The Exotic Vacuum Object (EVO) as the cause of the vacuum reaction.

  • I think you should tell us how that is done so we can measure it.

    The Higgs mechanism involves two quantum properties of particles: Weak Isospin and Weak hypercharge. These properties combine to produce charge. Weak Hypercharge produces mass. If the charge of a particle is reduced, the masking of the Weak hypercharge property is occurring. That means that charge masking and mass masking are directly related. Also Weak hypercharge masking will also produce some level of electroweak unification. If beta decay is accelerated or eliminated. then electroweak unification is underway. There has been LENR experiments that have shown that radioactive isotopes have accelerated radioactive decay. Of the top of my head two such experiments come to mind as follows:


    Accelerated alpha-decay of 232U isotope achieved by exposure of its aqueous solution with gold nanoparticles to laser radiation

    A laser is used to excite gold nanoparticles into a LENR state.


    Low-energy nuclear reactions and the leptonic monopole

    Georges Lochak*, Leonid Urutskoev**

    A spark discharge is used to generate reduction of radioactive decay is U238 at a distance (shows electroweak/EMF unification) .

    The connection between electroweak unification, charge masking (charge reduction) and Higgs field masking (mass reduction) is shown in this explanation of the electroweak and EMF connection.

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    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • If beta decay is accelerated or eliminated. then electroweak unification is underway. There has been LENR experiments that have shown that radioactive isotopes have accelerated radioactive decay

    Accelerated alpha-decay of 232U isotope

    generate reduction of radioactive decay is U238

    U238 decays via alpha...100%.. just like U234 U232.... not via beta..

    maybe try U242 ???

  • There is lots of beta decay in that chain.

    The alpha decay for U232.. U238 is the rate limiting these chains

    halflife for U238 is measured as 4.4 billion years..

    of course there might be some LENR mechanism that accelerates alpha decay..

    maybe on youtube

    somewhere between handwaves...and the Higgs boson on the path to the MOE.. ;)

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  • there might be some LENR mechanism that accelerates alpha decay..

    Dash used U238(as natural uranium) in his LENR Electrolysis..2003

    The increase in radiation rate was alpha>beta>gamma..

    Half of the alpha radiation rate in natural U is due to U234..

  • Science expects that the Higgs boson should be far heavier than it actually is.

    The fake Higgs particles (indeed 2) announced by CERN are known since around 2003. These already have been found with the old accelerator but at the end of the energy scale. So CERN decided to keep them as spare particles in case the search for Higgs fails.

    Obviosly CERN found no Higgs particle as the Higgs model is a brain damage idea of people not understanding the old Poincaré law that states

    dm = E/c2. This exactly explains how mass evolves from pure EM energy (e.g. photons). Thus no other mechanism is needed.

    Fact is that the mathematicians doing physics failed for 100 years to understand how dense mass works and thus could not find anything relevant to physics.

    125.95GeV mass energy is the exact weight of a "neutral fat proton mass" doing 4 instead of 3 rotations. Even worse this particle is real not virtual and a doublet (charged,neutral) what refutes the Higgs particle claim.

    Why did they get a Nobel prize? Because particle physics today is a criminal mafia as the brainless can only survive if they support other brainless ideas. But the real world today is unluckily the same. Who did buy/sell a gene tech cancer chemo to slightly enhance the chance to survive Covid with the drawback now to die from any virus/turbo cancer? To many brainless live out there...

  • The neutron can decay, then there is the beta plus reaction that keeps the number of protons and neutrons in balance. If too many neutrons in the nucleus decay, the protons are converted to neutrons to keep the number of protons and neutrons in balance.

    If neutron decay produces a overly excessive number of protons in the nucleus, that nucleus will become unstable whereby a alpha decay process will occur.

    Alpha decay is a nuclear decay process where an unstable nucleus changes to another element by shooting out a particle composed of two protons and two neutrons. This ejected particle is known as an alpha particle and is simply a helium nucleus. Alpha particles have a relatively large mass and a positive charge.

    In the reference on U232 decay, the half-life of U232 is reduced from 69 years to 5 microseconds.


    It is reasonable to suggest that the alpha-decay proceeds during the laser pulse, while the spontaneous decrease of alpha-activity during exposure is negligible. This means that the activity drops down by a factor of 2 during 5 us, which is the

    total duration of all 150 ps laser pulses during exposure. In other words, the half-life of 232U in the laser field is 5 us instead of 69 years. About 10^10 nuclei of 232U decay during laser exposure.

  • What is behind all that hostility and rage?

    Sorry: This are facts. Personally I believe that some people are brilliant just not in physics.

    At least 5 physics Nobels have been given for particle garbage during the last 40 years. One for super conduction - copper pairs - that are a fiction too.

    Giving prices for garbage diverts a field in the wrong direction. Countless students fill their brain with useless math.

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    My reaction to Egely's lecture on his LENR device as follows:

    Egely has rightly identified the quasiparticle as the active agent in the LENR reaction. But the quasiparticle must form a Bose Einstein condensate before both the charge and the mass masking structure of the condensed plasmoid (EVO) is formed. Egely has identified the polariton as a possible candidate for the LENR active quasiparticle, but there are many more possible quasiparticle candidates that might be responsible.

    The high voltage electrical explosions that produce the electron based output of Egely's devices is called a Bosenova which is the rapid destruction of the coherent condensate.

