The church of SM physics

  • Edo

    I presume you are referring to an emission of a positron. There seems to be some argument as to whether the positron is somehow contained in the nucleus or is created as part of the emission. I tend toward the latter point of view. But an electron is also created in that case. I take the view that charge is always being created and destroyed spontaneously at the level of the quantum foam, but always in a way to keep the net change in charge equal to zero. Considering that an isolated magnetic pole has never being found I think that point of view would be consistent with Wyttenbach's theory, as even the higher order magnetic fields must have two poles.

    In any case, the creation of the extra electron would give the illusion of the creation of a neutron.

    In the case of decay of thorium to lead six alpha particles are emitted. So twelve electrons must also be emitted. The emission of a positron would require an extra electron to be emitted. Can you track that process? Can anyone? There is a project for you. Or find another process that is easier to track to prove that a fission process can produce a neutron.

  • Anomaly in proton structure.. not predicted by quarks,,

    " This striking contradiction to the theoretical predictions suggests that scientific understanding of the strong interaction that binds the proton’s elementary quark and gluon constituents together may be missing a key dynamical element.

    This presents a significant challenge to the prevalent theory."

    Decoding the Proton’s Response to an External Electromagnetic Field
    New measurements show the proton’s electromagnetic structure deviates from theoretical predictions.

  • Dear Robert, could it help the hydrino theory ?

  • Специально для Вас я снял 5 частей своих видео -

    Термодинамика произошла Бройля в современных представлениях, Иванов М.Я. , 31.03.2016 ч. 1 -

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    Термодинамика произошла Бройля в современных представлениях, Иванов М.Я. , 31.03.2016 ч. 4 — https :// www . ютуб . ком / смотреть ? v = ORqpdpTSbj 4

    Термодинамика произошла Бройля в современных представлениях, Иванов М.Я. , 31.03.2016 ч. 5 - https :// www . ютуб . ком / смотреть ? v = ihkpINFIw - k

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    «Законы ведут и классическая Игровая эксперимент XXI, теория и практика», 15 февраля 2022 года - https :// www . ютуб . ком / смотреть ? v =VbAKlOOabTs

  • unidentified hydrinos (UHOs)

    rather than any "hydrino"

    my favorite monster in the SM bedtime story is the "antibottom"

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  • A synonym for bottom-quark is beauty quark, so anti-bottom should be renamed as ugliness or inelegance quark!

    I guess most of particle physicist are completely drunk! How else could one claim that something with mass > 938MeV can exist inside the proton or be a part of the proton structure? We all know that 52 MeV are enough to crack a proton into 2 Kaon's. So claiming forces/potentials inside a proton in the range of several GeV is definitely covered by Dürenmatt's stage play "the physicists".

    = Total metal disturbance....

  • Today I added a new paper to research_gate…67405461_Basics_of_fields

    Physics journals do not like news that refute century old claims and contradict standard books of physics like Jackson.

    Basic finding:: There are no real 1/r fields. Thus all physics (QM/QED, etc.) that uses this simplification is toy physics for the child yard. Also the Gauss flux law does not hold for a homogeneous surface charge as Jackson claims. This has huge implications.

  • Today I added a new paper to research_gate…67405461_Basics_of_fields

    Physics journals do not like news that refute century old claims and contradict standard books of physics like Jackson.

    Basic finding:: There are no real 1/r fields. Thus all physics (QM/QED, etc.) that uses this simplification is toy physics for the child yard. Also the Gauss flux law does not hold for a homogeneous surface charge as Jackson claims. This has huge implications.

    Thank you for this paper. For once, I could understand it at first reading.I'm still struggling to understand your SO4.

  • I'm still struggling to understand your SO4.

    The same happened to to GR - general relativity. Not even Einstein did understand it. GR is pure math and as such highly important. For physics it has zero relevance despite a never ending flow of people that claim other wise.

    Fields have sources. Fields can only be detected by forces. Forces have an origin not so in GR...

  • The speed of light "c" is no limit in cosmological dimensions. What simpel minded physicists ignore is that general relativity (GR) only works in a so called closed system. The universe is an open system as we have no mean to define a boarder etc...

    Most cosmological papers based of GR are just educated nonsense.

  • How the newest taxpayer funded collider and the superhero Higgs boson

    will save humanity...

    or not..

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  • the superhero Higgs boson

    CERN never found a Higgs boson as the particle they name so has no properties of a fictive idea named Higgs boson. The energy of about 126GeV is known since more than 20 years and nobody called it Higgs boson until the search for the fiction failed...

    Nobody did predict a pair of Higgs bosons... That in reality is fat proton which mass is easy to calculate if you understand the proton structure that is unknown to the dumb standard model physicists.

  • That in reality is fat proton which mass is easy to calculate if you understand the proton structure that is unknown to the dumb standard model physicists.

    So the CMS coalition of 4000 of the best minds in physics

    doesn't really need a 13 TEV collision to find a fat proton..

    Its just as well, since it takes 10 years for the data to become public and 10 more years of salary

    "Completing the delivery of Run-1 data within 10 years after data taking reaffirms the CMS collaboration’s commitment to its open data policy.

    CMS completes the release of its entire Run-1 proton-proton data | CMS Experiment


    n the CERN fake Higgs situation because in a crash symmetry

    never will increase and the formation of 4He needs a 4 fold symmetry.

    As we, in a collision, can only stimulate the 3D,t visible site of a particle

    we also do only see a 2D compression.

    "But as soon as CERN was aware that this simple derivation would end their happy live they started to fudge

    the measurements and to suppress the second (higher) proton resonance mass.

    In the most recent papers

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