    ENECOtheseventh.pdf (

  • but there is room for discontinuous sporadic speculation ad infinitum.

    .in the theoretical playground

    t would be something like what you find on page 153 of ICCF-7 . Use link below.

    something like Quantum gravity? something like quarks:..neutrinos...numerology?

    the 1998 pg153 author. wrote

    .using five sets of eight primes (2, 3, 5, 11, 149, 863, 1831, 178441) in six groups. The method
    fits recognized mass ranges (some of which are known to nine significant digits) and
    ratios, predicts masses of unconfirmed particles,
    and links gravity and electric forces.

    Nothing more of this ad hoc numerology since 1998

    As for his using quarks as a crutch

    Quarks give little insight into LENR or fusion.

    The most accurate QCD estimate of the He-4 ..deuterium binding energy is

    "He-4= 43(20) MeV," versus 28.3 MeV tabulated

    "Deuteron 11.5(1.7) " versus 2.2

    so the net energy from fusion

    by QCD = 43 -4.4 =18.6(21.7) Mev i.e anything between -3mevs and + +40Mevs !

    by tabulated values...28.3 -2x2,2 = 23.9..Mev

    the QCD range is huge anything from

    between _ve 3 Mev and +ve 40Mev

    'something like' 23.9..Mev.

  • Some more basic insight into the true 2DF structure of basic math/physics from F.Ghabussis!

    It is a fact that odd dimensions lack some integral power and thus solution based on S3 as in SM are nonsensical = unnecessary complications of a much simpler reality!

    Here also the link to the related based paper::

  • Some more tomb stones for QM::

    The fairy tale of the double slit experiments....

    Or why it doesn't work for photons in vacuum... ::

    As we all know. Fake news or bad experiments did divert physics into wrong directions. If electrons would work as explained in the double slit experiment we would have never have been able to watch TV...

    What happens at the slit is that only some photons with a certain polarity get diverted and seem to interfere. Most do not act like QM would like it....

    And worst of course "h" the Plank constant is not the minimal change in energy. This is the oldest fake news.

    (See modulation of optical carrier waves in fibers...) The delta in energy can be much smaller than "h"....

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