    The Bosenova is the sole source of the electrical output of a gainful LENR device. Transmutation contributes nothing to the power production of the LENR reaction. As Dr Kim stated years ago, the energy produced by transmutation is masked by the coherent nature of the Bose condensate which generates transmutation while the Bose condensate is active, It is only at the point of destabilization of the EVO that energy is extracted from the EVO.

    This lack of energy production by transmutation is seen in strange radiation where an EVO creates a trail of transmuted matter as it floats over a metal surface where no sign of heat deformation is apparent.

    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • What is behind all that hostility and rage?

    Unzicker is more charming

    and he has a cute Bavarian accent

    Unzicker’s War on Particle Physics and the Standard Model
    You will be shocked to find out that the majority of physicists do not in fact support the musings of …

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  • Catchy name...anything to do with the dance?

    If there is no math,, maybe the beat is good.

    Quasiparticles are particles that describe collective excitations in materials. They are not elementary particles, but they have similar properties, such as charge and spin. Quasiparticles can exhibit Bose–Einstein condensation, which is the fifth state of matter.

    Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs) are a collective low-energy state of bosons. They can exist in ultracold atomic gases and at higher temperatures in materials with bosonic quasiparticles.

    Researchers have created BECs from quasiparticles. They have also been able to shrink the condensate by manipulating magnetic fields. This causes a tiny explosion, similar to a microscopic supernova, which they call a "Bosenova".

  • Egely believes that the LENR reaction is centered on quasiparticles called polaritons, in this I agree.

    Exciton-polaritons are quasi-particles that form as a result of interaction between excitons in extremely scaled quantum structures (cracks) and photons embedded in a highly confined optical cavity (cracks). Inside these cracks, light(photons) bounce around highly reflective metal walls until this light and Excitons (electrons) come into energy equilibrium. At this point, an Exciton-polariton is formed.

    The characteristics of the cavity determines the confinement of the electromagnetic field and the number of particles involved in the process. When light and matter are in resonance (same energy), two polariton modes are formed: upper and lower polaritons.

    Polaritons have a special property (they are bosons) that allow condensation into a Bose condensate to occur. It is this condensate that we call an EVO. A properly configured hole or crack is a place where EVOs can preferentially form.

  • And he doesn't try to project that he knows everything

    Well ,quite a few theoretical physicists do project a lot more than they know..

    but maybe that is part of government fund procurement game..

    eg Michio

    "we physicists take this multiverse idea fairly seriously"

    Note Sabine's reaction at TM 51.20

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    maybe polaritrons and BOSENOVAS are next up on

    "Fantasy, faith, and physics" ;)

  • I would like to say that axil thoughts are interesting, anyway i didn't see KW excess heat at last ICCF poland.

    So the communauty should remain lowly..

    About his BEC postulate recently Alan Smith said it can only occur close to zero K, this is what the common litterature say too.

    Now, maybe this low temperature criteria is a prerequisite for a BEC long duration stabiliby enough to detect it.

    BTW, that doesn't mean it could not exist in the short wavelengh duration (Thz frequency) of some polaritrons.

  • The problem with a lot pf mdern particle physics is that it is not falsifiable. For example, there are said to be 3 quarks in a proton. But they cannot exist independently or be separated from it. There is no proof beyond terabytes of impenetrable data which has been subjected to mathematical interpretations that select parts of the data that are never released to the wider community.

    You are entitled to ask how error-free are the sensors, how bug-free are the millions of lines of code and mathematical postulates that come between the proton and the paper the claims are written on? But those questions cannot be answered, because nobody really knows.

  • Well axil is maybe an impassioned guy but never a shallow mind 8)

    The problem with a lot pf mdern particle physics is that it is not falsifiable. For example, there are said to be 3 quarks in a proton. But they cannot exist independently or be separated from it. There is no proof beyond terabytes of impenetrable data which has been subjected to mathematical interpretations that select parts of the data that are never released to the wider community.

    You are entitled to ask how error-free are the sensors, how bug-free are the millions of lines of code and mathematical postulates that come between the proton and the paper they are written on? But those questions cannot be answered, because nobody really knows.

  • i liked the NL Bowen paper about quarks even Wyttenbach found it insignificant 8)

    it is a good starting point to share thoughts.

    Now the main question about atoms shape isn't if they have a full magnetic lines compound.

    But rather why it exists so many of so small "entities" in a so big vessel ( universe) , especially why all have the same "size" the same rules ?

    Again, when you crush a car , a plane, what you want against a wall you won't find all the final parts with the same size.

    So why after the "bigbang" all the final atoms sized the same ?

    In this way my only coherent explanation is they have be done one by one in the same matrix, a kind of original "hole"..

    Same principle as the living " matter" which finally do the same as the universe.

    My universe would have unfolded like a wave, like an avalanche of snow. The snow (matter) does not really move by itself but only the "shaping" wave as a giant copy/paste game :) :sleeping: 8o || 8)

    The problem with a lot pf mdern particle physics is that it is not falsifiable. For example, there are said to be 3 quarks in a proton. But they cannot exist independently or be separated from it. There is no proof beyond terabytes of impenetrable data which has been subjected to mathematical interpretations that select parts of the data that are never released to the wider community.

    You are entitled to ask how error-free are the sensors, how bug-free are the millions of lines of code and mathematical postulates that come between the proton and the paper they are written on? But those questions cannot be answered, because nobody really knows.

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