I think you should tell us how that is done so we can measure it.
The Higgs mechanism involves two quantum properties of particles: Weak Isospin and Weak hypercharge. These properties combine to produce charge. Weak Hypercharge produces mass. If the charge of a particle is reduced, the masking of the Weak hypercharge property is occurring. That means that charge masking and mass masking are directly related. Also Weak hypercharge masking will also produce some level of electroweak unification. If beta decay is accelerated or eliminated. then electroweak unification is underway. There has been LENR experiments that have shown that radioactive isotopes have accelerated radioactive decay. Of the top of my head two such experiments come to mind as follows:
Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/1112.6276
Accelerated alpha-decay of 232U isotope achieved by exposure of its aqueous solution with gold nanoparticles to laser radiation
A laser is used to excite gold nanoparticles into a LENR state.
Low-energy nuclear reactions and the leptonic monopole
Georges Lochak*, Leonid Urutskoev**
A spark discharge is used to generate reduction of radioactive decay is U238 at a distance (shows electroweak/EMF unification) .
The connection between electroweak unification, charge masking (charge reduction) and Higgs field masking (mass reduction) is shown in this explanation of the electroweak and EMF connection.